
B-SF-43 50x25g\100kg (666597)

B-SF-43 50x25g\100kg product image
SafePro® B-SF-43 is a freeze-dried food culture for ready-to-eat meat products. The culture has the ability to help control the growth of Listeria monocytogenes
Suggested labeling "culture", however as legislation may vary, please consult local legislation.
Location name Address
Chr. Hansen GmbH (Pohlheim, Germany) - Cultures Giessener Str. 94 Pohlheim, N/A D-35415 DEU
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Allergens Chr. Hansen GmbH (Pohlheim, Germany) - Cultures Allergens.pdf 3/13/2025 3/13/2027
CoA Sample Chr. Hansen GmbH (Pohlheim, Germany) - Cultures CoA_B-SF-43_666597_3773565_EN.pdf 3/13/2025 3/13/2027
Country of Origin Chr. Hansen GmbH (Pohlheim, Germany) - Cultures Country of Origin.pdf 3/13/2025 3/12/2028
Item Questionnaire Chr. Hansen GmbH (Pohlheim, Germany) - Cultures Item Questionnaire.pdf 3/14/2025 3/13/2028
Nutrition Chr. Hansen GmbH (Pohlheim, Germany) - Cultures Nutrition.pdf 3/14/2025 3/13/2028
Shelf Life Chr. Hansen GmbH (Pohlheim, Germany) - Cultures PI_GLOB_B-SF-43_666597_EN_ret14MAR25jm.pdf 3/14/2025 3/13/2028
Product Specification Sheet Chr. Hansen GmbH (Pohlheim, Germany) - Cultures PI_GLOB_B-SF-43_666597_EN_ret14MAR25jm.pdf 3/14/2025 3/13/2028