

Acidity regulator
Location name Address
Aceto Corporation - Kawasaki Kasei Chemicals, Japan - Mitsubishi 1-2, Chidori-cho Kawasaki-ku Kawasaki City, 14 210-0865 JPN
ACETO CORPORATION - Wuhan Grand Hoyo, China - Mitsubishi No.1 Industrial Park Gedian Economy Development Zone E'Zhou, HB 436070 CHN
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
CoA Sample Aceto Corporation - Kawasaki Kasei Chemicals, Japan - Mitsubishi 1620089 L-CYSTEINE HCL MONOHYD Lot C201-202402051.pdf 3/15/2024 3/15/2026
Safety Data Sheet (SDS) ACETO CORPORATION - Wuhan Grand Hoyo, China - Mitsubishi 4601700 GHS.PDF 3/2/2020 3/2/2022
Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Aceto Corporation - Kawasaki Kasei Chemicals, Japan - Mitsubishi 4601700 GHS.PDF 6/20/2023 6/19/2026
California Prop. 65 ACETO CORPORATION - Wuhan Grand Hoyo, China - Mitsubishi 65statementof L-CYSTEINE HCL MONO-Wuhan Hoyo-20190311.pdf 3/2/2020 3/2/2022
Gluten ACETO CORPORATION - Wuhan Grand Hoyo, China - Mitsubishi Allergen Questionnaireof L-CYSTEINE HCL MONO-Wuhan Hoyo-20190311.pdf 3/2/2020 3/2/2021
Allergens Aceto Corporation - Kawasaki Kasei Chemicals, Japan - Mitsubishi Allergen Statement of L-Cysteine HCL Monohydrate.pdf 11/21/2024 11/21/2026
Gluten Aceto Corporation - Kawasaki Kasei Chemicals, Japan - Mitsubishi Allergen Statement of L-Cysteine HCL Monohydrate.pdf 11/21/2024 11/21/2026
BSE - TSE ACETO CORPORATION - Wuhan Grand Hoyo, China - Mitsubishi BSETSEStatementof L-CYSTEINE HCL MONO-Wuhan Hoyo-20190314.pdf 3/2/2020 3/2/2023
CoA Sample ACETO CORPORATION - Wuhan Grand Hoyo, China - Mitsubishi COA - L-Cysteine HCL mono.pdf 2/3/2020 2/2/2022
BSE - TSE Aceto Corporation - Kawasaki Kasei Chemicals, Japan - Mitsubishi d BSE Statement.pdf 12/13/2024 12/13/2027
California Prop. 65 Aceto Corporation - Kawasaki Kasei Chemicals, Japan - Mitsubishi e California Proposition 65 Statement.pdf 12/12/2024 12/12/2026
HACCP Process Flow Diagram ACETO CORPORATION - Wuhan Grand Hoyo, China - Mitsubishi Flow Chart of L-Cysteine HCl Monohydrate.pdf 3/2/2020 3/2/2022
Food Contact Packaging Certificate of Compliance Aceto Corporation - Kawasaki Kasei Chemicals, Japan - Mitsubishi Food Contact Declaration.PDF 3/2/2021 3/2/2023
Food Contact Packaging Certificate of Compliance ACETO CORPORATION - Wuhan Grand Hoyo, China - Mitsubishi FOODCONTACTDECLARATIONof L-CYSTEINE HCL MONO-Wuhan Hoyo-20190312.pdf 3/2/2020 3/2/2022
HACCP ACETO CORPORATION - Wuhan Grand Hoyo, China - Mitsubishi FSP Coverpage and PCQI Cert.pdf 4/23/2020 4/23/2023
GRAS/NDI/ODI Statement Aceto Corporation - Kawasaki Kasei Chemicals, Japan - Mitsubishi GRAS Statement of L-Cysteine HCl Monohydrate.pdf 12/17/2024 12/17/2027
GMO Aceto Corporation - Kawasaki Kasei Chemicals, Japan - Mitsubishi h GMO Statement.pdf 12/13/2024 12/13/2026
HACCP Aceto Corporation - Kawasaki Kasei Chemicals, Japan - Mitsubishi HACCP of L-Cysteine HCl Monohydrate.pdf 11/21/2024 11/21/2027
HACCP Process Flow Diagram Aceto Corporation - Kawasaki Kasei Chemicals, Japan - Mitsubishi HACCP of L-Cysteine HCl Monohydrate.pdf 11/21/2024 11/21/2026
HARPC Food Safety Plan (Item) Aceto Corporation - Kawasaki Kasei Chemicals, Japan - Mitsubishi HACCP of L-Cysteine HCl Monohydrate.pdf 11/21/2024 11/21/2027
HARPC Food Safety Plan (Item) ACETO CORPORATION - Wuhan Grand Hoyo, China - Mitsubishi HACCP of L-Cysteine HCl Monohydrate-revised.pdf 4/4/2019 4/3/2022
Halal ACETO CORPORATION - Wuhan Grand Hoyo, China - Mitsubishi Halal certificate 20211130.pdf 12/17/2019 11/30/2021
Halal Aceto Corporation - Kawasaki Kasei Chemicals, Japan - Mitsubishi Halal Hoyo -DuckFeathers 2023-2025.pdf 12/19/2023 11/30/2025
Heavy Metal Aceto Corporation - Kawasaki Kasei Chemicals, Japan - Mitsubishi Heavy Metals Statement of L-Cysteine HCL Monohydrate.pdf 12/16/2024 12/16/2026
Ingredient Statement Aceto Corporation - Kawasaki Kasei Chemicals, Japan - Mitsubishi Ingredient Statement of L-Cysteine HCL Monohydrate.pdf 12/17/2024 12/17/2027
Country of Origin Aceto Corporation - Kawasaki Kasei Chemicals, Japan - Mitsubishi j Certificate of Origin.pdf 12/18/2024 12/18/2027
Kosher ACETO CORPORATION - Wuhan Grand Hoyo, China - Mitsubishi Kosher Certificate exp 20200731.PDF 4/23/2020 7/31/2020
Label Guidance ACETO CORPORATION - Wuhan Grand Hoyo, China - Mitsubishi Label Template.pdf 4/23/2020 4/23/2022
Label Claims ACETO CORPORATION - Wuhan Grand Hoyo, China - Mitsubishi Label Template.pdf 4/23/2020 4/23/2022
Kosher Aceto Corporation - Kawasaki Kasei Chemicals, Japan - Mitsubishi LetterOfCertification_OEDH5N1I.pdf 5/13/2024 4/30/2025
Lot Code Aceto Corporation - Kawasaki Kasei Chemicals, Japan - Mitsubishi Lot Code Explanation of L-Cysteine HCl Monohyrdate.pdf 12/17/2024 12/17/2027
Melamine Aceto Corporation - Kawasaki Kasei Chemicals, Japan - Mitsubishi Melamine Statement.pdf 3/2/2021 3/2/2022
Melamine ACETO CORPORATION - Wuhan Grand Hoyo, China - Mitsubishi MelamineStatementof L-CYSTEINE HCL MONO-Wuhan Hoyo-20190312.pdf 3/2/2020 3/2/2021
FSVP Assessment Form Aceto Corporation - Kawasaki Kasei Chemicals, Japan - Mitsubishi MIFI FSVPI Acknowledgement - 2024 - Aceto Wuhan_encrypted_.pdf 11/21/2024 11/21/2025
GMO ACETO CORPORATION - Wuhan Grand Hoyo, China - Mitsubishi Non-GMO Formof L-CYSTEINE HCL MONO-Wuhan Hoyo-20190312.pdf 3/2/2020 3/2/2022
EtO Statement Aceto Corporation - Kawasaki Kasei Chemicals, Japan - Mitsubishi Non-Irradiation ETO Statement of L-Cysteine HCL Monohydrate.pdf 12/17/2024 12/17/2026
Irradiation Status Statement Aceto Corporation - Kawasaki Kasei Chemicals, Japan - Mitsubishi Non-Irradiation ETO Statement of L-Cysteine HCL Monohydrate.pdf 12/17/2024 12/17/2026
Allergens ACETO CORPORATION - Wuhan Grand Hoyo, China - Mitsubishi NotApplicable_Allergens.pdf 3/2/2020 3/2/2022
Country of Origin ACETO CORPORATION - Wuhan Grand Hoyo, China - Mitsubishi NotApplicable_CountryofOrigin.pdf 2/3/2020 2/2/2023
Dietary Supplement Questionnaire Aceto Corporation - Kawasaki Kasei Chemicals, Japan - Mitsubishi NotApplicable_DietarySupplementQuestionnaire.pdf 8/10/2021 8/10/2022
Dietary Supplement Questionnaire ACETO CORPORATION - Wuhan Grand Hoyo, China - Mitsubishi NotApplicable_DietarySupplementQuestionnaire.pdf 7/8/2019 7/7/2020
FSVP Assessment Form ACETO CORPORATION - Wuhan Grand Hoyo, China - Mitsubishi NotApplicable_FSVPAssessmentForm.pdf 4/23/2020 4/23/2021
Heavy Metal ACETO CORPORATION - Wuhan Grand Hoyo, China - Mitsubishi NotApplicable_HeavyMetal.pdf 3/2/2020 3/2/2022
Item Questionnaire Aceto Corporation - Kawasaki Kasei Chemicals, Japan - Mitsubishi NotApplicable_ItemQuestionnaire.pdf 3/18/2022 3/17/2025
Item Questionnaire ACETO CORPORATION - Wuhan Grand Hoyo, China - Mitsubishi NotApplicable_ItemQuestionnaire.pdf 2/3/2020 2/2/2021
Lot Code ACETO CORPORATION - Wuhan Grand Hoyo, China - Mitsubishi NotApplicable_LotCode.pdf 2/3/2020 2/2/2023
No Animal Ingredient Statement Aceto Corporation - Kawasaki Kasei Chemicals, Japan - Mitsubishi NotApplicable_NoAnimalIngredientStatement.pdf 3/21/2022 3/21/2023
No Animal Ingredient Statement ACETO CORPORATION - Wuhan Grand Hoyo, China - Mitsubishi NotApplicable_NoAnimalIngredientStatement.pdf 3/2/2020 3/2/2021
Nutrition ACETO CORPORATION - Wuhan Grand Hoyo, China - Mitsubishi NotApplicable_Nutrition.pdf 3/2/2020 3/2/2023
Organic Aceto Corporation - Kawasaki Kasei Chemicals, Japan - Mitsubishi NotApplicable_Organic.pdf 12/31/2024 12/31/2026
Phthalate Esters Letter ACETO CORPORATION - Wuhan Grand Hoyo, China - Mitsubishi NotApplicable_PhthalateEstersLetter.pdf 3/2/2020 3/2/2021
Shelf Life ACETO CORPORATION - Wuhan Grand Hoyo, China - Mitsubishi NotApplicable_ShelfLife.pdf 2/3/2020 2/2/2022
Suitability Requirements ACETO CORPORATION - Wuhan Grand Hoyo, China - Mitsubishi NotApplicable_SuitabilityRequirements.pdf 2/3/2020 2/2/2023
Nutrition Aceto Corporation - Kawasaki Kasei Chemicals, Japan - Mitsubishi Nutritional Information - L-Cysteine HCL Monohydrate.pdf 12/17/2024 12/17/2027
Label Sample ACETO CORPORATION - Wuhan Grand Hoyo, China - Mitsubishi Nutritional Quesitonnaireof L-CYSTEINE HCL MONO-Wuhan Hoyo-20190311.pdf 3/2/2020 3/2/2021
Pesticide Aceto Corporation - Kawasaki Kasei Chemicals, Japan - Mitsubishi Pesticide Statement of L-Cysteine HCL Monohydrate.pdf 12/17/2024 12/17/2026
Phthalate Esters Letter Aceto Corporation - Kawasaki Kasei Chemicals, Japan - Mitsubishi Phthalate Statement.pdf 12/13/2024 12/13/2025
Label Sample Aceto Corporation - Kawasaki Kasei Chemicals, Japan - Mitsubishi Product Label Image of L-Cysteine HCl Monohydrate.pdf 12/17/2024 12/17/2025
Residual Statement ACETO CORPORATION - Wuhan Grand Hoyo, China - Mitsubishi Residual Solvents Statementof L-CYSTEINE HCL MONO-Wuhan Hoyo-20190311.pdf 2/3/2020 2/2/2021
Sewage Statement Aceto Corporation - Kawasaki Kasei Chemicals, Japan - Mitsubishi Sewage Sludge Statement of L-Cysteine HCl Monohydrate.pdf 12/17/2024 12/17/2026
Shelf Life Aceto Corporation - Kawasaki Kasei Chemicals, Japan - Mitsubishi Shelf Life Statement - L-Cysteine HCl Monohydrate.pdf 12/17/2024 12/17/2027
GRAS/NDI/ODI Statement ACETO CORPORATION - Wuhan Grand Hoyo, China - Mitsubishi SIDIof L-CYSTEINE HCL MONO-Wuhan Hoyo-20190311.pdf 2/25/2020 2/24/2023
Animal Testing Statement Aceto Corporation - Kawasaki Kasei Chemicals, Japan - Mitsubishi Source Questionnaire.pdf 3/2/2021 3/2/2023
Residual Statement Aceto Corporation - Kawasaki Kasei Chemicals, Japan - Mitsubishi Source Questionnaire.pdf 3/2/2022 3/2/2023
Natural Aceto Corporation - Kawasaki Kasei Chemicals, Japan - Mitsubishi Source Questionnaire.pdf 3/2/2022 3/2/2023
EtO Statement ACETO CORPORATION - Wuhan Grand Hoyo, China - Mitsubishi Source Questionnaireof L-CYSTEINE HCL MONO-Wuhan Hoyo-20190311.pdf 3/11/2019 3/10/2021
Animal Testing Statement ACETO CORPORATION - Wuhan Grand Hoyo, China - Mitsubishi Source Questionnaireof L-CYSTEINE HCL MONO-Wuhan Hoyo-20190311.pdf 3/11/2019 3/10/2021
Pesticide ACETO CORPORATION - Wuhan Grand Hoyo, China - Mitsubishi Source Questionnaireof L-CYSTEINE HCL MONO-Wuhan Hoyo-20190311.pdf 3/2/2020 3/2/2022
Ingredient Statement ACETO CORPORATION - Wuhan Grand Hoyo, China - Mitsubishi Source Questionnaireof L-CYSTEINE HCL MONO-Wuhan Hoyo-20190311.pdf 3/2/2020 3/2/2021
Organic ACETO CORPORATION - Wuhan Grand Hoyo, China - Mitsubishi Source Questionnaireof L-CYSTEINE HCL MONO-Wuhan Hoyo-20190311.pdf 3/2/2020 3/10/2021
Irradiation Status Statement ACETO CORPORATION - Wuhan Grand Hoyo, China - Mitsubishi Source Questionnaireof L-CYSTEINE HCL MONO-Wuhan Hoyo-20190311.pdf 3/2/2020 3/2/2022
Sewage Statement ACETO CORPORATION - Wuhan Grand Hoyo, China - Mitsubishi Source Questionnaireof L-CYSTEINE HCL MONO-Wuhan Hoyo-20190311.pdf 3/2/2020 3/2/2022
Natural ACETO CORPORATION - Wuhan Grand Hoyo, China - Mitsubishi Source Questionnaireof L-CYSTEINE HCL MONO-Wuhan Hoyo-20190311.pdf 3/2/2020 3/2/2021
WADA/NSF/NFL Statement ACETO CORPORATION - Wuhan Grand Hoyo, China - Mitsubishi Source Questionnaireof L-CYSTEINE HCL MONO-Wuhan Hoyo-20190311.pdf 3/11/2019 3/10/2021
National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard (Simplified) ACETO CORPORATION - Wuhan Grand Hoyo, China - Mitsubishi Source Questionnaireof L-CYSTEINE HCL MONO-Wuhan Hoyo-20190311.pdf 3/2/2020 3/2/2023
Product Specification Sheet ACETO CORPORATION - Wuhan Grand Hoyo, China - Mitsubishi SpecSheetof L-Cysteine HCL Mono.pdf 3/2/2020 3/2/2023
Product Specification Sheet Aceto Corporation - Kawasaki Kasei Chemicals, Japan - Mitsubishi TDS - 4601700.pdf 2/20/2024 2/19/2027
WADA/NSF/NFL Statement Aceto Corporation - Kawasaki Kasei Chemicals, Japan - Mitsubishi WADA Statement of Cysteine HCl Monohydrate.pdf 12/15/2024 12/15/2026