

  • Gluten-free
  • Ingredient declaration
Location name Address
American Instants, Inc. 117 Bartley Flanders Rd. Flanders, NJ 07836
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Kosher American Instants, Inc. Aii KF1MM,OM35, DRSD,Matcha green tea Kosher 2024-25.pdf 5/1/2024 6/30/2025
Allergens American Instants, Inc. Allergens.pdf 9/13/2024 9/13/2026
Animal Testing Statement American Instants, Inc. Animal Testing.doc 9/27/2022 9/27/2024
Country of Origin American Instants, Inc. Country of Origin.pdf 9/27/2022 9/26/2025
Product Specification Sheet American Instants, Inc. Green Instant Type KF7G IA.doc 9/27/2022 9/26/2025
Halal American Instants, Inc. Halal Policy 2023 signed.pdf 9/13/2024 9/13/2026
HACCP Process Flow Diagram American Instants, Inc. HARPC for MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS Signed 9-8-2023.pdf 9/13/2024 9/13/2026
GRAS/NDI/ODI Statement American Instants, Inc. Instant Tea Gras Statement.doc 9/13/2024 9/13/2027
EtO Statement American Instants, Inc. Irradiation Ethylene Oxide ETO Instant tea.doc 9/13/2024 9/13/2026
Irradiation Status Statement American Instants, Inc. Irradiation Ethylene Oxide ETO Instant tea.doc 9/13/2024 9/13/2026
Item Questionnaire American Instants, Inc. Item Questionnaire.pdf 9/27/2022 9/26/2025
Melamine American Instants, Inc. Melamine Statement.doc 8/6/2024 8/6/2025
Residual Statement American Instants, Inc. Non Use of Synthetic Solvents Tea.doc 8/6/2024 8/6/2025
Nutrition American Instants, Inc. Nutrition.pdf 9/27/2022 9/26/2025
Pesticide American Instants, Inc. Pesticide Testing and Heavy Metal Pos Statement.doc 9/13/2024 9/13/2026
California Prop. 65 American Instants, Inc. Prop 65 Tea.doc 9/13/2024 9/13/2026
Safety Data Sheet (SDS) American Instants, Inc. SDS Instant Tea 2023.docx 9/13/2024 9/13/2027
Vegan/Vegetarian Statement American Instants, Inc. Tea Vegan statement.doc 9/13/2024 9/13/2026
GMO American Instants, Inc. USDA Bioengineered Food Tea.doc 9/13/2024 9/13/2026