
Pop-Tarts, Eggo frozen waffles & pancakes, Frozen Veggie products, Rice Krispies Treats, Snacks, Snack Bars, Crackers, Pringles.
Location name Address
Kellanova - (Kansas City Bakery, KS) 801 Sunshine Rd. Kansas City, KS 66115 USA
Kellanova - ARI Packaging 11601 South Central Ave Alsip, IL 60803 USA
Kellanova - AUSTIN QUALITY FOODS (Cary, NC) One Quality Lane Cary, NC 27513 USA
Kellanova - Hearthside (Greencore) Geneva CoPacking Plant 1800 Averill Road Geneva, IL 60440 USA
Kellanova - ROME BAKERY, GA 452 Old Lindale Rd Rome, GA 30161 USA
Kellanova (Richmond Baking Company [More Than a Bakery])-Versailles, KY 570 Big Sink Road Versailles, KY 40383 USA
Kellanova Cincinnati Bakery 1 Trade St. Cincinnati, OH 45227 USA
Kellanova Grand Rapids Bakery 310 28th Street S.E. Grand Rapids, MI 49548 USA
Kellanova HQ One Kellogg Square South Tower Battle Creek, MI 49016-9805 USA
KELLOGG COMPANY - Jackson, TN 1306 Hwy 70 Bypass Jackson, TN 38301 USA
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Supplier Questionnaire KELLOGG COMPANY - Jackson, TN --
Supplier Questionnaire KELLOGG COMPANY - Jackson, TN --
Supplier Questionnaire Kellogg's Battle Creek Plant --
Supplier Questionnaire KELLOGG COMPANY - Jackson, TN --
Sesame Seed FASTER Act Survey Kellanova HQ B&G Foods Supplier Sesame Survey Feb08.2023.pdf 2/8/2023 12/31/2023
Insurance Kellanova - Queretaro, MX Plant Balchem Corporation-570093138732.pdf 6/1/2022 6/1/2023
GFSI Certificate Kellanova HQ Cary Austin Quality Foods - Kansas City Bakery SQF Audit Combined Certs Exp. Jan05_26.2025.pdf 10/13/2023 1/5/2025
Letter of Guarantee Kellanova - (Kansas City Bakery, KS) Continuing Guaranty - Culver Franchising System LLC - Jan31.2023.pdf 2/1/2023 1/31/2025
URM Safe Food Continuing Guarantee - TraceGains Kellanova HQ Continuing Guaranty - URM Stores Inc - Nov11.2022.pdf 11/11/2022 11/8/2032
Supplier Contact information Kellanova - Queretaro, MX Plant Corporate Contact Info Form Only - Aug31.2023.docx 8/31/2023 8/30/2024
Environmental Policy Kellanova - (Kansas City Bakery, KS) Environmental Monitoring Statement 2023.pdf 12/31/2022 12/31/2023
Environmental Policy Kellanova HQ Environmental Monitoring Statement Jan03.2023.pdf 1/3/2023 1/3/2024
Environmental Monitoring Policy Kellanova HQ Environmental Monitoring Statement Jan03.2023.pdf 1/3/2023 1/2/2025
Insurance Kellanova - (Kansas City Bakery, KS) Hormel Foods Corporation-570093139024.pdf 2/1/2023 5/31/2023
3rd Party Audit Certificate KELLOGG COMPANY - Jackson, TN Jackson_Pringles Manufacturing Company SQF Third Party Audit Cert Exp. Feb5.2025.pdf 11/30/2023 2/5/2025
3rd Party Audit Report KELLOGG COMPANY - Jackson, TN Jackson_Pringles Manufacturing Company SQF Third Party Audit Report Exp. Feb5.2025.pdf 11/30/2023 2/5/2025
Insurance KELLOGG COMPANY - Jackson, TN JM Swank-570102059744.pdf 6/1/2023 6/1/2024
3rd Party Audit Certificate Kellanova - (Kansas City Bakery, KS) Kansas City Bakery SQF Third Party Audit Cert Exp. Jan24.2024.pdf 12/31/2022 12/31/2023
GFSI Certificate Kellanova - (Kansas City Bakery, KS) Kansas City Bakery SQF Third Party Audit Cert Exp. Jan24.2024.pdf 12/31/2022 12/31/2023
FDA Registration Kellanova HQ Kellanova Bioterrorism FDA Registration Feb01.2024.pdf 2/1/2024 2/1/2026
Bioterrorism Letter Kellanova HQ Kellanova Bioterrorism FDA Registration Feb01.2024.pdf 2/1/2024 1/31/2025
Letter of Guarantee Kellanova HQ Kellanova Continuing Guaranty - Hormel Foods Corporate Services, LLC - May07.2024.pdf 5/7/2024 5/7/2026
Letter of Guarantee KELLOGG COMPANY - Jackson, TN Kellanova Continuing Guaranty - JM Swank, LLC Apr24.2024.pdf 4/24/2024 4/24/2026
Facility Environmental (Micro/Pathogen) Testing/Monitoring Program Kellanova HQ Kellanova Environmental Monitoring Statement Oct2.2023.pdf 10/2/2023 10/1/2024
CA Transparency Act Kellanova HQ Kellanova Global Code of Ethics.pdf 10/2/2024 10/2/2026
Ethical Code of Conduct Kellanova HQ Kellanova Global Code of Ethics.pdf 1/1/2024 12/31/2025
Sustainability Program Statement Kellanova HQ Kellanova Global Code of Ethics.pdf 1/1/2024 12/31/2025
Food Defense Plan Statement KELLOGG COMPANY - Jackson, TN Kellanova HACCP_Food Safety Plan Statement Jan02.2024.pdf 1/2/2024 1/1/2026
HACCP Plan (Facility) KELLOGG COMPANY - Jackson, TN Kellanova HACCP_Food Safety Plan Statement Jan02.2024.pdf 1/2/2024 1/1/2026
Supplier Approval Program Statement Kellanova HQ Kellanova Supplier - Ingredient Approval Process Oct2.2024.pdf 1/2/2024 1/1/2025
Allergen Control Policy Kellanova - (Kansas City Bakery, KS) Kellogg Allergen Controls Program Jan01.2023.pdf 12/31/2022 12/30/2024
Bioterrorism Letter Kellanova - (Kansas City Bakery, KS) Kellogg Company Bioterrorism FDA Registration Jan1.2023.pdf 12/31/2022 12/31/2023
USDA / FDA Registration Kellanova HQ Kellogg Company Bioterrorism FDA Registration Jan1.2023.pdf 1/1/2023 12/31/2024
FDA Registration Kellanova - (Kansas City Bakery, KS) Kellogg Company Bioterrorism FDA Registration Jan1.2023.pdf 12/31/2022 12/31/2023
FDA Registration Kellanova - Queretaro, MX Plant Kellogg Company Bioterrorism FDA Registration Jan1.2023.pdf 1/1/2023 1/1/2024
Ethical Code of Conduct Kellanova - Queretaro, MX Plant Kellogg Company Global Code of Ethics.pdf 1/1/2022 1/1/2024
Recall Plan Kellanova - (Kansas City Bakery, KS) Kellogg Company Recall Statement Jan1.2023.docx 1/1/2023 1/1/2024
Recall Plan Kellanova - Queretaro, MX Plant Kellogg Company Recall Statement_Flow Chart Jan1.2023.pdf 1/1/2023 1/1/2024
Ethical Code of Conduct Kellanova - (Kansas City Bakery, KS) Kellogg Company's Global Code of Ethics 2021.pdf 12/31/2022 12/30/2024
CA Transparency Act Kellanova - (Kansas City Bakery, KS) Kellogg Company's Global Code of Ethics 2021.pdf 12/31/2022 12/30/2024
Food Defense Plan Statement Kellanova - (Kansas City Bakery, KS) Kellogg Food Fraud Plans 012318.pdf 12/31/2022 12/30/2024
Food Fraud Program Kellanova HQ Kellogg Food Fraud Plans May1.2023.pdf 5/1/2023 4/30/2024
Food Defense Plan Statement Kellanova HQ Kellogg HACCP_Food Safety Plan Statement Jan03.2023.pdf 1/3/2023 1/2/2025
HACCP Plan (Facility) Kellanova HQ Kellogg HACCP_Food Safety Plan Statement Jan03.2023.pdf 1/3/2023 1/2/2025
HACCP Plan (Facility) Kellanova - Queretaro, MX Plant Kellogg HACCP_Food Safety Plan Statement Jan03.2023.pdf 1/3/2023 1/2/2025
Supplier Approval Program Statement Kellanova - Queretaro, MX Plant Kellogg Supplier - Ingredient Approval Process Mar9.2023.pdf 3/9/2023 3/8/2024
CTPAT Kellanova HQ Kellogg's C-TPAT Certificate May2004.jpg 5/7/2024 5/7/2025
Food Contact Packaging Cert. of Compliance Kellanova HQ Kellogg's Packaging Compliance - Direct Food Contact Letter Jul31.2023.pdf 7/31/2023 7/30/2024
Allergen Control Policy Kellanova HQ KNV Allergen Controls Program Mar05.2024.pdf 3/5/2024 3/5/2026
Allergen Control Policy Kellanova - Queretaro, MX Plant KNV Allergen Controls Program Oct2.2023.pdf 10/1/2023 9/30/2025
Recall/Emergency/Contact List Kellanova HQ KNV Crisis - Recall - Emergency Contacts - Jan02.2024.pdf 1/2/2024 1/1/2025
Business Continuity Plan Kellanova HQ KNV Crisis Management Overview Jan02.2024.pdf 1/2/2024 1/1/2026
SGC Vendor Indemnity Kellanova HQ KNV Master Product Indemnity Letter - SGC Foodservice May08.2024.pdf 5/8/2024 5/8/2027
PFAS Statement KELLOGG COMPANY - Jackson, TN KNV Packaging Compliance - Direct Food Contact Letter Nov20.2023.pdf 11/20/2023 11/19/2025
Product Recall Letter/Policies Kellanova HQ KNV Recall Procedure Statement Feb12.2024.pdf 2/12/2024 2/11/2025
Recall Plan Kellanova HQ KNV Recall Procedure Statement Feb12.2024.pdf 2/12/2024 2/11/2025
3rd Party Audit Certificate Kellanova HQ NotApplicable_3rdPartyAuditCertificate.pdf 4/22/2024 4/22/2025
3rd Party Audit Corrective Action Plan Kellanova - (Kansas City Bakery, KS) NotApplicable_3rdPartyAuditCorrectiveActionPlan.pdf 2/1/2023 2/1/2024
3rd Party Audit Corrective Action Plan Kellanova HQ NotApplicable_3rdPartyAuditCorrectiveActionPlan.pdf 5/8/2024 5/8/2025
3rd Party Audit Report Kellanova HQ NotApplicable_3rdPartyAuditReport.pdf 5/8/2024 5/8/2025
CTPAT Kellanova - (Kansas City Bakery, KS) NotApplicable_CTPAT.pdf 2/1/2023 2/1/2024
GFSI Audit Report Kellanova HQ NotApplicable_GFSIAuditReport.pdf 5/8/2024 5/8/2025
GFSI Corrective Action Kellanova - (Kansas City Bakery, KS) NotApplicable_GFSICorrectiveAction.pdf 2/1/2023 2/1/2024
GFSI Corrective Action Kellanova HQ NotApplicable_GFSICorrectiveAction.pdf 5/7/2024 5/7/2025
Health Dept Permit (County & State, if applicable) Kellanova HQ NotApplicable_HealthDeptPermitCountyStateifapplicable.pdf 2/8/2023 2/8/2024
Supplier Approval Program Statement Kellanova - (Kansas City Bakery, KS) NotApplicable_SupplierApprovalProgramStatement.pdf 2/1/2023 2/1/2024
CA Transparency Act Kellanova - Queretaro, MX Plant PROP 65 COMPLIANCE Jan22022.pdf 1/1/2022 1/1/2024
Vendor Letter Acknowledgement Kellanova HQ QA.7.1334.F Vendor Letter of Acknowledgement 003 Mar08.2024.pdf 3/8/2024 3/8/2025
Recall/Emergency/Contact List Kellanova - (Kansas City Bakery, KS) Recall - Emergency Contacts - Jan03.2023.pdf 1/1/2023 1/1/2024
Recall/Emergency/Contact List Kellanova - Queretaro, MX Plant Recall - Emergency Contacts - Jan03.2023.pdf 3/10/2023 3/9/2024
Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum KELLOGG COMPANY - Jackson, TN Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum.pdf 3/1/2024 3/1/2026
Supplier Questionnaire Kellanova - Queretaro, MX Plant Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 3/27/2022 3/26/2024
Supplier Questionnaire Kellanova - (Kansas City Bakery, KS) Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 2/1/2023 1/31/2025
Supplier Questionnaire Kellanova HQ Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 5/7/2024 5/7/2026
Supplier Questionnaire KELLOGG COMPANY - Jackson, TN Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 3/8/2024 3/8/2026
B&G Supplier Code of Conduct Kellanova HQ Supplier-Code-of-Conduct - signed Sep01.2023.pdf 9/1/2023 8/31/2026
Sustainability (Level 1) Kellanova - (Kansas City Bakery, KS) Sustainability (Level 1).pdf 2/1/2023 1/31/2026
Sustainability (Level 1) Kellanova HQ Sustainability (Level 1).pdf 7/12/2021 7/11/2024
Sustainability (Level 2) Kellanova - (Kansas City Bakery, KS) Sustainability (Level 2).pdf 2/1/2023 1/31/2026
Sustainability (Level 2) Kellanova HQ Sustainability (Level 2).pdf 10/1/2021 9/30/2024
URM Certificate of Insurance Kellanova HQ URM Stores, Inc.-570093139535.pdf 6/1/2022 6/1/2023
Insurance Kellanova HQ Utz Quality Foods-570102060274.pdf 6/1/2023 6/1/2024
W-9 Kellanova HQ W9 Form Kellanova Oct2.2023.pdf 10/2/2023 10/1/2026