M. Dias Branco S/A Ind. e Com. de Alimentos

With more than 60 years of history, M. Dias Branco is, accordingly to Euromonitor’s world ranking, the sixth biggest company in pasta and the seventh in biscuits. With the widest product range in Brazil, and recognized for its quality, uniqueness and excellent cost vs benefit ratio, the company is market leader in pasta and biscuit in Brazil with several top of mind brands in consumer’s preference. M Dias Branco also participates in other categories, such as toasts, margarine, cakes, snacks and cake mixes.
Location name Address
M. Dias Branco S/A Ind. e Com. de Alimentos Rodovia BR 116, km 18 Eusebio, CE 61760 000 BRA
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Letter of Guarantee M. Dias Branco S/A Ind. e Com. de Alimentos 154209 - CONTINUING PRODUCT GUARANTEE AND INDEMINIFICATION AGREEMENT - Goya Foods, Inc-Manifesto (1) (1).pdf 3/7/2023 3/6/2025
Goya Letter of Guarantee M. Dias Branco S/A Ind. e Com. de Alimentos 154209 - CONTINUING PRODUCT GUARANTEE AND INDEMINIFICATION AGREEMENT - Goya Foods, Inc-Manifesto (1) (1).pdf 3/7/2023 3/5/2030
Goya Insurance M. Dias Branco S/A Ind. e Com. de Alimentos Certificado Bilingue - Goya Foods Inc.pdf 2/1/2023 2/1/2024
CTPAT-Goya Trade Compliance Cumplimiento comercial ISF 2022 Documentos de importación M. Dias Branco S/A Ind. e Com. de Alimentos Cumplimiento del proveedor, Documentos de importaci_Signed.pdf 2/1/2023 1/31/2026
FDA Registration M. Dias Branco S/A Ind. e Com. de Alimentos FDA - FF.pdf 1/1/2023 12/31/2023
GFSI Certificate M. Dias Branco S/A Ind. e Com. de Alimentos FF FSSCCertificate BR037315 VENC. 14.04.25.pdf 5/15/2023 4/14/2025
3rd Party Audit Certificate M. Dias Branco S/A Ind. e Com. de Alimentos FF_EUSEBIO _FSSC 22000 Audit Report V51 1 cor.pdf 7/1/2023
GFSI Audit Report M. Dias Branco S/A Ind. e Com. de Alimentos FSSC_MDIAS BRANCO_FF.pdf 4/15/2019 4/14/2022
Goya Food Defense Survey M. Dias Branco S/A Ind. e Com. de Alimentos Goya Food Defense and Food Safety Survey.pdf 5/17/2023 5/16/2024
CTPAT-Goya Trade Compliance Import Documents ISF Vendor Trade Compliance 2022 M. Dias Branco S/A Ind. e Com. de Alimentos ISF Vendor Trade Compliance Import Documents English 2022_Signed.pdf 2/1/2023 1/31/2026
Recall/Emergency/Contact List M. Dias Branco S/A Ind. e Com. de Alimentos MDBGSAFO001 - IDENTIFICATION OF THE TEAM INVOLVED WITH THE RECALL PLAN.pdf 6/1/2022 6/1/2023
Recall Plan M. Dias Branco S/A Ind. e Com. de Alimentos MDBGSAPO006I-R02 PRODUCT COLLECTIONS AND RECALL.pdf 6/1/2022 6/1/2023
Allergen Control Policy M. Dias Branco S/A Ind. e Com. de Alimentos MDBGSAPO007I-R04 ALLERGEN MANAGEMENT.pdf 6/1/2022 5/31/2024
3rd Party Audit Report M. Dias Branco S/A Ind. e Com. de Alimentos MDIAS_FF_Audit Report V5.1 (Rev.1.1) (1).pdf 8/12/2021 4/14/2025
Supplier Questionnaire M. Dias Branco S/A Ind. e Com. de Alimentos Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 2/28/2023 2/27/2025