

Location name Address
DSM Food Specialties - Waukesha, WI W194N11411 McCormick Drive Germantown, WI 53022
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Label Sample DSM Food Specialties - Waukesha, WI 19435 Capalase MBL sample Specimen.pdf 10/20/2021 10/20/2022
CoA Sample DSM Food Specialties - Waukesha, WI CoA DFS Lipases 211014.pdf 10/14/2021 10/14/2023
Country of Origin DSM Food Specialties - Waukesha, WI Country of Origin.pdf 11/23/2021 11/22/2024
Allergens DSM Food Specialties - Waukesha, WI DSM Animal Derived Enzymes Allergen Statement.pdf 5/30/2020 5/30/2022
Pesticide DSM Food Specialties - Waukesha, WI DSM Food Specialties Pesticides statement Animal Lipase.pdf 2/16/2021 2/16/2023
Kosher DSM Food Specialties - Waukesha, WI DSM Kshrase and Capalase MBL Kosher Certifcate 31 Jan 2023.pdf 12/21/2021 1/31/2023
Lot Code DSM Food Specialties - Waukesha, WI Germantown and Waukesha Batch Coding and Traceability Statement.pdf 3/24/2021 3/23/2024
Food Contact Packaging Certificate of Compliance DSM Food Specialties - Waukesha, WI Lipase Powder packaging compliance statemetn 211123.pdf 11/23/2021 11/23/2023
Ingredient Statement DSM Food Specialties - Waukesha, WI product-specification-sheet-capalase-mbl-english-3826-63823-1.pdf 10/19/2021 10/19/2022
Product Specification Sheet DSM Food Specialties - Waukesha, WI product-specification-sheet-capalase-mbl-english-3826-63823-1.pdf 10/19/2021 10/18/2024
Shelf Life DSM Food Specialties - Waukesha, WI product-specification-sheet-capalase-mbl-english-3826-63823-1.pdf 10/19/2021 10/18/2024
Animal Testing Statement DSM Food Specialties - Waukesha, WI Statement on animal testing.pdf 11/13/2020 11/13/2022
HACCP DSM Food Specialties - Waukesha, WI Waukesha Capalase MBL HACCP process flow Aug 2021 .pdf 8/20/2021 8/19/2024
HACCP Process Flow Diagram DSM Food Specialties - Waukesha, WI Waukesha Capalase MBL HACCP process flow Aug 2021 .pdf 8/20/2021 8/20/2023