Chaucer Foods

Chaucer Freeze Dried Food supplies freeze dried ingredients including freeze dried fruits and vegetables.
Documents Up to Date
Location name Address
Chaucer Foods 2238 Yew Street Forest Grove, OR 97116 USA
Chaucer Foods (Qingdao) Co., Ltd No 50 Tokyo Road, Free Trade Zone, Qingdao, SD 266555 CHN
Chaucer Foods France 110 route de la Perrière, Saint Cyr en Bourg, PDL 49260 FRA
Linyi Dalin Foodstuffs Co., Ltd Taiping Street, Hedong District, Linyi, SD 276000 CHN
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Allergen Control Policy Chaucer Foods Allergen & Gluten Statement USA.pdf 4/25/2024 4/25/2026
Bioterrorism Letter Chaucer Foods Bioterrorism Satement CF 2023.pdf 12/19/2023 12/18/2024
GFSI Audit Report Linyi Dalin Foodstuffs Co., Ltd BRCGS Audit Report-Linyi Dalin Foodstuffs Co., Ltd. Taiping Factory.pdf 9/13/2024 11/26/2025
GFSI Certificate Linyi Dalin Foodstuffs Co., Ltd BRCGS Certificate- Linyi Dalin Foodstuffs Co., Ltd. Taiping Factory.pdf 9/13/2024 11/26/2025
GFSI Audit Report Chaucer Foods BRCGS Report - 2024- Chaucer Foods USA NC Report.pdf 1/18/2024 12/22/2024
GFSI Certificate Chaucer Foods C0229655-BRC10.pdf 1/18/2024 12/22/2024
Insurance Chaucer Foods cert_SEA_Bar Bakers_3988432_2.pdf 1/3/2024 4/1/2024
Allergen Control Policy Linyi Dalin Foodstuffs Co., Ltd CFLY-QP-15 过敏原管理程序Allergen Management Procedure .pdf 10/8/2024 10/8/2026
Food Defense Plan Statement Chaucer Foods CFPL004 Chaucer Foods Food Fraud Policy - Version 1.pdf 1/2/2024 1/1/2026
Environmental Monitoring Program Chaucer Foods CFPRO014_Chaucer Foods Environmental Monitoring Programme - Version 1.pdf 2/7/2024 2/6/2026
Environmental Monitoring Program Linyi Dalin Foodstuffs Co., Ltd CFPRO014_Chaucer Foods Environmental Monitoring Programme - Version 1.pdf 7/2/2024 7/2/2026
3rd Party Audit Certificate Chaucer Foods Chaucer Foods Inc BRC Certificate.pdf 10/22/2019 12/22/2020
Insurance Linyi Dalin Foodstuffs Co., Ltd COI-POL(EN)-Chaucer-GLHO000008-CGL-240701.pdf 7/1/2024 6/30/2025
Recall/Emergency/Contact List Linyi Dalin Foodstuffs Co., Ltd EMERGENCY CONTACTS LIST - DALIN.pdf 12/17/2024 12/17/2025
FDA Registration Chaucer Foods FDA Registration Letter- Balchem.pdf 10/1/2018 10/1/2020
3rd Party Audit Report Chaucer Foods Final BRC Audit Report 2019 - Chaucer Foods USA.pdf 11/26/2019 12/22/2020
Recall/Emergency/Contact List Chaucer Foods FR-005 Contact Crisis Information v1.pdf 1/2/2024 1/1/2025
HACCP Plan (Facility) Chaucer Foods HP-002 Hazard Analysis v20.xlsx 3/5/2023 3/4/2025
Letter of Guarantee Chaucer Foods Letter of Continuing Guarantee 2024.pdf 4/4/2024 4/4/2026
Letter of Guarantee Linyi Dalin Foodstuffs Co., Ltd letter of continuing guarantee-HDF.pdf 12/17/2024 12/17/2026
Recall Plan Chaucer Foods QAM-008 Product Recall Procedure v6.pdf 1/2/2024 1/1/2025
Ethical Code of Conduct Chaucer Foods Social and Ethical Accountability.pdf 12/29/2023 12/28/2025
Supplier Approval Program Statement Chaucer Foods Supplier Approval Procedure - Version 2.pdf 1/2/2024 1/1/2025
Supplier Questionnaire Chaucer Foods Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 1/2/2024 1/1/2026
Supplier Questionnaire Linyi Dalin Foodstuffs Co., Ltd Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 12/17/2024 12/17/2026