

BEAN BLEND, HEIRLOOM product image
Our Heirloom Bean Blend is a hearty and visually striking combination of beans, peas and lentils, each adding a unique texture, color and flavor to the mix. Larger beans hold their texture during cooking, while smaller split peas and lentils add creamy thickness to classic recipes such as soups, stews and chili. Specially formulated to offer an array of color and texture, this blend is perfect for recipes that call for multiple beans. Its simple, one-step cooking process also makes it easy to add a stunning assortment of legumes to any recipe.
Beans, peas, lentils.
Bean / Legume
  • Functional Food and Nutrition
  • Protein Source
  • Fiber Source
Features & benefits
  • Plant-based
  • Colorful and Favorful Blend
  • Unique Texture
  • Versatile Ingredient
Location name Address
Woodland Gourmet 3751 Sunset Ave Waukegan, IL 60087
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Allergens Woodland Gourmet Allergens.pdf 12/13/2024 12/13/2026
Animal Testing Statement Woodland Gourmet Animal Testing Statement 2024-General.pdf 7/8/2024 7/8/2026
Product Specification Sheet Woodland Gourmet B209-PS.pdf 8/8/2022 8/7/2025
BSE - TSE Woodland Gourmet BSE-TSE 2023.pdf 9/12/2023 9/11/2026
CoA Sample Woodland Gourmet COA Example- Sample.pdf 5/17/2023 5/16/2025
Country of Origin Woodland Gourmet Country of Origin.pdf 12/13/2024 12/13/2027
Food Contact Packaging Certificate of Compliance Woodland Gourmet Food Packaging Letter '23.pdf 3/16/2023 3/15/2025
Melamine Woodland Gourmet General Melamine Statement 24.pdf 12/5/2024 12/5/2025
Heavy Metal Woodland Gourmet Heavy Metal Statement-2024.pdf 7/3/2024 7/3/2026
Lot Code Woodland Gourmet Item and Lot Code Description.pdf 1/31/2025 1/31/2028
HARPC Food Safety Plan (Item) Woodland Gourmet Item Level Not Applicable Statement-Reference 2024-TG.pdf 7/8/2024 7/8/2027
Item Questionnaire Woodland Gourmet Item Questionnaire.pdf 12/13/2024 12/13/2027
Label Sample Woodland Gourmet LABEL_PRODUCT_B209D.pdf 4/19/2024 4/19/2027
Nutrition Woodland Gourmet Nutrition.pdf 4/12/2024 4/12/2027
Pesticide Woodland Gourmet Pesticide Statement 2024.pdf 4/29/2024 4/29/2026
HACCP Process Flow Diagram Woodland Gourmet QS907 HACCP FC Packing.pdf 1/18/2024 1/17/2026
HACCP Woodland Gourmet QS912 FSP Hazard Analysis - Production Blending.pdf 1/18/2024 1/17/2027
Suitability Requirements Woodland Gourmet Suitability Requirements.pdf 12/13/2024 12/13/2027
Organic Woodland Gourmet TG-NA Organic Certified-2024.pdf 9/12/2024 9/12/2026
Kosher Woodland Gourmet Woodland Foods Kosher Certificate 2025.pdf 2/28/2024 3/31/2025
Residual Statement Woodland Gourmet Woodland Foods Residual Solvents Statement 2024.pdf 3/14/2024 3/14/2025
Sewage Statement Woodland Gourmet Woodland Foods Sewage Sluge Statement 2024.pdf 3/14/2024 3/14/2026