
Sweeteners (CS42-T)

42 DE Corn Syrup
  • Gluten-free
  • Ingredient declaration
  • Kosher
  • PHO-free
  • Ready-to-Eat (RTE)
  • Vegan
Location name Address
Good Food, Inc. 4960 Horseshoe Pike Honey Brook, PA 19344
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Good Food, Inc. 42 DE Corn Syrup_SDS Letter (01-09-15).pdf 4/5/2023 4/4/2025
Shelf Life Good Food, Inc. 42 DE Corn Syrup_SPECIFICATION (06-16-17) - Copy.pdf 4/10/2019 4/9/2021
Ingredient Statement Good Food, Inc. 42 DE Corn Syrup_SPECIFICATION (08-22-22).pdf 8/22/2022 8/22/2023
Product Specification Sheet Good Food, Inc. 42 DE Corn Syrup_SPECIFICATION (08-22-22).pdf 8/8/2022 8/7/2025
Allergens Good Food, Inc. Allergens.pdf 8/26/2021 8/26/2023
CoA Sample Good Food, Inc. COA - 42 DE Corn Syrup - LS Sweeteners (P) (GF).doc 4/12/2022 4/11/2024
Country of Origin Good Food, Inc. Country of Origin.pdf 12/2/2022 12/1/2025
EtO Statement Good Food, Inc. EtO Statement - 42 DE.pdf 4/10/2019 4/9/2021
Lot Code Good Food, Inc. Golden Barrel Liquid Products_LOT (08-24-22).pdf 8/24/2022 8/23/2025
GRAS/NDI/ODI Statement Good Food, Inc. GRAS Statement - Corn Syrups (04-21-22).pdf 4/21/2022 4/20/2025
HACCP Process Flow Diagram Good Food, Inc. HACCP Plan_Retail and Bulk Processing of Liquid Sweeteners & Edible Oils Flow Chart (11-18-22).pdf 11/18/2022 11/17/2024
Halal Good Food, Inc. Halal Statement - ALL CUSTOMERS 12-05-19.pdf 3/4/2021 3/4/2024
Heavy Metal Good Food, Inc. Heavy Metals- 04-10-19.pdf 4/10/2019 4/9/2021
Sewage Statement Good Food, Inc. Irradiation, sewage sludge statement - 04-09-19.pdf 4/9/2019 4/8/2021
Item Questionnaire Good Food, Inc. Item Questionnaire.pdf 12/2/2022 12/1/2025
Kosher Good Food, Inc. Kosher Cert 2021.pdf 8/31/2020 9/30/2020
Label Sample Good Food, Inc. NotApplicable_LabelSample.pdf 4/5/2023 4/4/2024
Organic Good Food, Inc. NotApplicable_Organic.pdf 8/26/2021 --
Nutrition Good Food, Inc. Nutrition.pdf 12/6/2022 12/5/2025
Label Guidance Good Food, Inc. Registered Trademark - 03-19-19.pdf 4/10/2019 4/9/2021
Pesticide Good Food, Inc. Residual Pesticide Statement - Corn Syrup (09-19-14).pdf 4/10/2019 4/9/2021
Residual Statement Good Food, Inc. Residual Solvent Statement 2021.pdf 8/26/2022 8/26/2023
Food Contact Packaging Certificate of Compliance Good Food, Inc. Spec_Poly Bulk Tote material - Global-Pak - REVIEWED.pdf 12/2/2022 12/1/2024
Suitability Requirements Good Food, Inc. Suitability Requirements.pdf 3/7/2023 3/6/2026