
Fine granulated (10000 (bulk) / 10010 (1000kg IBC) / 10012 (800kg IBC) / 10200 (20kg bag) / 10400 (40kg bag))

only sugar from cane sugar
  • Gluten-free
  • Halal
  • Ingredient declaration
  • Kosher
  • PHO-free
  • Ready-to-Eat (RTE)
  • Vegan
  • Non-GMO
Location name Address
Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery 4026 Notre Dame est Montreal, QC H1W 2K3 CAN
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery 00-QA-07-001 SDS White Granulated Sugar.pdf 10/28/2024 10/28/2027
Label Sample Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery 10200 - 20Kg Fin.JPG 10/29/2024 10/29/2025
Allergen Control Policy Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery Allergen Check List - Lantic Inc - 2022.pdf 1/31/2023 1/30/2025
Allergens Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery Allergens.pdf 10/28/2024 10/28/2026
No Animal Ingredient Statement Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery Animal origin letter - Lantic Inc - 2022.pdf 1/10/2024 1/9/2025
BSE - TSE Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery Animal origin letter - Lantic Inc - valid until jan 2028.pdf 2/24/2025 2/24/2028
GFSI Audit Report Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery Audit report - Nov. 2022 - Mtl.pdf 1/31/2022 1/31/2025
GFSI Corrective Action Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery Audit report - Nov. 2022 - Mtl.pdf 1/31/2022 1/31/2025
CoA Sample Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery COA sample 2023.pdf 12/4/2023 12/3/2025
Animal Testing Statement Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery Corporate Standard of Compassion for Animals.pdf 1/16/2024 1/15/2026
Country of Origin Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery Country of Origin.pdf 7/30/2024 7/30/2027
Natural Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery CSI Position-Natural Eng (2023).pdf 1/16/2024 1/15/2025
FDA Registration Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery FDA LETTER 2023.pdf 1/31/2023 1/31/2024
Product Specification Sheet Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery Fine sugar - rev 2025.pdf 1/31/2025 1/31/2028
Food Defense Plan Statement Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery Food Defence Statement_2022.pdf 1/31/2023 1/30/2025
GFSI Certificate Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery FSSC 22000 certificate V51 Montreal Refinery.pdf 1/31/2022 1/31/2025
Gluten Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery Gluten letter - Lantic inc - 2022.pdf 1/10/2024 1/9/2025
GMO Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery GMO - Lantic Inc - Corporate FY25.pdf 2/5/2025 2/5/2027
HACCP Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery HACCP (Food Safety and Quality) statement - corporate.pdf 2/1/2022 1/31/2025
HACCP Process Flow Diagram Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery HACCP (Food Safety and Quality) statement - corporate.pdf 10/28/2024 10/28/2026
HACCP Plan (Facility) Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery HACCP Food Safety and Quality statement - 2022.pdf 7/6/2023 7/5/2025
Halal Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery Halal certificate- Industrial 2024-2025.pdf 9/30/2024 9/30/2025
Heavy Metal Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery Heavy Metal Statement - 2022.pdf 5/24/2024 5/24/2026
Ingredient Statement Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery Ingredient statement- Lantic inc - 2022.pdf 1/10/2024 1/9/2025
Kosher Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery KosherCertificate_2024-2025 - Montreal.pdf 4/30/2024 4/30/2026
Letter of Guarantee Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery Letter of guarantee - Lantic Inc (March 2023).pdf 3/1/2023 2/28/2025
GRAS/NDI/ODI Statement Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery Letter of guarantee - Lantic Inc Feb 2024.pdf 10/28/2024 10/28/2027
Lot Code Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery Lot Number Identification Lantic Inc - Rev. 1 2023.pdf 5/24/2024 5/24/2027
Melamine Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery Melamine letter - Lantic Inc - 2022.pdf 7/30/2024 7/30/2025
National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard (Simplified) Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard (Simplified).pdf 1/5/2022 1/4/2025
Food Contact Packaging Certificate of Compliance Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery NotApplicable_FoodContactPackagingCertificateofCompliance.pdf 1/22/2024 1/21/2026
HARPC Food Safety Plan (Item) Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery NotApplicable_HARPCFoodSafetyPlanItem.pdf 10/14/2021 10/13/2024
Item Questionnaire Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery NotApplicable_ItemQuestionnaire.pdf 5/10/2024 5/10/2027
Organic Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery NotApplicable_Organic.pdf 7/17/2023 7/17/2024
Nutrition Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery Nutrition.pdf 5/29/2024 5/29/2027
Pesticide Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery Pesticides and herbicides letter - Lantic Inc - 2022.pdf 2/1/2023 1/31/2025
California Prop. 65 Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery Proposition 65 statement (general)- Lantic inc - valid until jan 2028.pdf 2/24/2025 2/24/2027
Irradiation Status Statement Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery Radiological Statement_valid until jan. 2025.pdf 2/1/2023 1/31/2025
Recall/Emergency/Contact List Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery Recall contact - Lantic Inc - 2022.pdf 7/6/2023 7/5/2024
Recall Plan Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery Recall contact - Lantic Inc - 2022.pdf 7/6/2023 7/5/2024
Residual Statement Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery Residual solvents letter - Lantic Inc - 2022.pdf 1/11/2023 1/11/2024
Bioterrorism Letter Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery Security letter Bio terrorisme 2023.pdf 1/31/2023 1/31/2024
Shelf Life Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery Shelf life information - Lantic Inc - 2022.pdf 2/1/2023 1/31/2025
Suitability Requirements Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery Suitability Requirements.pdf 4/21/2023 4/20/2026
Environmental Policy Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery Sustainability Policy Statement-Lantic 2022 (English).pdf 1/31/2023 1/31/2024
Vegan/Vegetarian Statement Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery Vegan - Lantic Inc - 2022.pdf 7/6/2023 1/31/2025