
Closure - FlatTop, 48mm, Pressure Sensitive - White/Yellow (CL048FLATPS)

Packaging – Food Contact
Location name Address
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Allergens Barkman Honey, LLC - Greencastle NotApplicable_Allergens.pdf 8/5/2022 8/4/2024
California Prop. 65 Barkman Honey, LLC - Greencastle NotApplicable_CaliforniaProp65.pdf 8/5/2022 8/4/2024
CoA Sample Barkman Honey, LLC - Greencastle NotApplicable_COASample.pdf 8/5/2022 8/4/2024
CoA Sample Barkman Honey, LLC - Greencastle NotApplicable_COASample.pdf 8/5/2022 8/4/2024
Country of Origin Barkman Honey, LLC - Greencastle NotApplicable_CountryofOrigin.pdf 8/5/2022 8/4/2025
Food Contact Packaging Certificate of Compliance Barkman Honey, LLC - Greencastle NotApplicable_FoodContactPackagingCertificateofCompliance.pdf 8/5/2022 8/4/2024
HARPC Food Safety Plan (Item) Barkman Honey, LLC - Greencastle NotApplicable_HARPCFoodSafetyPlanItem.pdf 10/31/2023 10/31/2024
Heavy Metal Barkman Honey, LLC - Greencastle NotApplicable_HeavyMetal.pdf 8/5/2022 8/4/2024
Irradiation Status Statement Barkman Honey, LLC - Greencastle NotApplicable_IrradiationStatusStatement.pdf 8/5/2022 8/4/2024
Item Questionnaire Barkman Honey, LLC - Greencastle NotApplicable_ItemQuestionnaire.pdf 10/31/2023 10/30/2026
Lot Code Barkman Honey, LLC - Greencastle NotApplicable_LotCode.pdf 8/5/2022 8/4/2025
Product Specification Sheet Barkman Honey, LLC - Greencastle NotApplicable_ProductSpecificationSheet.pdf 8/5/2022 8/4/2025
Product Specification Sheet Barkman Honey, LLC - Greencastle NotApplicable_ProductSpecificationSheet.pdf 8/5/2022 8/4/2025
Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Barkman Honey, LLC - Greencastle NotApplicable_SafetyDataSheetSDS.pdf 8/5/2022 8/4/2024
Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Barkman Honey, LLC - Greencastle NotApplicable_SafetyDataSheetSDS.pdf 8/5/2022 8/4/2024
Shelf Life Barkman Honey, LLC - Greencastle NotApplicable_ShelfLife.pdf 8/5/2022 8/4/2024