M29583 #61 (M29583 #61)
With the exception noted below, there are no product or process additives used in the production of the above named
packaging products that are derived from materials sourced from any of the fourteen known food groups and types
responsible for most human allergic reactions to foods as listed in the U.S. Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer
Protection Act of 2004 and in Annex II of Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011. These food types include peanuts, tree nuts,
eggs, milk, grains containing gluten (wheat, spelt, rye, barley, or oats), soybeans, fish, crustaceans, celery, mustard,
sesame seeds, mollusks, lupines, and sulfur dioxide and sulfites.
Some ink products used in printing the packaging products do contain chemically and thermally modified soy protein or
milk protein casein as a component of the ink. Please note that these ink products are neither described as suitable for
nor used in direct food contact applications. These ink products are used on the exterior of the packaging, any potential
food contact is either incidental or unintended and of short duration. Migration of ink product components to contacted
foods has the potential to occur at trace levels only (such as from ink offset onto food contact surfaces of stacked,
printed corrugated items).
Very truly yours,
Ellen W. Cobb
c: Gregory Cole
Contact your sales representative for further information.
LEGAL NOTICE: Nothing in this letter provides an implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose as that term is understood in the Uniform Commercial Code. Nothing in this letter modifies,
changes and or replaces contractual language that exists between IP and your company. If there is disagreement between this letter and any contractual language, the latter controls. Laws frequently
change and nothing in this letter relieves your company from any independent duty it may have to comply with applicable law. Nothing in this letter applies to product that is altered, in any way, by any
third party. Since the particular uses and the actual conditions of use of our products are beyond our control, establishing satisfactory and legally compliant performance of our products for the
intended application is the customer’s sole responsibility.
Packaging - Non Food Contact
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