Glycosperse TS-20 KFG (00192332)
Location name | Address |
Arxada, LLC - Williamsport | 3500 Trenton Avenue Williamsport, PA 17701 |
Type | Location | File name | Effective | Expiration |
Lot Code | Arxada, LLC - Williamsport | Batch Numbering Statement - Williamsport - Cohasset - Mapleton- LonzaMAR2021.pdf | 3/26/2021 | 3/25/2024 |
Ingredient Statement | Arxada, LLC - Williamsport | Certificate of Composition - Glycosperse TS-20 KFG - LSI-JULY21.pdf | 7/22/2021 | 7/22/2022 |
CoA Sample | Arxada, LLC - Williamsport | COA - Glycosperse TS-20 KFG H1418160 - Arxada.pdf | 12/14/2021 | 12/14/2023 |
HACCP | Arxada, LLC - Williamsport | HACCP - Process Flow Diagram including CCP - Williamsport Food Products - LSI-7-7-21.pdf | 7/7/2021 | 7/6/2024 |
HACCP Process Flow Diagram | Arxada, LLC - Williamsport | HACCP - Process Flow Diagram including CCP - Williamsport Food Products - LSI-7-7-21.pdf | 5/31/2021 | 5/31/2023 |
Kosher | Arxada, LLC - Williamsport | Kosher Certificate - Williamsport - Exp -5-31-2022.pdf | 5/31/2021 | 5/31/2022 |
Allergens | Arxada, LLC - Williamsport | NotApplicable_Allergens.pdf | 6/17/2022 | 6/16/2024 |
Country of Origin | Arxada, LLC - Williamsport | NotApplicable_CountryofOrigin.pdf | 6/17/2022 | 6/16/2025 |
Item Questionnaire | Arxada, LLC - Williamsport | NotApplicable_ItemQuestionnaire.pdf | 6/17/2022 | 6/16/2025 |
Nutrition | Arxada, LLC - Williamsport | NotApplicable_Nutrition.pdf | 6/17/2022 | 6/16/2025 |
Suitability Requirements | Arxada, LLC - Williamsport | NotApplicable_SuitabilityRequirements.pdf | 6/17/2022 | 6/16/2025 |
Food Contact Packaging Certificate of Compliance | Arxada, LLC - Williamsport | Packaging Statement - Glycosperse TS-20 KFG_.pdf | 9/5/2019 | 9/4/2021 |
Product Specification Sheet | Arxada, LLC - Williamsport | PDS - Glycosperse TS-20 KFG - PDS 29-12-2011 USAD-27080.pdf | 1/29/2019 | 1/28/2022 |
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