
LIQUID WHOLE EGG-CAGE FREE (Pasteurized Liquid Cage Free Whole Egg in Totes)

CF Whole Totes
Cage Free Whole Egg Totes
Egg/Egg By-Product
Location name Address
Shepherd's Processed Eggs 6400 South 3502 West Spanish Fork, UT 84660
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Allergens Shepherd's Processed Eggs Allergens.pdf 5/2/2024 5/2/2026
California Prop. 65 Shepherd's Processed Eggs California Proposition 65 Statement.pdf 7/25/2023 7/24/2025
Country of Origin Shepherd's Processed Eggs Country of Origin.pdf 5/2/2024 5/2/2027
Item Questionnaire Shepherd's Processed Eggs Item Questionnaire.pdf 5/2/2024 5/2/2027