Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods

Freeze Dried Fruits & Vegetables
Properly ripened, wholesome bananas that have been peeled, diced, and freeze dried with moisture reduced by vacuum sublimation. This product is produced in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practices and conforms in all respects to the provisions of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.
Location name Address
Mercer Foods (Thrive) - Relifoods Plot No. 2.10I, Tra Noc II Industrial Zone, Phuoc Thoi Ward O Mon District, CT 94308 VNM
Mercer Foods (Thrive) - Sichuan Desy Foods No.7 Yanjia Xiang, Minjian Town, Mabian County Group 3, Guangming Village, Mabian County Leshan, SC 614600 CHN
Mercer Foods (Thrive) - Thabico Hoa Thanh Hamlet, Binh Ninh Commune Cho Gao District, 46 XXXXX VNM
Mercer Foods (Thrive) - Yantai Rich Food Technology - Yantai, Shandong Province, China No.9 Taishan Road, Laiyang Food Industrial Park, Laiyang City Yantai, SD 265209 CHN
Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods 1836 Lapham Drive Modesto, CA 95354-3900 USA
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Allergen Control Policy Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods Allergen Control Statement 2024.01.16 (3).pdf 1/16/2024 1/15/2026
Bioterrorism Letter Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods Bioterrorism Compliance Statement 2022-2024.pdf 1/16/2024 1/15/2025
Bioterrorism Letter Mercer Foods (Thrive) - Sichuan Desy Foods Bioterrorism Compliance Statement 2022-2024.pdf 1/16/2024 1/15/2025
Certificate of Insurance (COI) Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods BrothersInternationalFoodsInc_W33963227.PDF 6/24/2024 6/24/2025
CA Transparency Act Mercer Foods (Thrive) - Yantai Rich Food Technology - Yantai, Shandong Province, China CA Transparency Act-YRF En.pdf 5/15/2023 5/14/2026
Recall/Emergency/Contact List Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods CHART 340-003 Thrive Foods Recall Committee and Emergency Contact List R24 10.26.23.pdf 1/1/2024 12/31/2024
Insurance Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods CIIMissouri_W32995671.PDF 8/15/2023 8/15/2024
Environmental Policy Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods Environmental Monitoring Statement 2024.07.30.pdf 7/30/2024 7/30/2025
Environmental Monitoring Program Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods Environmental Monitoring Statement.pdf 8/17/2023 8/16/2024
FDA Registration Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods FDA Biennial Registration 2023-2024.pdf 1/1/2024 12/31/2024
CFIA or FDA Registration Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods FDA Biennial Registration 2023-2024.pdf 12/31/2023 12/30/2024
Food Contact Packaging Certificate of Compliance (Facility) Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods Food Contact Packaging Certificate of Compliance Statement.pdf 10/17/2023 10/16/2025
Food Defense Plan Statement Mercer Foods (Thrive) - Yantai Rich Food Technology - Yantai, Shandong Province, China Food Defence Plan-YRF En.pdf 5/15/2023 5/14/2025
Food Defense Plan Statement Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods FSMA and FSVP Compliance Statement.pdf 8/17/2023 8/16/2025
FSMA Assessment Form Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods FSMA and FSVP Compliance Statement.pdf 7/10/2024 7/10/2025
FSMA PCQI certificate Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods FSPCA Human Food Certificate - Jeri Sparks-Gonsalves 2018.09.13.pdf 7/24/2024 7/24/2025
PCQI Certificate of Training Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods FSPCA Human Food Certificate - Jeri Sparks-Gonsalves 2018.09.13.pdf 8/30/2024 8/30/2027
Ingredient Hazard Analysis (IHA) Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods FSQA Compliance Statement 2024.06.28 (1).pdf 6/28/2024 6/28/2025
HACCP Letter Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods FSQA Compliance Statement.pdf 2/2/2024 2/1/2025
Gluten Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods Gluten Free Statement 2024.02.02.pdf 2/2/2024 2/1/2025
Goya Insurance Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods GoyaFoodsInc_W34485538.pdf 8/15/2024 8/15/2025
Heavy Metal Statement Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods Heavy Metal and Chemical Contaminant Statement 2024.02.05.pdf 7/10/2024 7/10/2025
Heavy Metal Verification Program Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods Heavy Metal and Chemical Contaminant Statement 2024.02.05.pdf 2/5/2024 2/4/2027
Letter of Change Notification Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods Letter of Change Notification.pdf 8/1/2022 7/31/2025
Goya Letter of Guarantee Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods Letter of Guarantee 2024.01.16.pdf 8/30/2024 8/29/2031
Letter of Guarantee Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods Letter of Guarantee 2024.01.16.pdf 1/16/2024 1/15/2026
Letter of Guarantee Mercer Foods (Thrive) - Yantai Rich Food Technology - Yantai, Shandong Province, China Letter of Guarantee.pdf 2/23/2023 2/22/2025
3rd Party Audit Report Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods Mercer Foods - Modesto Final Quality2023.pdf 1/30/2024 2/9/2025
3rd Party Audit Corrective Action Plan Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods Mercer Foods - Modesto FULL FS&Q Audit 2023.pdf 1/23/2024 2/9/2025
GFSI Audit Report Mercer Foods (Thrive) - Yantai Rich Food Technology - Yantai, Shandong Province, China Mercer Foods - Modesto FULL FS&Q Audit 2023.pdf 1/1/1753 2/9/2025
GFSI Audit Report Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods Mercer Foods - Modesto FULL FS&Q Audit 2023.pdf 1/23/2024 2/9/2025
GFSI Corrective Action Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods Mercer Foods - Modesto FULL FS&Q Audit 2023.pdf 1/30/2024 2/9/2025
3rd Party Audit Certificate Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods Mercer Foods SQF Cert 2023, Exp 02.09.25 (1).pdf 1/23/2024 2/9/2025
GFSI Certificate Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods Mercer Foods SQF Cert 2023, Exp 02.09.25 (1).pdf 1/23/2024 2/9/2025
HACCP Process Flow Diagram (Facility) Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods MO 300-003 Food Safety Plan Process Flow - Bulk R6 7.20.23.pdf 11/21/2024 11/21/2026
HACCP Plan (Facility) Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods MO 300-008 Process Preventive Control Summary Plan - Metal Detection R4 7.11.24.pdf 7/11/2024 7/11/2026
Recall Plan Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods MO 340 Thrive Foods Recall Program R15 11.13.23.pdf 7/10/2024 7/10/2025
Traceability Statement/Plan Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods MO 342 Traceability R2 11.19.2023.pdf 7/23/2024 7/23/2025
Food Fraud Program Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods MO 400 Food Fraud Mitiigation Plan R4 11.15.22.pdf 11/15/2022 11/15/2023
Environmental Monitoring Policy Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods MP 420-012 Environmental Monitoring Program R14 11.19.21.pdf 11/19/2021 11/19/2023
Mycotoxin Verification Program Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods Mycotoxin Control Statement.pdf 10/17/2023 10/17/2024
GMO Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods Non-GMO-Non-Bio-engineering Statement 2024.01.26.pdf 1/26/2024 1/25/2026
Allergens - Validation Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods NotApplicable_AllergensValidation.pdf 8/21/2023 8/20/2024
CoA Sample Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods NotApplicable_CoASample.pdf 8/29/2023 8/28/2025
CTPAT Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods NotApplicable_CTPAT.pdf 8/24/2023 8/23/2024
Organizational Chart Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods NotApplicable_OrganizationalChart.pdf 7/10/2024 7/10/2025
Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods NotApplicable_SupplierQuestionnaireAddendum.pdf 8/29/2023 8/29/2024
Pest Control Program Mercer Foods (Thrive) - Yantai Rich Food Technology - Yantai, Shandong Province, China Pest Control Program-YRF En.pdf 5/15/2023 5/14/2025
Pesticide Residue Testing Program Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods Pesticide Statement 2024.02.05 (2).pdf 2/5/2024 2/4/2027
Pesticide Statement Letter Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods Pesticide Statement 2024.02.05 (2).pdf 7/10/2024 7/10/2025
Temperature Management Program Mercer Foods (Thrive) - Yantai Rich Food Technology - Yantai, Shandong Province, China Processing Environment Requirement Program-YRF En.pdf 5/9/2023 5/8/2025
California Prop. 65 Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods Proposition 65 Compliance Statement 2024.01.16.pdf 1/16/2024 1/15/2026
Allergen Control Policy Mercer Foods (Thrive) - Yantai Rich Food Technology - Yantai, Shandong Province, China RF Allergen Information.pdf 5/15/2023 5/14/2025
Preventive Control Summary Mercer Foods (Thrive) - Yantai Rich Food Technology - Yantai, Shandong Province, China RF HACCP Plan-en.pdf 5/9/2023 5/8/2025
Recall Plan Mercer Foods (Thrive) - Yantai Rich Food Technology - Yantai, Shandong Province, China RF Product Recall Procedure-en.pdf 5/9/2023 5/8/2024
CA Transparency Act Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods Social Compliance Statement.pdf 8/17/2023 8/16/2025
Ethical Code of Conduct Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods Social Policies 7722.pdf 7/7/2022 7/6/2024
Supplier Code of Conduct - Parker Food Group Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods Social Policies 7722.pdf 7/7/2022 11/21/2049
HARPC Food Safety Plan (Facility) Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods Summary of Food Safety Preventive Controls.pdf 8/6/2019 8/5/2022
Supplier Approval Program Statement Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods Supplier Approval Statement 2.13.24.pdf 2/13/2024 2/12/2025
Supplier Questionnaire Mercer Foods (Thrive) - Yantai Rich Food Technology - Yantai, Shandong Province, China Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 5/15/2023 5/14/2025
Supplier Questionnaire Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 4/3/2023 4/2/2025
Sustainability (Level 1) Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods Sustainability (Level 1).pdf 9/6/2024 9/6/2027
Sustainability (Level 2) Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods Sustainability (Level 2).pdf 9/18/2020 9/18/2023
Kosher Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods Thrive Freeze Dry Kosher LOC 2025.03.31 (1).pdf 2/28/2024 3/31/2025
W-9 Mercer Foods, LLC. dba Thrive Foods W-9 Thrive Foods.pdf 6/1/2022 5/31/2025