
55# Salted Butter 27871 (RM-5300)

n/a - Ingredient statement can be provided for all products
  • Gluten-free
  • Ingredient declaration
Location name Address
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Allergens Prairie Farms Dairy - (Madison Farms) Butter Allergens.pdf 8/26/2021 8/26/2023
Gluten Prairie Farms Dairy - (Madison Farms) Butter Gluten Free Certification 112022.pdf 12/6/2021 12/6/2022
Heavy Metal Prairie Farms Dairy - (Madison Farms) Butter Heavy-Metal-Statement 112022.pdf 1/1/2022 1/1/2024
Irradiation Status Statement Prairie Farms Dairy - (Madison Farms) Butter Irradiation Statement 112022.pdf 12/6/2021 12/6/2023
Melamine Prairie Farms Dairy - (Madison Farms) Butter Melamine Statement 112022.pdf 12/6/2021 12/6/2022
Halal Prairie Farms Dairy - (Madison Farms) Butter Organic and Halal Statement 112022.pdf 1/1/2022 1/1/2023
Pesticide Prairie Farms Dairy - (Madison Farms) Butter Pesticides Statement 112022.pdf 12/6/2021 12/6/2023
Sewage Statement Prairie Farms Dairy - (Madison Farms) Butter Sewage and Sludge Statement 2022.pdf 12/6/2021 12/6/2023