
DAP TECH GRADE + 2%TCP (510213)

Diammonium Phosphate
Yeast Nutrient
  • Ingredient declaration
Location name Address
Prayon S.A. - Engis Rue Joseph Wauters 144 Engis, WLG B-4480 BEL
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Country of Origin Prayon S.A. - Engis Country of Origin.pdf 3/21/2022 3/20/2025
Kosher Prayon S.A. - Engis Kosher Prayon S.A. - Engis 2023.pdf 1/30/2023 1/31/2024
Halal Prayon S.A. - Engis NotApplicable_Halal.pdf 2/17/2023 2/17/2024
Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Prayon S.A. - Engis Prayphos DAP AC FG EN.pdf 3/14/2022 3/13/2025
Product Specification Sheet Prayon S.A. - Engis Prayphos DAP AC FG_Nov_20_01.pdf 3/3/2021 3/2/2024