Fresh Venture Foods

Location name Address
Fresh Venture Foods 1205 Craig Dr. Santa Maria, CA 93456 USA
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Food Defense Plan Statement Fresh Venture Foods 1004-Food Defense, Fraud and Security Plan.docx 4/30/2024 4/30/2026
Contact Information Fresh Venture Foods 3003A-Recall Appendix A Recall Teams and Alternates Emergency Contacts 2023.xlsx.pdf 4/30/2024 4/30/2025
Recall/Emergency/Contact List Fresh Venture Foods 3003A-Recall Appendix A Recall Teams and Alternates Emergency Contacts 2023.xlsx.pdf 3/19/2024 3/19/2025
Supplier Approval Program Statement Fresh Venture Foods 3007- Domestic Supplier Approval Procedure.pdf 3/19/2024 3/19/2025
Allergen Control Policy Fresh Venture Foods 4002 Allergen Management.pdf 7/5/2023 7/4/2025
Environmental Monitoring Program Fresh Venture Foods 4003-Environmental Monitoring.pdf 4/1/2024 4/1/2025
Bioterrorism Letter Fresh Venture Foods Bioterrorism registration statement.pdf 4/23/2024 4/23/2025
Quality Assessment Fresh Venture Foods BLU - Supplier Quality Asserssment 962022.docx 9/6/2022 9/9/2025
FDA Registration Fresh Venture Foods FDA Proof of Registration through 12312024.pdf 12/27/2016 12/27/2024
Fresh Realm, LLC. NDA Fresh Venture Foods FRESHREALM FORM MUTUAL NDA - 2024 4302024.pdf 4/30/2024 4/30/2026
Food Safety Plan (HACCP/HARPC - Product Specific) Fresh Venture Foods HACCP Plan Herbs.pdf 1/23/2024 1/22/2025
HACCP Plan (Facility) Fresh Venture Foods HACCP Plans.xlsx 5/21/2024 5/21/2025
Ethical Code of Conduct Fresh Venture Foods Letter of Guarantee FVF 5042023.pdf 4/30/2024 4/30/2026
Letter of Guarantee Fresh Venture Foods Letter of Guarantee FVF 5042023.pdf 4/1/2024 4/1/2026
Certificate of Insurance Fresh Venture Foods NotApplicable_CertificateofInsurance.pdf 4/30/2024 4/30/2025
Environment Monitoring Program Fresh Venture Foods NotApplicable_EnvironmentMonitoringProgram.pdf 5/21/2024 5/21/2025
FSVP (importers) Fresh Venture Foods NotApplicable_FSVPimporters.pdf 6/6/2023 6/6/2024
Insurance Fresh Venture Foods NotApplicable_Insurance.pdf 4/30/2024 4/30/2025
Recall Plan Fresh Venture Foods NotApplicable_RecallPlan.pdf 1/23/2024 1/22/2025
3rd Party Audit Certificate Fresh Venture Foods P1F14 US1895-7 certificate.pdf 4/1/2024 4/30/2025
GFSI Certificate Fresh Venture Foods P1F14 US1895-7 certificate.pdf 4/20/2024 4/30/2025
3rd Party Audit Report Fresh Venture Foods P1F8 Final Report SQF Food Safety Audit Edition 9-450293.pdf 4/1/2024 4/30/2025
GFSI Audit Report Fresh Venture Foods P1F8 Final Report SQF Food Safety Audit Edition 9-450293.pdf 4/30/2024 4/30/2025
Produce Assessment Fresh Venture Foods Produce Assessment Fresh Venture Foods.pdf 10/19/2022 10/18/2024
3rd Party Audit Corrective Action Plan Fresh Venture Foods SQF 2024 Minors 3142024.pdf 4/23/2024 4/23/2025
Supplier Code of Conduct Certificate of Compliance Fresh Venture Foods Supplier Code of Conduct Certificate of Compliance - v9 TG Upload Blue Apron Feb 21 202.docx 2/21/2023 2/20/2025
Supplier Questionnaire Fresh Venture Foods Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 5/28/2024 5/28/2026
Sustainability (Level 2) Fresh Venture Foods Sustainability (Level 2).pdf 8/3/2022 8/2/2025