

Location name Address
Arxada LLC - Williamsport 3500 Trenton Avenue Williamsport, PA 17701
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Lot Code Arxada LLC - Williamsport Batch Numbering Statement - Williamsport - Cohasset - Mapleton- LonzaMAR2021.pdf 3/26/2021 3/25/2024
Ingredient Statement Arxada LLC - Williamsport Certificate of Composition - Glycosperse TS-20 KFG - LSI-JULY21.pdf 7/22/2021 7/22/2022
Shelf Life Arxada LLC - Williamsport COA - Glycosperse TS-20 KFG H1418160 - Arxada.pdf 12/14/2021 12/13/2024
CoA Sample Arxada LLC - Williamsport COA - Glycosperse TS-20 KFG H1418160 - Arxada.pdf 12/14/2021 12/14/2023
HACCP Arxada LLC - Williamsport HACCP - Process Flow Diagram including CCP - Williamsport Food Products - LSI-7-7-21.pdf 7/7/2021 7/6/2024
HACCP Process Flow Diagram Arxada LLC - Williamsport HACCP - Process Flow Diagram including CCP - Williamsport Food Products - LSI-7-7-21.pdf 5/31/2021 5/31/2023
Kosher Arxada LLC - Williamsport LOC-05-31-2022 10_29_53 AM ok54x3ifmvyma4gqag5rasu3_secured_.pdf 5/31/2022 5/31/2023
Food Contact Packaging Certificate of Compliance Arxada LLC - Williamsport Packaging Statement - Glycosperse TS-20 KFG_.pdf 9/5/2020 9/5/2022
Product Specification Sheet Arxada LLC - Williamsport PDS - Glycosperse TS-20 KFG - PDS 29-12-2011 USAD-27080.pdf 1/29/2019 1/28/2022