
Deionized White Grape Juice Concentrate (DWGJC)

The Deionized White Grape Juice Concentrate is made with single Grape juice
Location name Address
Mosto Mat S.A. ROQUE S. PEÑA 1834 (E) Santa Lucía, J 5411 ARG
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Allergens Mosto Mat S.A. Allergens.pdf 10/10/2023 10/9/2025
Country of Origin Mosto Mat S.A. Country of Origin.pdf 9/14/2023 9/13/2026
Lot Code Mosto Mat S.A. DO 26 Lot Code.pdf 5/14/2023 5/13/2026
Product Specification Sheet Mosto Mat S.A. ESP 51 Specification sheet DWGJC.pdf 8/12/2022 8/11/2025
Item Questionnaire Mosto Mat S.A. Item Questionnaire.pdf 9/25/2023 9/24/2026
Nutrition Mosto Mat S.A. Nutrition.pdf 9/1/2023 8/31/2026
Suitability Requirements Mosto Mat S.A. Suitability Requirements.pdf 9/20/2023 9/19/2026