
36% Heavy Cream (MILK-WHIP)

Cream, Carrageen, Mono and Diglycerides, Polysorbate 80. Contains: Milk
  • Gluten-free
  • Ingredient declaration
Location name Address
Prairie Farms Dairy - (Muller Pinehurst) - Rockford, Illinois 2110 Ogilby Road Rockford, IL 61102
Prairie Farms Dairy, Inc. - Hammond 4001 Hwy 190 West Hammond, LA 70401
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
GMO Prairie Farms Dairy, Inc. - Hammond 2022 36% Whipping Cream Specification.pdf 9/15/2023 9/14/2025
Shelf Life Prairie Farms Dairy, Inc. - Hammond 2022 36% Whipping Cream Specification.pdf 9/15/2023 9/14/2025
Product Specification Sheet Prairie Farms Dairy - (Muller Pinehurst) - Rockford, Illinois 36 Cream Spec.pdf 7/30/2021 7/29/2024
Shelf Life Prairie Farms Dairy - (Muller Pinehurst) - Rockford, Illinois 36 Cream Spec.pdf 7/30/2021 7/29/2024
GMO Prairie Farms Dairy - (Muller Pinehurst) - Rockford, Illinois 36% Cream Non GMO.pdf 1/1/2024 12/31/2025
Label Sample Prairie Farms Dairy - (Muller Pinehurst) - Rockford, Illinois 36% Cream Nutr.pdf 8/8/2024 8/8/2025
Allergens Prairie Farms Dairy - (Muller Pinehurst) - Rockford, Illinois Allergens.pdf 7/20/2021 7/20/2023
California Prop. 65 Prairie Farms Dairy, Inc. - Hammond California Prop 65 Statement 1.1.23.pdf 1/1/2023 12/31/2024
Country of Origin Prairie Farms Dairy - (Muller Pinehurst) - Rockford, Illinois Country of Origin.pdf 8/22/2022 8/21/2025
Country of Origin Prairie Farms Dairy, Inc. - Hammond Country of Origin.pdf 9/15/2023 9/14/2026
CoA Sample Prairie Farms Dairy, Inc. - Hammond Diversified 36% HWC COA.png 3/15/2023 3/14/2025
HACCP Prairie Farms Dairy - (Muller Pinehurst) - Rockford, Illinois Food Defense Plan Statement 112021.pdf 6/14/2021 6/13/2024
Gluten Prairie Farms Dairy - (Muller Pinehurst) - Rockford, Illinois Gluten Free Statement.pdf 1/1/2024 12/31/2024
Heavy Metal Prairie Farms Dairy, Inc. - Hammond Heavy Metal Statement 1.1.23.pdf 1/1/2023 12/31/2024
HACCP Process Flow Diagram Prairie Farms Dairy, Inc. - Hammond HWC Diagram.docx 9/27/2023 9/26/2025
Irradiation Status Statement Prairie Farms Dairy, Inc. - Hammond Irradiation Statement 1.1.23.pdf 1/1/2023 12/31/2024
Kosher Prairie Farms Dairy, Inc. - Hammond Kosher Cert. exp. 12-31-2024.pdf 1/1/2024 12/31/2024
Ingredient Statement Prairie Farms Dairy - (Muller Pinehurst) - Rockford, Illinois Label- 36% unstabilized cream OFFICIAL.pdf 8/30/2022 8/30/2023
Nutrition Prairie Farms Dairy - (Muller Pinehurst) - Rockford, Illinois Label- 36% unstabilized cream OFFICIAL.pdf 8/30/2022 8/29/2025
Lot Code Prairie Farms Dairy, Inc. - Hammond Lot Code Explanation (1).doc 9/22/2023 9/21/2026
Lot Code Prairie Farms Dairy - (Muller Pinehurst) - Rockford, Illinois Lot Code.pdf 6/15/2021 6/14/2024
Melamine Prairie Farms Dairy - (Muller Pinehurst) - Rockford, Illinois Melamine Statement 1.1.24.pdf 1/1/2024 12/31/2024
National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard (Simplified) Prairie Farms Dairy - (Muller Pinehurst) - Rockford, Illinois National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard (Simplified).pdf 7/9/2021 7/8/2024
Allergens Prairie Farms Dairy, Inc. - Hammond National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard (Simplified).pdf 9/15/2023 9/14/2026
National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard (Simplified) Prairie Farms Dairy, Inc. - Hammond National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard (Simplified).pdf 9/15/2023 9/14/2026
Halal Prairie Farms Dairy, Inc. - Hammond NotApplicable_Halal.pdf 9/15/2023 9/15/2024
Natural Prairie Farms Dairy, Inc. - Hammond NotApplicable_Natural.pdf 9/15/2023 9/14/2024
Organic Prairie Farms Dairy - (Muller Pinehurst) - Rockford, Illinois NotApplicable_Organic.pdf 9/10/2024 9/10/2026
Nutrition Prairie Farms Dairy, Inc. - Hammond Nutrition.pdf 9/4/2023 9/3/2026
Pesticide Prairie Farms Dairy, Inc. - Hammond Pesticide Statement 1.1.23.pdf 1/1/2023 12/31/2024
Label Sample Prairie Farms Dairy, Inc. - Hammond PF HWC 36 percent with stabilizers.pdf 9/14/2023 9/13/2024
Ingredient Statement Prairie Farms Dairy, Inc. - Hammond PF HWC 36 percent with stabilizers.pdf 9/15/2023 9/14/2024
Kosher Prairie Farms Dairy - (Muller Pinehurst) - Rockford, Illinois Rockford Kosher.pdf 12/13/2023 12/31/2024
Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Prairie Farms Dairy, Inc. - Hammond SDS Heavy Whipping Cream.pdf 10/5/2023 10/4/2025
Sewage Statement Prairie Farms Dairy, Inc. - Hammond Sewage Statement 1.1.23.pdf 1/1/2023 12/31/2024