Distant Lands Coffee Roasters

Distant Lands Coffee Company provides exceptional quality–from seed to cup. We specialize in custom roasting the very finest coffees for private label grocery and food service clients. We produce various pack sizes, including single-serve cups (pods). We also source premium green coffees direct from origin for specialty coffee roasters, as well as private label brands. Our expertise is in Growing Private Brands.
Panera Hazelnut Crème Cups product image
A silky smooth and lightly sweet expression of nutty perfection. Every sip of our Hazelnut Crème coffee is full of the rich, buttery flavor of toasted hazelnuts. Perfect for your morning riutal or afternoon break.
Panera Hazelnut Crème Ground Coffee product image
A silky smooth and lightly sweet expression of nutty perfection. Every sip of our Hazelnut Crème coffee is full of the rich, buttery flavor of toasted hazelnuts. Perfect for your morning riutal or afternoon break.
Panera Madagascar Vanilla Cups product image
Our Madagascar Vanilla coffee combines rich and roasty coffee flavor with sweet and creamy vanilla notes for a complex cup you will enjoy from first sip to last drop. Great with breakfast or as an afternoon treat.
Panera Madagascar Vanilla Ground Coffee product image
Our Madagascar Vanilla coffee combines rich and roasty coffee flavor with sweet and creamy vanilla notes for a complex cup you will enjoy from first sip to last drop. Great with breakfast or as an afternoon treat.
Location name Address
Distant Lands Coffee Roasters 11754 State Hwy 64 W Tyler, TX 75704 USA
Java Trading Co LLC dba:Distant Lands Coffee Roaster 801 Houser Way N. Ste A 801 Houser Way N Ste A Renton, WA 98057 USA
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
HACCP Plan (Facility) Distant Lands Coffee Roasters 2.4.3.Policy.Tyler.HACCP_Plan.pdf 9/22/2023 9/21/2025
Environmental Policy Distant Lands Coffee Roasters 2.4.8 Corp Environmental Monitoring Policy.pdf 6/3/2024 6/3/2025
Environmental Policy Java Trading Co LLC dba:Distant Lands Coffee Roaster 2.4.8 Corp Environmental Monitoring Policy.pdf 5/24/2024 5/24/2025
Recall/Emergency/Contact List Java Trading Co LLC dba:Distant Lands Coffee Roaster 2.6.3 Corp Recall Contact List.pdf 5/24/2024 5/24/2025
Recall/Emergency/Contact List Distant Lands Coffee Roasters 2.6.3 Corp Recall Contact List.pdf 7/31/2024 7/31/2025
Recall Plan Distant Lands Coffee Roasters 2.6.3 Corp Recall Policy.pdf 7/31/2024 7/31/2025
Food Defense Plan Statement Java Trading Co LLC dba:Distant Lands Coffee Roaster 2.7.1 Corp Food Defense Policy.pdf 5/24/2024 5/24/2026
Allergen Control Policy Java Trading Co LLC dba:Distant Lands Coffee Roaster 2.8 Corp Allergen Policy.pdf 5/24/2024 5/24/2026
Allergen Control Policy Distant Lands Coffee Roasters 2.8 Corp Allergen Policy.pdf 6/3/2024 6/3/2026
3rd Party Audit Report Distant Lands Coffee Roasters 3734745_Audit_Report.pdf 4/11/2024 6/17/2025
3rd Party Audit Report Java Trading Co LLC dba:Distant Lands Coffee Roaster 3734745_Audit_Report.pdf 4/11/2024 6/17/2025
GFSI Audit Report Java Trading Co LLC dba:Distant Lands Coffee Roaster 3734745_Audit_Report.pdf 4/11/2024 6/17/2025
3rd Party Audit Corrective Action Plan Distant Lands Coffee Roasters 3734745_Corrective_Action_Report.pdf 5/3/2024 6/17/2025
W-9 Distant Lands Coffee Roasters Country_Coffee_dba_Distant_Lands_W-9.pdf 8/7/2024 8/7/2027
Bioterrorism Letter Distant Lands Coffee Roasters Distant_Lands_Coffee_Roasters_FDA_Registration_Letter.pdf 7/31/2024 7/31/2026
FDA Registration Distant Lands Coffee Roasters DLC LOC_FDA Reg Bio-Terrorism 2022.docx 5/16/2022 5/16/2027
Ethical Code of Conduct Distant Lands Coffee Roasters DLC Standards of Conduct_2022.docx 5/17/2022 5/16/2024
Food Product Assessment Distant Lands Coffee Roasters Food Product Assessment for TG 01252021.docx 9/11/2024 9/11/2026
Food Safety Plan (HACCP/HARPC - Product Specific) Distant Lands Coffee Roasters Food Safety Plan - Tyler.pdf 9/11/2024 9/11/2025
W-9 Java Trading Co LLC dba:Distant Lands Coffee Roaster Java_Trading_Co_W-9.pdf 5/24/2024 5/24/2027
CA Transparency Act Distant Lands Coffee Roasters NotApplicable_CATransparencyAct.pdf 6/14/2022 6/13/2024
Fumigation Certificate Java Trading Co LLC dba:Distant Lands Coffee Roaster NotApplicable_FumigationCertificate.pdf 5/24/2024 5/24/2027
Fumigation Certificate Distant Lands Coffee Roasters NotApplicable_FumigationCertificate.pdf 6/3/2024 6/3/2027
GFSI Audit Report Distant Lands Coffee Roasters NotApplicable_GFSIAuditReport.pdf 6/3/2024 6/3/2025
Non-GMO Certificate Distant Lands Coffee Roasters NotApplicable_NonGMOCertificate.pdf 2/14/2024 2/13/2025
Organizational Chart Distant Lands Coffee Roasters NotApplicable_OrganizationalChart.pdf 6/3/2024 6/3/2025
Organizational Chart Java Trading Co LLC dba:Distant Lands Coffee Roaster NotApplicable_OrganizationalChart.pdf 5/24/2024 5/24/2025
Letter of Guarantee Distant Lands Coffee Roasters Perry's_Ice_Cream_LOC_07-31-24.pdf 8/1/2024 8/1/2026
Food Defense Plan Statement Distant Lands Coffee Roasters Policy.Tyler.FoodDefense.pdf 10/9/2023 10/8/2025
Supplier Approval Program Statement Distant Lands Coffee Roasters PolicyCorpVendorEvaluation.docx 5/16/2022 5/16/2023
Chemical Hazards - Coffee Questionnaire Distant Lands Coffee Roasters Supplier Compliance Questionnaire - Coffee SQ_072423.docx 7/24/2023 7/23/2026
Supplier Questionnaire Distant Lands Coffee Roasters Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 2/28/2024 2/27/2026
Sustainability (Level 1) Distant Lands Coffee Roasters Sustainability (Level 1).pdf 3/24/2022 3/23/2025
Sustainability (Level 2) Distant Lands Coffee Roasters Sustainability (Level 2).pdf 3/24/2022 3/23/2025
GFSI Certificate Java Trading Co LLC dba:Distant Lands Coffee Roaster Tyler_SQF_Certificate_2024.pdf 5/3/2024 6/17/2025
GFSI Certificate Distant Lands Coffee Roasters Tyler_SQF_Certificate_2024.pdf 5/3/2024 6/17/2025
3rd Party Audit Certificate Java Trading Co LLC dba:Distant Lands Coffee Roaster Tyler_SQF_Certificate_2024.pdf 5/3/2024 6/17/2025
3rd Party Audit Certificate Distant Lands Coffee Roasters Tyler_SQF_Certificate_2024.pdf 5/3/2024 6/17/2025