Pinto Beans (B0472)
Pinto Beans
Bean / Legume
- Gluten-free
- Ingredient declaration
- PHO-free
- Vegan
- Non-GMO
Location name | Address |
Fessendon / WTC | PO BOX 126 FESSENDEN, ND 58438 |
KELLEY BEAN / MINATARE, NE | 140179 HWY l 79 e Minatare, NE 69356 |
Type | Location | File name | Effective | Expiration |
Food Contact Packaging Certificate of Compliance | KELLEY BEAN/GERING,NB | 2022 June Manchester Letter of Guarantee.pdf | 6/1/2022 | 5/31/2024 |
Food Contact Packaging Certificate of Compliance | KELLEY BEAN / MINATARE, NE | 2022 June Manchester Letter of Guarantee.pdf | 6/1/2022 | 5/31/2024 |
Residual Statement | KELLEY BEAN/GERING,NB | 2022 Pinto Bean Columbia Lab Test Results.pdf | 11/10/2022 | 11/10/2023 |
Residual Statement | KELLEY BEAN / MINATARE, NE | 2022 Pinto Bean Columbia Lab Test Results.pdf | 11/10/2022 | 11/10/2023 |
Pesticide | KELLEY BEAN / MINATARE, NE | 2024 Columbia Lab Pinto Test October 11th 2024.pdf | 10/11/2024 | 10/11/2026 |
Pesticide | KELLEY BEAN/GERING,NB | 2024 Columbia Lab Pinto Test October 11th 2024.pdf | 10/15/2024 | 10/15/2026 |
Allergens | KELLEY BEAN / MORRILL, NB | Allergens.pdf | 10/5/2021 | 10/5/2023 |
Allergens | KELLEY BEAN/GERING,NB | Allergens.pdf | 1/25/2023 | 1/24/2025 |
Allergens | KELLEY BEAN / MINATARE, NE | Allergens.pdf | 3/13/2023 | 3/12/2025 |
Allergens | Fessendon / WTC | Allergens.pdf | 7/7/2023 | 7/6/2025 |
Country of Origin | Fessendon / WTC | Country of Origin.pdf | 6/2/2022 | 6/1/2025 |
Country of Origin | KELLEY BEAN / MORRILL, NB | Country of Origin.pdf | 3/7/2022 | 3/6/2025 |
Country of Origin | KELLEY BEAN/GERING,NB | Country of Origin.pdf | 1/25/2023 | 1/24/2026 |
Country of Origin | KELLEY BEAN / MINATARE, NE | Country of Origin.pdf | 1/27/2023 | 1/26/2026 |
HARPC Food Safety Plan (Item) | KELLEY BEAN/GERING,NB | Gering HACCP Plan Overview March 15th 2023.doc | 3/15/2023 | 3/14/2026 |
Gluten | KELLEY BEAN / MORRILL, NB | Gluten Free Validation August 12th 2020.doc | 3/7/2022 | 3/7/2023 |
Gluten | KELLEY BEAN/GERING,NB | Gluten Free Validation August 12th 2020.doc | 3/7/2022 | 3/7/2023 |
Gluten | KELLEY BEAN / MINATARE, NE | Gluten Free Validation August 12th 2020.doc | 3/7/2022 | 3/7/2023 |
Gluten | Fessendon / WTC | Gluten Statement.pdf | 12/31/2024 | 12/31/2026 |
HARPC Food Safety Plan (Item) | Fessendon / WTC | HACCP Plan.pdf | 7/30/2024 | 7/30/2027 |
Lot Code | KELLEY BEAN / MINATARE, NE | Identification and Traceablity Program January 10th 2017.doc | 8/26/2022 | 8/25/2025 |
Lot Code | KELLEY BEAN / MORRILL, NB | Indentification and Traceability Policy February 27th 2018.doc | 10/8/2019 | 10/7/2022 |
Lot Code | KELLEY BEAN/GERING,NB | Indentification and Traceability Policy May 2022.pdf | 5/6/2022 | 5/5/2025 |
Item Questionnaire | KELLEY BEAN / MORRILL, NB | Item Questionnaire.pdf | 3/14/2022 | 3/13/2025 |
Item Questionnaire | KELLEY BEAN/GERING,NB | Item Questionnaire.pdf | 3/13/2023 | 3/12/2026 |
Item Questionnaire | KELLEY BEAN / MINATARE, NE | Item Questionnaire.pdf | 3/13/2023 | 3/12/2026 |
Item Questionnaire | Fessendon / WTC | Item Questionnaire.pdf | 7/30/2024 | 7/30/2027 |
Kosher | KELLEY BEAN / MORRILL, NB | Kosher Certificate October 2021.doc | 7/1/2021 | 6/30/2022 |
Food Contact Packaging Certificate of Compliance | KELLEY BEAN / MORRILL, NB | Manchester Letter of Guarantee June 8th 2021.pdf | 6/8/2021 | 6/8/2023 |
GMO | KELLEY BEAN / MORRILL, NB | Non GMO Statement November 12th 2021.doc | 3/7/2022 | 3/6/2024 |
GMO | KELLEY BEAN / MINATARE, NE | Non-GMO March 21st 2024.pdf | 3/21/2024 | 3/21/2026 |
GMO | KELLEY BEAN/GERING,NB | Non-GMO March 21st 2024.pdf | 3/21/2024 | 3/21/2026 |
GMO | Fessendon / WTC | Non-GMO Statement.pdf | 12/31/2024 | 12/31/2026 |
Food Contact Packaging Certificate of Compliance | Fessendon / WTC | Northern Bag & Box SQF.pdf | 10/13/2023 | 10/12/2025 |
Kosher | KELLEY BEAN/GERING,NB | NotApplicable_Kosher.pdf | 1/27/2023 | 1/27/2024 |
Kosher | KELLEY BEAN / MINATARE, NE | NotApplicable_Kosher.pdf | 1/27/2023 | 1/27/2024 |
Kosher | Fessendon / WTC | NotApplicable_Kosher.pdf | 9/12/2024 | 9/12/2026 |
Organic | KELLEY BEAN/GERING,NB | NotApplicable_Organic.pdf | 1/27/2023 | 1/27/2024 |
Organic | KELLEY BEAN / MINATARE, NE | NotApplicable_Organic.pdf | 3/13/2023 | 3/13/2024 |
Organic | Fessendon / WTC | NotApplicable_Organic.pdf | 9/12/2024 | 9/12/2026 |
Pesticide | Fessendon / WTC | Pesticide Agreement.pdf | 12/31/2024 | 12/31/2026 |
Product Specification Sheet | KELLEY BEAN/GERING,NB | Pinto Specification June 1st 2022.pdf | 6/1/2022 | 5/31/2025 |
Product Specification Sheet | KELLEY BEAN / MINATARE, NE | Pinto Specification June 1st 2022.pdf | 6/1/2022 | 5/31/2025 |
Product Specification Sheet | KELLEY BEAN / MORRILL, NB | Pinto Specification March 11th 2021.pdf | 3/7/2022 | 3/6/2025 |
Lot Code | Fessendon / WTC | Product Lot Code.pdf | 6/2/2022 | 6/1/2025 |
Product Specification Sheet | Fessendon / WTC | Product Specification.pdf | 6/2/2022 | 6/1/2025 |
Residual Statement | Fessendon / WTC | Residual Solvent Statement.pdf | 12/31/2024 | 12/31/2025 |
Suitability Requirements | Fessendon / WTC | Suitability Requirements.pdf | 6/2/2022 | 6/1/2025 |
Suitability Requirements | KELLEY BEAN / MORRILL, NB | Suitability Requirements.pdf | 3/15/2022 | 3/14/2025 |
Suitability Requirements | KELLEY BEAN/GERING,NB | Suitability Requirements.pdf | 1/27/2023 | 1/26/2026 |
Suitability Requirements | KELLEY BEAN / MINATARE, NE | Suitability Requirements.pdf | 3/13/2023 | 3/12/2026 |