
F-ES FLORA™ C150\5X750U (710588)

F-ES FLORA™ C150\5X750U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® FLORA™ culture blend is for continuous direct vat set use at low inoculation rates. The culture contains multiple, but well defined mesophilic homofermentative strains, type O. The strains are carefully selected for their mild flavor contribution, high phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. The culture does not contribute to eye formation in the cheese. The cultures are primarily used in the manufacture of Continental cheese types with no requirement for eye formation (Edam, Gouda, Danbo).
lactic acid culture or starter culture
  • Gluten-free
  • Halal
  • Ingredient declaration
  • Kosher
  • PHO-free
  • Ready-to-Eat (RTE)
  • Non-GMO
Location name Address
Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures 9015 W. Maple Street Milwakee, WI 53214
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Allergens Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures Allergens.pdf 10/31/2024 10/31/2026
CoA Sample Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures CoA_FLORA_C150_710588_3723146_EN.pdf 1/11/2024 1/10/2026
Country of Origin Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures Country of Origin.pdf 11/29/2022 11/28/2025
Ingredient Statement Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures Dairy Culture Ingredients_19FEB2024.pdf 2/19/2024 2/18/2025
FSVP Assessment Form Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures FSVP Assessment Form.pdf 2/22/2024 2/21/2025
HACCP Process Flow Diagram Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures HACCP Flow sheet_Global_Dairy Bacteria_EN_03OCT24.pdf 10/3/2024 10/3/2026
Halal Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures HAL_FLORA C150_710588_EN_US.pdf 12/22/2023 12/31/2025
Irradiation Status Statement Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures Irradiation - MFC EN_ret20OCT23jm.pdf 10/20/2023 10/19/2025
Item Questionnaire Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures Item Questionnaire.pdf 11/29/2022 11/28/2025
Kosher Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures KOS_FLORA C150_5X750U_710588_US.pdf 9/1/2024 8/31/2025
Label Sample Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures Labeling Information_F and FD dairy cultures_EN_12JUN24.pdf 6/12/2024 6/12/2025
Melamine Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures Melamine - Dairy Cultures and enzymes EN.pdf 10/13/2023 10/12/2024
Gluten Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures NAM_Gluten information_Food Cultures and Enzymes_US_EN.pdf 2/7/2024 2/6/2026
GMO Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures NAM_GM Status_Food Cultures_US_EN.pdf 5/22/2023 5/21/2025
Organic Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures NAM_Organic_NOP_MFC_US_EN.pdf 7/5/2023 7/4/2025
National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard (Simplified) Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard (Simplified).pdf 11/29/2022 11/28/2025
Nutrition Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures Nutrition.pdf 11/29/2022 11/28/2025
Product Specification Sheet Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures PI_EU_FLORA_C150_710588_EN_ret101722jm.pdf 10/17/2022 10/16/2025
Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures SDS_FLORA_C150_710588_America English_032923jm.pdf 3/29/2023 3/28/2025
Shelf Life Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures Shelf Life Cultures_F-DVS, F-ES, FD-DVS_16FEB24.pdf 2/16/2024 2/15/2027
Suitability Requirements Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures Suitability Requirements.pdf 11/1/2021 10/31/2024