
C*GEL 03401 BULK (0340100-00000)

maize starch
  • Halal
  • Ingredient declaration
  • Kosher
  • PHO-free
  • Ready-to-Eat (RTE)
  • Vegan
  • Non-GMO
Location name Address
Castelmassa, Italy Via Cerestar 1 Castelmassa-RO, Italy 45035 ITA
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Allergens Castelmassa, Italy Allergens.pdf 4/29/2021 4/29/2023
Kosher Castelmassa, Italy CERT_Kosher_Starches Sweeteners Texturizers_EMEA_LATAM_2022-Jun-1.pdf 6/1/2022 6/30/2023
CoA Sample Castelmassa, Italy CoA 03401 example.pdf 11/29/2021 11/29/2023
Country of Origin Castelmassa, Italy Country of Origin.pdf 4/29/2021 4/28/2024
FSVP Assessment Form Castelmassa, Italy FSVP Assessment Form.pdf 5/20/2021 5/20/2022
HACCP Process Flow Diagram Castelmassa, Italy HACCP_Food Starches Derivatives_Regular maize starch bulk and packed_Castelmassa IT_2020-Dec.pdf 12/31/2020 12/31/2022
Item Questionnaire Castelmassa, Italy Item Questionnaire.pdf 5/20/2021 5/20/2022
National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard (Simplified) Castelmassa, Italy National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard (Simplified).pdf 5/20/2021 5/19/2024
Nutrition Castelmassa, Italy Nutrition.pdf 4/8/2021 4/7/2024
Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Castelmassa, Italy SDS_C_GelT 03401_EMEA_2020-Jul-09.pdf 7/9/2020 7/9/2022
California Prop. 65 Castelmassa, Italy STMT_CA Prop 65_2022-Feb.pdf 2/28/2022 2/28/2024
Heavy Metal Castelmassa, Italy STMT_Contaminants_Food ingredients and additives_ Starches Sweeteners_EMEA_2020-Jundocx.pdf 6/30/2020 6/30/2022
HARPC Food Safety Plan (Item) Castelmassa, Italy STMT_FDA FSMA-Bioterrorism Compliance_US_2020-Decdocx.pdf 11/30/2020 11/30/2023
Label Sample Castelmassa, Italy STMT_Food Contact Packaging bulk transport_EMEA_2021-Augdocx.pdf 8/1/2021 8/1/2022
Gluten Castelmassa, Italy STMT_Gluten in maize based products_Starches Sweeteners_EMEA_2021-Sep.pdf 9/1/2021 9/1/2022
HACCP Castelmassa, Italy STMT_HACCP_Starches Sweeteners Texturizers_EMEA_2020-Mardocx.pdf 3/31/2020 3/31/2023
Irradiation Status Statement Castelmassa, Italy STMT_Irradiation_Starches_Sweeteners_Texturizers_EMEA_2021-Febdocx.pdf 2/28/2021 2/28/2023
Lot Code Castelmassa, Italy STMT_Lot numbering_Batch coding_Starches Sweeteners_EMEA_2020-Sepdocx.pdf 9/30/2020 9/30/2023
Pesticide Castelmassa, Italy STMT_Pesticides_Starches Sweeteners_EMEA_2020-Febdocx.pdf 2/29/2020 2/28/2022
No Animal Ingredient Statement Castelmassa, Italy STMT_Vegan_Starches_Sweeteners_EMEA_2020-Sepdocx.pdf 11/12/2021 11/12/2022
Suitability Requirements Castelmassa, Italy Suitability Requirements.pdf 4/29/2021 4/28/2024
Product Specification Sheet Castelmassa, Italy TDS_C_GelT 03401_EMEA_2020-Jul-09.pdf 7/9/2020 7/9/2023
GMO Castelmassa, Italy TDS_C_GelT 03401_EMEA_2020-Jul-09.pdf 7/9/2020 7/9/2022
Shelf Life Castelmassa, Italy TDS_C_GelT 03401_EMEA_2020-Jul-09.pdf 7/9/2020 7/9/2022
Ingredient Statement Castelmassa, Italy TDS_C_GelT 03401_EMEA_2021-Sep-17.pdf 9/17/2021 9/17/2022