
Stabitex 12410 (100142026)

Modified corn starch
Modified Starch
Location name Address
Mercedes, Brazil (MCR Amidos LTDA) Rod. BR 163 Km 303 – s/nº, Sanga Mineira Mercedes, PR 85.998-000 BRA
Uberlandia, Brazil Rua Will Cargill 880 Distrito Industrial Uberlandia, MG 38.402-350 BRA
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Allergens Uberlandia, Brazil Allergens.pdf 3/24/2025 3/24/2027
Country of Origin Uberlandia, Brazil Country of Origin.pdf 3/24/2025 3/23/2028
HACCP Uberlandia, Brazil HACCP_OPRP, CCP_Food Starches & Derivatives_Amilogill, Moldegill, Gomagill, CargillTex, Stabitex_Uberlândia, MG (BR)_2024-Apr (2).PDF 3/24/2025 3/23/2028
Lot Code Uberlandia, Brazil STMT_Recall, Retrieval and Traceability_LATAM_2024-Oct (1).PDF 3/24/2025 3/23/2028
GMO Uberlandia, Brazil TDS_Stabitex® 12410_2023-Aug-07 (5).PDF 3/24/2025 3/24/2027
Product Specification Sheet Uberlandia, Brazil TDS_Stabitex® 12410_2023-Aug-07 (5).PDF 3/24/2025 3/23/2028
Shelf Life Uberlandia, Brazil TDS_Stabitex® 12410_2023-Aug-07 (5).PDF 3/24/2025 3/23/2028