
80644 First Street Sliced Corned Beef 4/2lb (CBF315SL2FS)

Beef, Water, Vinegar, Salt, Natural Flavorings, Sodium Phosphate, Sugar, Sodium Erythorbate, and Sodium Nitrite. Rubbed with Natural Flavorings
Protein - Mammal
Location name Address
Lower Foods Inc 700 South Hwy 91 Richmond, UT 84333
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Label Sample Lower Foods Inc 1783&2783_LF_Deli_2lb_Sliced Corned Beef.pdf 1/25/2024 1/24/2025
Allergens Lower Foods Inc Allergens.pdf 3/4/2024 3/4/2026
Product Specification Sheet Lower Foods Inc CBF315SL2FS.pdf 7/2/2021 7/1/2024