

Ground Mexican Oregano shall be prepared from the natural dried leaves and flowering tops of the herbaceous plant Lippia graveolens or lippia berlandieri grown in Mexico.
Ground Mexican Oregano shall be prepared from the natural dried leaves and flowering tops of the herbaceous plant Lippia graveolens or lippia berlandieri grown in Mexico.
Location name Address
Advanced Spice & Trading, Inc 13951 Senlac Dr. Suite 150 Dallas, TX 75234
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Halal Advanced Spice & Trading, Inc Advanced Letter Head.pdf 1/1/2018 1/1/2028
Allergens Advanced Spice & Trading, Inc Allergens.pdf 5/10/2018 5/9/2020
Kosher Advanced Spice & Trading, Inc AST Kosher Certificate.pdf 10/31/2017 10/31/2018
Country of Origin Advanced Spice & Trading, Inc Country of Origin.pdf 5/1/2018 4/30/2021
GMO Advanced Spice & Trading, Inc GMO Statement 2018.pdf 7/5/2018 7/4/2020
HACCP Process Flow Diagram Advanced Spice & Trading, Inc HACCP Plan 2018.pdf 7/5/2018 7/4/2020
Ingredient Statement Advanced Spice & Trading, Inc Ingredient Statement 2018.pdf 1/1/2018 1/1/2019
Lot Code Advanced Spice & Trading, Inc Lot Number Description-Reviewed April 2018.pdf 7/5/2018 7/4/2021