Baosteel Packaging Group

Cans, Ends
Location name Address
Baosteel cangzhou Xian County Xianwang Road East, Planning Fuqiang Street South Cangzhou, HE 062250 CHN
Baosteel Chendu 399 Longhu Avenue, Industrial East District, Xindu District, Chengdu city Chengdu, SC 610000 CHN
Baosteel Foshan 18 Jian Ye Road,Hing-tech Industrial Development Zone,RongGui Town,Foshan City Foshan, GD 528306 CHN
Baosteel Harbin 28 Chunhui Road, Haping Road Concentration District, Jingkai District, Harbin City Heilongjiang Province, China Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province, China 150000 CHN
Baosteel Hebei Tonghua West Street, Zunhua City Zunhua, HE 064200 CHN
Baosteel Henan 2 Baiwei Avenue, Tangzhuang Town, Weihui City Weihui, HA 453100 CHN
Baosteel Packaging Group Baosteel Tower, Pu Dian Road 370 Pudong New District, Shanghai, 200122 Shanghai, SH 200122 CHN
Baosteel Shanghai 1888 Yueluo Road, Baoshan District, Shanghai Shanghai, SH 201100 CHN
Baosteel Vietnam 02 VSIP II-A, Street 15, Vietnam - Singapore Industrial Park II-A, Tan Uyen Town Tan Uyen, Binh Duong Province NA VNM
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Printing License Certificate Baosteel Harbin 13-2 2019-.pdf 6/5/2019 6/5/2039
Declaration of Conformity to Food Contact & Food Grade Legislation Baosteel Vietnam 1a. Hồ sơ TCBSP LON BAOSTEEL BINH DUONG.pdf 7/1/2019 7/1/2025
Allergen Statement Baosteel Chendu 1-致敏源声明.pdf 11/13/2023 11/13/2033
3rd Party Analysis Report Baosteel Shanghai 2023年GB4806.GB9685[上海宝翼].pdf 12/29/2022 12/29/2023
Declaration of Conformity to Food Contact & Food Grade Legislation Baosteel Henan 20240325河南宝钢制罐——符合性声明.pdf 3/25/2024 3/25/2025
Heavy Metal Compliance Baosteel Shanghai 2025年GB4806.GB9685[上海宝翼]第三方检验报告(威士伯高温。啤酒。饮料).pdf 12/30/2024 12/31/2025
第三方检验报告 3rd Party tested reports Baosteel Shanghai 2025年GB9106 330SLEEK[上海宝翼]第三方检验报告.pdf 12/27/2024 12/31/2025
Heavy Metal Compliance Baosteel Hebei 330ml普通罐(4806)2024.11.21.pdf 11/21/2024 11/20/2025
第三方检验报告 3rd Party tested reports Baosteel Hebei 330ml普通罐(9106)2024.11.20.pdf 11/20/2024 12/19/2025
产品标准PTS-Products Standard Baosteel Chendu 3-GBT9106.1-2019 包装容器 两片罐 第一部分:铝易开盖铝罐.pdf 12/1/2019 12/1/2039
内喷涂/粘合剂MSDS-Internal Lacquer MSDS Baosteel Shanghai 4020W01新的MSDS_.pdf 7/31/2023 7/31/2050
内喷涂/粘合剂MSDS-Internal Lacquer MSDS Baosteel Chendu 4-MSDS F980-68403LV _.pdf 8/14/2020 8/14/2050
营业执照 Business License Baosteel Harbin 5.哈尔滨宝钢营业执照-正本.pdf 4/9/2023 12/31/2032
Allergen Statement Baosteel Harbin 6APAC-Allergen Information.xlsx 11/13/2024 11/13/2025
营业执照 Business License Baosteel Chendu 6-营业执照(正本)2023.1.12.pdf 1/12/2023 1/12/2053
Product Standard Baosteel Harbin 7-3 GB 480610-2016 .pdf 1/29/2023 1/29/2024
Allergen Statement Baosteel Shanghai APAC-Allergen Information.pdf 11/13/2023 11/13/2050
GFSI Audit Report Baosteel Vietnam AUDIT REPORT_BAOSTEEL BD.pdf 9/28/2021 12/30/2022
Food Safety Management System Baosteel Hebei BJSc237734 FSSC CN(1).pdf 6/16/2024 6/15/2027
3rd Party Audit Certificate Baosteel Hebei BJSc237734 FSSC CN(1).pdf 6/16/2024 6/15/2027
产品标准PTS-Products Standard Baosteel Harbin BZG.EQ.GL.004-2 质量控制计划(总)【23.3】.xlsx 10/11/2024 10/11/2027
HACCP Plan (Facility) Baosteel Vietnam CCP2 - IBO OVEN.pdf 7/16/2022 7/15/2024
Food Safety Management System Baosteel Harbin DLC247556 FSSC CN.pdf 9/16/2023 9/19/2025
内喷涂/粘合剂MSDS-Internal Lacquer MSDS Baosteel Harbin F980-68403SV Chinese.pdf 11/13/2024 11/13/2025
3rd Party Analysis Report Baosteel Chendu FCM2461053-铝易开盖铝罐两片罐-成都宝钢制罐有限公司355ml.pdf 3/22/2024 3/22/2025
3rd Party Audit Certificate Baosteel Shanghai FM 742923.pdf 3/30/2021 3/29/2024
Food Safety Management System Baosteel Vietnam FSSC 22000 V5.1_BAOSTEEL BD.pdf 9/1/2023 9/25/2026
Food Safety Management System Baosteel Shanghai FSSC22000 V6证书2024至2027-英文(1).pdf 12/2/2024 12/31/2027
Heavy Metal Compliance Baosteel Henan GB 4806.9-2016、GB 4806.10-2016、GB 9685-2016 铝制两片罐-河南宝钢制罐有限公司.pdf 3/18/2024 3/18/2025
第三方检验报告 3rd Party tested reports Baosteel Henan GB 4806.9-2016、GB 4806.10-2016、GB 9685-2016 铝制两片罐-河南宝钢制罐有限公司.pdf 3/18/2024 3/18/2025
营业执照 Business License Baosteel Henan GB4806.10 GB9685 2023.4.15-2024.04.15扫描件.pdf 4/15/2023 4/15/2024
3rd Party Audit Certificate Baosteel Harbin GB4806.9 GB4806.10 GB9685食品安全检测报告-哈尔滨宝钢202204.pdf 4/6/2022 4/6/2023
Food Safety Management System Baosteel Henan GB4806.9-2016 2023.04.10-2024.04.10扫描件.pdf 4/10/2023 4/10/2024
第三方检验报告 3rd Party tested reports Baosteel Harbin GB4806.9-哈宝钢20240319.pdf 3/27/2024 3/26/2025
Annual Heavy Metal Compliance Baosteel Chendu GB4806+GB9685成都宝钢制罐有限公司A(2).pdf 12/6/2024 12/5/2025
Heavy Metal Compliance Baosteel Chendu GB4806+GB9685成都宝钢制罐有限公司A(2).pdf 12/6/2024 12/5/2025
第三方检验报告 3rd Party tested reports Baosteel Chendu GB4806-GB9685+9106外检报告.pdf 12/6/2024 12/5/2025
产品标准PTS-Products Standard Baosteel Shanghai GBT 9106.1-2019 包装容器 两片罐 第1部分:铝易开盖铝罐.pdf 12/1/2019 12/1/2050
产品标准PTS-Products Standard Baosteel Henan GBT 9106.1-2019 包装容器 两片罐 第1部分:铝易开盖铝罐.pdf 12/1/2019 11/30/2029
营业执照 Business License Baosteel Vietnam IEC Binh Duong 7th.pdf (04-06-2023).pdf 8/18/2011 8/18/2061
GFSI (or similar 3rd Party) Food Safety Certification Baosteel Vietnam LON NHÔM-ALUMINIUM CAN (206285-28759).pdf 3/15/2023 3/14/2024
Heavy Metal Compliance Baosteel Vietnam LON NHÔM-ALUMINIUM CAN (256657-24093).pdf 3/8/2024 3/8/2025
Heavy Metal Compliance Baosteel Harbin LON NHÔM-ALUMINIUM CAN (256657-24093).pdf 3/8/2024 3/8/2025
第三方检验报告 3rd Party tested reports Baosteel Vietnam LON NHÔM-ALUMINIUM CAN (256657-24093).pdf 3/8/2024 3/8/2025
内喷涂/粘合剂MSDS-Internal Lacquer MSDS Baosteel Henan MSDS_F980-68403SV_Aqualure 900_46900 Water Reducible SprayLiner_CN_M_202205.pdf 5/6/2022 5/6/2027
HARPC Food Safety Plan (Facility) Baosteel Vietnam NotApplicable_HARPCFoodSafetyPlanFacility.pdf 6/7/2022 6/6/2025
MSDS Baosteel Hebei NotApplicable_MSDS.pdf 1/29/2023 12/31/2024
MSDS Baosteel Harbin NotApplicable_MSDS.pdf 1/29/2023 1/29/2024
3rd Party Audit Certificate Baosteel Henan TAO2320492 FSSC CN 20250210.pdf 2/11/2022 2/10/2025
内喷涂/粘合剂MSDS-Internal Lacquer MSDS Baosteel Vietnam TDS 4020W01DASIA - updated 2022.12.08.pdf 11/4/2022 11/4/2030
产品标准PTS-Products Standard Baosteel Vietnam VBC-CPS-SOT-LOE-202-6 - SHANGHAI.pdf 11/25/2021 11/25/2026
营业执照 Business License Baosteel Shanghai 上海宝翼制罐有限公司营业执照.pdf 10/8/2023 10/8/2030
Declaration of Conformity to Food Contact & Food Grade Legislation Baosteel Shanghai 上海宝翼符合性声明20240115.pdf 1/15/2024 1/30/2025
内喷涂/粘合剂MSDS-Internal Lacquer MSDS Baosteel Hebei 内喷涂 MSDS.PDF 12/1/2024 12/1/2030
Food Safety Management System Baosteel Chendu 成都宝钢-FSSC 22000 V6.0.pdf 8/2/2024 8/14/2027
3rd Party Audit Certificate Baosteel Chendu 成都宝钢-FSSC 22000 V6.0.pdf 8/2/2024 8/14/2027
GFSI (or similar 3rd Party) Food Safety Certification Baosteel Chendu 成都宝钢-FSSC 22000 V6.0.pdf 8/2/2024 8/14/2027
Food Contact Packaging Certificate of Compliance (Facility) Baosteel Chendu 成都宝钢易拉罐供应商符合性声明2023.pdf 3/10/2023 3/9/2025
Allergen Statement Baosteel Vietnam 成都宝钢易拉罐供应商过敏原符合性声明.pdf 9/1/2023 9/1/2024
营业执照 Business License Baosteel Hebei 新营业执照2023.PDF 2/6/2023 2/6/2028
Declaration of Conformity to Food Contact & Food Grade Legislation Baosteel Hebei 易拉罐供应商符合性声明.pdf 9/15/2024 9/14/2025
Declaration of Conformity to Food Contact & Food Grade Legislation Baosteel Chendu 百威-成都宝钢易拉罐供应商符合性声明2024.12.13.pdf 12/13/2024 12/13/2028
Allergen Statement Baosteel Hebei 百威过敏原声明APAC-Allergen Information.pdf 12/8/2024 12/8/2025
Declaration of Conformity to Food Contact & Food Grade Legislation Baosteel Harbin 符合性声明(魏桥、南山、西南).pdf 11/13/2024 11/13/2025
Annual Allergen Statement Baosteel Chendu 过敏原声明.pdf 12/24/2024 12/24/2028
Allergen Statement Baosteel Henan 过敏原声明+宝钢制罐.pdf 11/17/2024 11/17/2025
产品标准PTS-Products Standard Baosteel Hebei 铝罐罐型图-普通330.pdf 1/1/2023 12/31/2025