
GLYCERINE NAT 99.7% USP K WILMAR CLP (6227087 700 02M)

  • Gluten-free
  • Halal
  • Kosher
  • PHO-free
  • Vegan
  • Non-GMO
Location name Address
CLP CHEMICALS, L.P. - PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia - Mitsubishi 15602 Jacintoport Blvd Jl. Kapten Darmo Sugondo N0. 56, Kel. lndro, Kec. Kebornas, Kab. Gresik, Gresik, Jawa Timur, 61124, lndonesia Houston, TX 77015
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
EtO Statement CLP CHEMICALS, L.P. - PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia - Mitsubishi 066Statement of Non-Irradiation non- ETO and non-chemical sterilization_ REFINED GLYCERINE.pdf 2/14/2025 2/14/2027
Irradiation Status Statement CLP CHEMICALS, L.P. - PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia - Mitsubishi 066Statement of Non-Irradiation non- ETO and non-chemical sterilization_ REFINED GLYCERINE.pdf 2/14/2025 2/14/2027
No Animal Ingredient Statement CLP CHEMICALS, L.P. - PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia - Mitsubishi 072 STATEMENT ON NON BSE TSE NO ANIMAL PRODUCT_REFINED GLYCERINE.pdf 2/14/2025 2/14/2026
Gluten CLP CHEMICALS, L.P. - PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia - Mitsubishi 113. Statement Gluten.pdf 2/20/2024 2/19/2026
Lot Code CLP CHEMICALS, L.P. - PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia - Mitsubishi 114 Lot batch number Statement.pdf 2/20/2023 2/19/2026
Melamine CLP CHEMICALS, L.P. - PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia - Mitsubishi 115. Statement Melamine.pdf 2/20/2024 2/19/2025
California Prop. 65 CLP CHEMICALS, L.P. - PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia - Mitsubishi 164 Declaration of California Proposition 65 statement of Refined Glycerin.pdf 3/21/2024 3/21/2026
Heavy Metal CLP CHEMICALS, L.P. - PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia - Mitsubishi 216. Statement on Heavy Metal RG.PDF 4/19/2023 4/18/2025
CoA Sample CLP CHEMICALS, L.P. - PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia - Mitsubishi 6227087 GLYCERINE NAT 997 USP K WILMAR lot G240607-24W.pdf 6/7/2024 6/7/2026
Sewage Statement CLP CHEMICALS, L.P. - PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia - Mitsubishi 638 SEWAGE SLUDGE AND IRRADIATION STATEMENT_ REFINED GLYCERIN.pdf 12/17/2024 12/17/2026
Kosher CLP CHEMICALS, L.P. - PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia - Mitsubishi cert_PLLMPDM 1.pdf 12/9/2024 1/31/2026
FSVP Assessment Form CLP CHEMICALS, L.P. - PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia - Mitsubishi CLP Wilmar MIFI FSVPI Acknowledgement - 2024 1.pdf 10/17/2024 10/17/2025
Country of Origin CLP CHEMICALS, L.P. - PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia - Mitsubishi Country of Origin Refined Glycerin.pdf 2/6/2024 2/5/2027
Dietary Supplement Questionnaire CLP CHEMICALS, L.P. - PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia - Mitsubishi Dietary Supplement Questionnaire.pdf 11/11/2021 11/11/2022
HARPC Food Safety Plan (Item) CLP CHEMICALS, L.P. - PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia - Mitsubishi FSSC - WINA (till Sep 2025).pdf 9/23/2022 9/22/2025
Halal CLP CHEMICALS, L.P. - PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia - Mitsubishi Halal Certificate.pdf 3/3/2022 3/3/2026
HACCP CLP CHEMICALS, L.P. - PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia - Mitsubishi Hazard Control Plann (with CCP Determined).pdf 4/30/2022 4/29/2025
Item Questionnaire CLP CHEMICALS, L.P. - PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia - Mitsubishi Item Questionnaire.pdf 11/30/2021 11/29/2024
HACCP Process Flow Diagram CLP CHEMICALS, L.P. - PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia - Mitsubishi Manufacturing Flow Process.pdf 8/15/2023 8/14/2025
Ingredient Statement CLP CHEMICALS, L.P. - PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia - Mitsubishi Material Composition.pdf 1/12/2024 1/11/2027
National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard (Simplified) CLP CHEMICALS, L.P. - PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia - Mitsubishi National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard (Simplified).pdf 11/29/2021 11/28/2024
Animal Testing Statement CLP CHEMICALS, L.P. - PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia - Mitsubishi No Animal Testing.pdf 1/12/2024 1/11/2026
BSE - TSE CLP CHEMICALS, L.P. - PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia - Mitsubishi NON-GMO, BSE TSE Statement.pdf 1/12/2024 1/11/2027
Food Contact Packaging Certificate of Compliance CLP CHEMICALS, L.P. - PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia - Mitsubishi NotApplicable_FoodContactPackagingCertificateofCompliance.pdf 11/12/2021 11/12/2023
Label Claims CLP CHEMICALS, L.P. - PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia - Mitsubishi NotApplicable_LabelClaims.pdf 11/12/2021 11/12/2023
Natural CLP CHEMICALS, L.P. - PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia - Mitsubishi NotApplicable_Natural.pdf 11/12/2021 11/12/2022
Organic CLP CHEMICALS, L.P. - PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia - Mitsubishi NotApplicable_Organic.pdf 10/1/2024 10/1/2026
WADA/NSF/NFL Statement CLP CHEMICALS, L.P. - PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia - Mitsubishi NotApplicable_WADANSFNFLStatement.pdf 11/12/2021 11/12/2023
Nutrition CLP CHEMICALS, L.P. - PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia - Mitsubishi Nutritionl Declaration.pdf 12/17/2024 12/17/2027
Residual Statement CLP CHEMICALS, L.P. - PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia - Mitsubishi Residual Solvent and VOC.pdf 12/17/2024 12/17/2025
RSPO CLP CHEMICALS, L.P. - PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia - Mitsubishi RSPO 682824_PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia_issued 04Dec2022.pdf 2/1/2023 1/31/2028
Safety Data Sheet (SDS) CLP CHEMICALS, L.P. - PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia - Mitsubishi SDS.pdf 4/20/2022 4/19/2025
Pesticide CLP CHEMICALS, L.P. - PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia - Mitsubishi Statement of No Pesticide Residues Refined Glycerin.pdf 2/6/2024 2/5/2026
GRAS/NDI/ODI Statement CLP CHEMICALS, L.P. - PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia - Mitsubishi Statement on USFDA CFR 21 GRAS Refined Glycerine.pdf 5/26/2023 5/25/2026
Suitability Requirements CLP CHEMICALS, L.P. - PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia - Mitsubishi Suitability Requirements.pdf 11/30/2021 11/29/2024
Product Specification Sheet CLP CHEMICALS, L.P. - PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia - Mitsubishi TDS RG EP997 (WINAQCFA23008).pdf 5/9/2023 5/8/2026
Shelf Life CLP CHEMICALS, L.P. - PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia - Mitsubishi TDS RG EP997 (WINAQCFA23008).pdf 5/9/2023 5/8/2026
Label Guidance CLP CHEMICALS, L.P. - PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia - Mitsubishi Tote Dimensions.pdf 2/17/2021 2/17/2023
Label Sample CLP CHEMICALS, L.P. - PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia - Mitsubishi Wilmar drum - label (CLP's info) - Passover.pdf 9/21/2025
GMO CLP CHEMICALS, L.P. - PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia - Mitsubishi Wilmar_GLY-997-USPK_GMO_Non GMO Statement.pdf 3/21/2023 3/20/2025
Allergens CLP CHEMICALS, L.P. - PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia - Mitsubishi WINA - RG - Allergen.pdf 2/20/2025 2/20/2027
Phthalate Esters Letter CLP CHEMICALS, L.P. - PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia - Mitsubishi WINA - RG - Phthalate Free Declaration.pdf 2/6/2025 2/6/2026
Vegan/Vegetarian Statement CLP CHEMICALS, L.P. - PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia - Mitsubishi WINA - RG - Vegan.pdf 10/7/2024 10/7/2026