AP920 Porcine Animal Plasma (10505)
Porcine Plasma
Protein - Mammal
- Ingredient declaration
- PHO-free
- Non-GMO
Location name | Address |
American Protein Corp (APC) - Arion, IA | 2248 Lincoln Way Arion, IA 51520 |
APC Company: Denison, IA | 2248 Lincoln Way Denison, IA 51520 |
Type | Location | File name | Effective | Expiration |
Label Claims | American Protein Corp (APC) - Arion, IA | 10505 Face Label.png | 6/13/2024 | 6/13/2026 |
Label Sample | American Protein Corp (APC) - Arion, IA | 10505 Reliance.pdf | 9/3/2024 | 9/3/2025 |
Allergens | American Protein Corp (APC) - Arion, IA | Allergens.pdf | 10/1/2024 | 10/1/2026 |
CoA Sample | American Protein Corp (APC) - Arion, IA | AP920 10505 Example 032024.pdf | 3/20/2024 | 3/20/2026 |
CoA Sample | APC Company: Denison, IA | AP920 10505 Example COA 050322.pdf | 5/3/2022 | 5/2/2024 |
Safety Data Sheet (SDS) | American Protein Corp (APC) - Arion, IA | APC Plasma Products SDS.PDF | 12/15/2023 | 12/14/2026 |
Lot Code | American Protein Corp (APC) - Arion, IA | APC, LLC Production Code.PDF | 3/14/2024 | 3/14/2027 |
Country of Origin | APC Company: Denison, IA | Country of Origin.pdf | 3/14/2023 | 3/13/2026 |
GMO | American Protein Corp (APC) - Arion, IA | GMO AP920 P.pdf | 11/12/2023 | 11/11/2025 |
Melamine | American Protein Corp (APC) - Arion, IA | MEL APC,LLC Products.pdf | 5/5/2024 | 5/5/2025 |
Kosher | American Protein Corp (APC) - Arion, IA | NotApplicable_Kosher.pdf | 11/23/2022 | 11/23/2023 |
Organic | American Protein Corp (APC) - Arion, IA | NotApplicable_Organic.pdf | 5/22/2024 | 5/22/2026 |
Lot Code | APC Company: Denison, IA | PCB APC 00 Production Lot Code APC.pdf | 3/4/2021 | 3/3/2024 |
Pesticide | American Protein Corp (APC) - Arion, IA | Pesticide Residual Statement APC LLC.pdf | 2/24/2024 | 2/23/2026 |
Product Specification Sheet | APC Company: Denison, IA | PIB-AP 920 P Animal Plasma.PDF | 2/28/2023 | 2/27/2026 |
Product Specification Sheet | American Protein Corp (APC) - Arion, IA | PIB-AP 920 P Animal Plasma.PDF | 2/28/2024 | 2/27/2027 |
California Prop. 65 | American Protein Corp (APC) - Arion, IA | Prop 65 for AP920 Bovine and Porcine Animal Plasma.pdf | 5/10/2024 | 5/10/2026 |
Suitability Requirements | American Protein Corp (APC) - Arion, IA | Suitability Requirements.pdf | 11/23/2022 | 11/22/2025 |