
Graceland Fruit Dried Cranberry Bits with Rice Flour 01194 (01194)

This product is prepared in accordance with good manufacturing practices by infusing cranberries in a cane sugar solution. Subsequently infused cranberries are dried to a specified moisture range. Sunflower oil and rice flour are topically applied. The dried fruit is passed through a 9.5mm screen and retained on a 3.74mm screen. The finished product is analyzed for quality, inspected and passed through a metal detector.
Cranberries, Sugar, Rice Four, Sunflower Oil
Location name Address
Graceland Fruit, Inc. 1123 Main Street Frankfort, MI 49635
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Label Sample Graceland Fruit, Inc. 01194 Cranberry Bits w RF.pdf 11/23/2024 11/23/2025
Ingredient Statement Graceland Fruit, Inc. 01194 Dried Cranberry Bits with Rice Flour Ingredient Statement.pdf 11/23/2024 11/23/2027
Product Specification Sheet Graceland Fruit, Inc. 01194 Dried Cranberry Bits with Rice Flour Product Specification.pdf 8/3/2023 8/2/2026
Allergens Graceland Fruit, Inc. Allergens.pdf 10/2/2023 10/1/2025
Country of Origin Graceland Fruit, Inc. Country of Origin.pdf 10/3/2023 10/2/2026
Shelf Life Graceland Fruit, Inc. Dried Product Transportation, Storage and Shelf Life Statement R3 11-3-2020.pdf 8/3/2023 8/2/2025
HACCP Dryer Validation Statement R4 11-3-2020.pdf 3/1/2024 3/1/2027
Kosher GFI Kosher 2024.pdf 2/29/2024 3/31/2025
Item Questionnaire Graceland Fruit, Inc. Item Questionnaire.pdf 10/3/2023 10/2/2026
Lot Code Graceland Fruit, Inc. Lot Code IdentificationR1 1.11.21.pdf 10/2/2023 10/1/2026
Nutrition Graceland Fruit, Inc. Nutrition.pdf 10/3/2023 10/2/2026
Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Graceland Fruit, Inc. Product Safety Data Sheets SDS Statement R2 11-3-2020.pdf 8/3/2023 8/2/2025
CoA Sample Graceland Fruit, Inc. Sample Only.pdf 10/2/2023 10/1/2025
Suitability Requirements Graceland Fruit, Inc. Suitability Requirements.pdf 10/3/2023 10/2/2026