

Food Chemical
  • Gluten-free
  • Kosher
  • PHO-free
  • Non-GMO
Location name Address
GENERAL ALUM CHEMICAL CORPORATION - Seaport, Maine - MITSUBISI 34 Kidder Point Rd Searsport, ME 04974
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Heavy Metal GENERAL ALUM CHEMICAL CORPORATION - Seaport, Maine - MITSUBISI ACS Heavy metals 2024.pdf 3/15/2024 3/15/2026
Allergens GENERAL ALUM CHEMICAL CORPORATION - Seaport, Maine - MITSUBISI Allergens.pdf 10/22/2024 10/22/2026
BSE - TSE GENERAL ALUM CHEMICAL CORPORATION - Seaport, Maine - MITSUBISI BSE TSE animal prod 2023.pdf 1/9/2023 1/8/2026
No Animal Ingredient Statement GENERAL ALUM CHEMICAL CORPORATION - Seaport, Maine - MITSUBISI BSE TSE animal prod 2024.pdf 3/15/2024 3/15/2025
California Prop. 65 GENERAL ALUM CHEMICAL CORPORATION - Seaport, Maine - MITSUBISI california prop 65 2024.pdf 3/15/2024 3/15/2026
Country of Origin GENERAL ALUM CHEMICAL CORPORATION - Seaport, Maine - MITSUBISI Country of Origin.pdf 6/5/2023 6/4/2026
HACCP GENERAL ALUM CHEMICAL CORPORATION - Seaport, Maine - MITSUBISI F-760-001-C Preventative Controls Summary 010522.pdf 6/5/2023 6/4/2026
HARPC Food Safety Plan (Item) GENERAL ALUM CHEMICAL CORPORATION - Seaport, Maine - MITSUBISI F-760-001-C Preventive Controls Summary 05302024.pdf 5/30/2024 5/30/2027
Label Sample GENERAL ALUM CHEMICAL CORPORATION - Seaport, Maine - MITSUBISI FCC bag label example.pdf 7/8/2024 7/8/2025
Product Specification Sheet GENERAL ALUM CHEMICAL CORPORATION - Seaport, Maine - MITSUBISI FCC Ex Fine1 2024.pdf 3/15/2024 3/15/2027
CoA Sample GENERAL ALUM CHEMICAL CORPORATION - Seaport, Maine - MITSUBISI FCC Ex Fine1 2024.pdf 3/15/2024 3/15/2026
GRAS/NDI/ODI Statement GENERAL ALUM CHEMICAL CORPORATION - Seaport, Maine - MITSUBISI FCC GRAS 12th Codex and FOOD SAFETY 2024.pdf 3/15/2024 3/15/2027
Kosher GENERAL ALUM CHEMICAL CORPORATION - Seaport, Maine - MITSUBISI GAC Kosher Cert Aug 2024.pdf 8/1/2024 8/31/2025
GMO GENERAL ALUM CHEMICAL CORPORATION - Seaport, Maine - MITSUBISI GMO 2024.pdf 3/15/2024 3/15/2026
Ingredient Statement GENERAL ALUM CHEMICAL CORPORATION - Seaport, Maine - MITSUBISI Ingredients 2024.pdf 3/15/2024 3/15/2025
Irradiation Status Statement GENERAL ALUM CHEMICAL CORPORATION - Seaport, Maine - MITSUBISI Irradiation ETO 2024.pdf 3/15/2024 3/15/2026
EtO Statement GENERAL ALUM CHEMICAL CORPORATION - Seaport, Maine - MITSUBISI Irradiation ETO 2025.pdf 1/6/2025 1/6/2027
Item Questionnaire GENERAL ALUM CHEMICAL CORPORATION - Seaport, Maine - MITSUBISI Item Questionnaire.pdf 10/4/2022 10/3/2025
Halal GENERAL ALUM CHEMICAL CORPORATION - Seaport, Maine - MITSUBISI Kosher-Halal status 2024.pdf 3/15/2024 3/15/2026
Lot Code GENERAL ALUM CHEMICAL CORPORATION - Seaport, Maine - MITSUBISI Lot Code Interpretation 2023.pdf 6/5/2023 6/4/2026
Melamine GENERAL ALUM CHEMICAL CORPORATION - Seaport, Maine - MITSUBISI Melamine 2024.pdf 3/15/2024 3/15/2025
Organic GENERAL ALUM CHEMICAL CORPORATION - Seaport, Maine - MITSUBISI NA Statement - Organic 2024.pdf 10/22/2024 10/22/2026
National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard (Simplified) GENERAL ALUM CHEMICAL CORPORATION - Seaport, Maine - MITSUBISI National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard (Simplified).pdf 1/9/2023 1/8/2026
Animal Testing Statement GENERAL ALUM CHEMICAL CORPORATION - Seaport, Maine - MITSUBISI non animal testing 2023.pdf 6/5/2023 6/4/2025
Dietary Supplement Questionnaire GENERAL ALUM CHEMICAL CORPORATION - Seaport, Maine - MITSUBISI NotApplicable_DietarySupplementQuestionnaire.pdf 3/15/2024 3/15/2025
Food Contact Packaging Certificate of Compliance GENERAL ALUM CHEMICAL CORPORATION - Seaport, Maine - MITSUBISI NotApplicable_FoodContactPackagingCertificateofCompliance.pdf 10/22/2024 10/22/2026
FSVP Assessment Form GENERAL ALUM CHEMICAL CORPORATION - Seaport, Maine - MITSUBISI NotApplicable_FSVPAssessmentForm.pdf 3/15/2024 3/15/2025
Gluten GENERAL ALUM CHEMICAL CORPORATION - Seaport, Maine - MITSUBISI NotApplicable_Gluten.pdf 3/15/2024 3/15/2025
Label Claims GENERAL ALUM CHEMICAL CORPORATION - Seaport, Maine - MITSUBISI NotApplicable_LabelClaims.pdf 6/5/2023 6/4/2025
Natural GENERAL ALUM CHEMICAL CORPORATION - Seaport, Maine - MITSUBISI NotApplicable_Natural.pdf 3/15/2024 3/15/2025
Phthalate Esters Letter GENERAL ALUM CHEMICAL CORPORATION - Seaport, Maine - MITSUBISI NotApplicable_PhthalateEstersLetter.pdf 10/22/2024 10/22/2025
Nutrition GENERAL ALUM CHEMICAL CORPORATION - Seaport, Maine - MITSUBISI Nutrition.pdf 6/5/2023 6/4/2026
Label Guidance GENERAL ALUM CHEMICAL CORPORATION - Seaport, Maine - MITSUBISI nutritional labeling 2023.pdf 6/5/2023 6/4/2025
Pesticide GENERAL ALUM CHEMICAL CORPORATION - Seaport, Maine - MITSUBISI Pesticides 2024.pdf 3/15/2024 3/15/2026
HACCP Process Flow Diagram GENERAL ALUM CHEMICAL CORPORATION - Seaport, Maine - MITSUBISI Process Flow with CCP.pdf 10/22/2024 10/22/2026
Residual Statement GENERAL ALUM CHEMICAL CORPORATION - Seaport, Maine - MITSUBISI residual solvents 2025.pdf 1/6/2025 1/6/2026
Safety Data Sheet (SDS) GENERAL ALUM CHEMICAL CORPORATION - Seaport, Maine - MITSUBISI SDS Document for Ammonium Sulfate Crystal with S Series Flow Aid.pdf 4/30/2023 4/29/2026
Sewage Statement GENERAL ALUM CHEMICAL CORPORATION - Seaport, Maine - MITSUBISI Sewage Sludge 2024.pdf 3/15/2024 3/15/2026
Shelf Life GENERAL ALUM CHEMICAL CORPORATION - Seaport, Maine - MITSUBISI storage and shelf life 2024.pdf 3/15/2024 3/15/2026
Suitability Requirements GENERAL ALUM CHEMICAL CORPORATION - Seaport, Maine - MITSUBISI Suitability Requirements.pdf 6/5/2023 6/4/2026
WADA/NSF/NFL Statement GENERAL ALUM CHEMICAL CORPORATION - Seaport, Maine - MITSUBISI WADA 2025.pdf 1/6/2025 1/6/2027