
Beef Liver Inedible (BFLVRI)

Protein - Mammal
Location name Address
Nor-Am Logistics South LLC 2101 East Trail Street Dodge City, KS 67801
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Product Specification Sheet Nor-Am Logistics South LLC Beef Livers Spec 2023.pdf 1/20/2023 1/19/2026
CoA Sample Nor-Am Logistics South LLC COA Beef Liver 11-28-22.pdf 11/28/2022 11/27/2024
Country of Origin Nor-Am Logistics South LLC Country of Origin.pdf 12/27/2023 12/26/2026
Lot Code Nor-Am Logistics South LLC Nor-am lot code explanation 5-22-23.pdf 5/23/2023 5/22/2026