
Flaxseed Brown SPF (FLAX-001-SPF)

Pet Food
Location name Address
Specialty Commodities LLC / Columbia Grain - Valley City Section 25, Township 140 M Range 59W Valley City, ND 58072
Specialty Commodities LLC / Southsask Quality Processors Corner of Pinkie Rd and 13th Ave Regina, SK S4P 2Z5 CAN
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Product Specification Sheet Specialty Commodities LLC / Columbia Grain - Valley City COETSTDS121FLAX-001-SPF Flaxseed Brown Pet Grade.pdf 6/14/2022 6/13/2025
Country of Origin Specialty Commodities LLC / Columbia Grain - Valley City Country of Origin.pdf 6/14/2022 6/13/2025