
Premium Chicken Fat Natural Mixed Tocopherols 900 – NOT FIT FOR HUMAN FOOD (10090760147)

Premium Chicken Fat Natural Mixed Tocopherols 900 – NOT FIT FOR HUMAN FOOD product image
Premium chicken fat is derived from the tissues of chicken in the commercial process of rendering or extracting. It is produced from the clean combination of flesh and skin with or without accompanying bone, derived from the parts of the whole carcasses of chicken or a combination thereof. Heads, feet, feathers, blood, and viscera are excluded. Premium chicken fat can be treated with a natural or synthetic antioxidant.
Premium Chicken fat, antioxidant (Vegetable Oil, Natural Mixed Tocopherols, Lecithin and Rosemary Extract)
Pet Food
Location name Address
Clarksville, AR 1238 Market Street Clarksville, AR 72830
Type Location File name Effective Expiration