
Hodag S-35 K NGM (Hodag™ S-35 K NGM)

HODAG S-35 K NGM is comprised of mono– and diglycerides prepared from edible oils with propylene glycol added to improve fluidity. It is recommended for use in systems where an oil soluble liquid emulsifier is preferred. HODAG S-35 K NGM can also be used as an antifoam or defoamer.
Ingredient CAS % by Weight Mono- & Diglycerides 37220-82-9 70 - 90 % Propylene Glycol 57-55-6 10 - 30 %
Processing Aid
  • Gluten-free
  • Halal
  • Ingredient declaration
  • Kosher
  • PHO-free
  • Ready-to-Eat (RTE)
  • Vegan
  • Non-GMO
Location name Address
Vantage Specialties, Inc. 3938 Porett Drive Gurnee, IL 60031
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Gluten Vantage Specialties, Inc. Allergen - Gluten stmt Vantage .pdf 10/1/2024 10/1/2026
Allergens Vantage Specialties, Inc. Allergens.pdf 2/7/2023 2/6/2025
Country of Origin Vantage Specialties, Inc. Country of Origin.pdf 3/29/2023 3/28/2026
Dietary Supplement Questionnaire Vantage Specialties, Inc. Dietary Supplement Questionnaire.pdf 4/16/2024 4/16/2025
FSVP Assessment Form Vantage Specialties, Inc. FSVP Assessment Form.pdf 3/11/2024 3/11/2025
HACCP Vantage Specialties, Inc. HACCP statement 02072023.pdf 2/7/2023 2/6/2026
HARPC Food Safety Plan (Item) Vantage Specialties, Inc. HARPC 2023.pdf 3/27/2023 3/26/2026
BSE - TSE Vantage Specialties, Inc. Hodag 35-S K BSE - TSE stmt 01302023.pdf 1/30/2023 1/29/2026
EtO Statement Vantage Specialties, Inc. HODAG S 35 K NGM EO stmt 02072023.pdf 2/7/2023 2/6/2025
HACCP Process Flow Diagram Vantage Specialties, Inc. HODAG S 35 K NGM FLOW CHART.pdf 2/7/2023 2/6/2025
Heavy Metal Vantage Specialties, Inc. HODAG S 35 K NGM Heavy Metals stmt 03272023.pdf 3/27/2023 3/26/2025
Ingredient Statement Vantage Specialties, Inc. HODAG S 35 K NGM Ingredient stmt 04182024.pdf 4/18/2024 4/18/2025
Kosher Vantage Specialties, Inc. HODAG S 35 K NGM kosher certificate exp 12 31 2025.pdf 12/11/2024 12/31/2025
Pesticide Vantage Specialties, Inc. HODAG S 35 K NGM Pesticide stmt 03202023.pdf 3/20/2023 3/19/2025
GRAS/NDI/ODI Statement Vantage Specialties, Inc. HODAG S 35 K NGM Regulatory Information Sheet 03292023.pdf 3/29/2023 3/28/2026
Sewage Statement Vantage Specialties, Inc. HODAG S 35 K NGM Regulatory Information Sheet 03292023.pdf 3/29/2023 3/28/2025
Natural Vantage Specialties, Inc. HODAG S 35 K NGM Regulatory Information sheet 10012024.pdf 10/1/2024 10/1/2025
No Animal Ingredient Statement Vantage Specialties, Inc. HODAG S 35 K NGM Regulatory Information sheet 10012024.pdf 10/1/2024 10/1/2025
Shelf Life Vantage Specialties, Inc. HODAG S 35 K NGM Shelf Life stmt 03202023.pdf 3/20/2023 3/19/2025
Phthalate Esters Letter Vantage Specialties, Inc. HODAG S 35 K phthalated esters stmt 04262024.pdf 4/26/2024 4/26/2025
Residual Statement Vantage Specialties, Inc. HODAG S 35 K Residual solvents stmt 04262024.pdf 4/26/2024 4/26/2025
Irradiation Status Statement Vantage Specialties, Inc. HODAG S 35 NGM Irradiation stmt 03202023.pdf 3/20/2023 3/19/2025
Organic Vantage Specialties, Inc. HODAG S 35 NGM Organic stmt 03202023.pdf 3/20/2023 3/19/2026
Product Specification Sheet Vantage Specialties, Inc. HODAG S-35 K NGM TDS.pdf 1/31/2022 1/30/2025
California Prop. 65 Vantage Specialties, Inc. HODAG S-35 K prop 65 stmt 01302023.pdf 1/30/2023 1/29/2025
CoA Sample Vantage Specialties, Inc. Hodag S35 K sample COA 03242024.pdf 3/24/2024 3/24/2026
GMO Vantage Specialties, Inc. Hodag S-35 NGM GMO stmt 02072023.pdf 2/7/2023 2/6/2025
Label Claims Vantage Specialties, Inc. Hodag S-35 NGM Label Claims stmt 03312023.pdf 3/31/2023 3/30/2025
Label Guidance Vantage Specialties, Inc. Hodag S-35 NGM Label Guidance stmt 04032023.pdf 4/3/2023 4/2/2025
Animal Testing Statement Vantage Specialties, Inc. HODAG S35K animal testing stmt 01302023.pdf 1/30/2023 1/29/2025
Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Vantage Specialties, Inc. Hodag™ S-35 K NGM (S35KNGM) US SDS English 04132023.pdf 4/13/2023 4/12/2025
Item Questionnaire Vantage Specialties, Inc. Item Questionnaire.pdf 6/16/2023 6/15/2026
Lot Code Vantage Specialties, Inc. lot code explanation 03272023.pdf 3/27/2023 3/26/2026
National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard (Simplified) Vantage Specialties, Inc. National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard (Simplified).pdf 3/28/2023 3/27/2026
Label Sample Vantage Specialties, Inc. NotApplicable_LabelSample.pdf 9/13/2024 9/13/2025
Nutrition Vantage Specialties, Inc. Nutrition.pdf 3/29/2023 3/28/2026
Food Contact Packaging Certificate of Compliance Vantage Specialties, Inc. Packaging approved for food contact 02072023.pdf 2/7/2023 2/6/2025
Suitability Requirements Vantage Specialties, Inc. Suitability Requirements.pdf 3/31/2023 3/30/2026
Halal Vantage Specialties, Inc. Vantage Halal exp 7-31-25.pdf 8/20/2024 7/31/2025
WADA/NSF/NFL Statement Vantage Specialties, Inc. WADA stmt 03072023.pdf 3/7/2023 3/6/2025