
Cheese,Cheddar,Mature,English,White,Conv,PL (7130268)

Cheddar block , white mature
Pasteurized Cow's Milk, Salt, Starter Culture, Microbial Rennet Contains: Milk
Location name Address
Wyke Farms Cheese Plant White House Farm, Wyke Champflower Bruton, LD BA10 OPU GBR
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Allergens Wyke Farms Cheese Plant Allergens.pdf 6/10/2024 6/10/2026
Country of Origin Wyke Farms Cheese Plant Country of Origin.pdf 8/13/2024 8/13/2027
Item Questionnaire Wyke Farms Cheese Plant Item Questionnaire.pdf 6/12/2024 6/12/2027
Nutrition Wyke Farms Cheese Plant Nutrition.pdf 8/29/2024 8/29/2027
Product Specification Sheet Wyke Farms Cheese Plant S202 Amys Kitchen Cheddar cheese 170724.pdf 7/29/2024 7/29/2027
Kosher Wyke Farms Cheese Plant WYKE FARMS ENGLAND Kosher exclusively for Amys (002).pdf 1/1/2024 12/31/2024