
Organic Banana Puree, Acidified (11005754)

99.28% Organic Banana, 0.42% Citric Acid, 0.30% Ascorbic Acid
  • Gluten-free
  • Ingredient declaration
  • Kosher
  • Organic
  • PHO-free
  • Ready-to-Eat (RTE)
  • Vegan
  • Non-GMO
Location name Address
(POV) Productos Organicos Del Volcan - Colima Processors Carretera Colima - Manzanillo Km 40.5 s/n Maria Ester Zuno de Echeverria Tecoman, COL 28934 MEX
Banana Light BanaLight C.A Km 4 1/2 via Duran - Tambo Guayaquil, G 35185 ECU
Confoco S.A Km. 13 Via Machala Pasaje Parroquia La Peana Canton Pasaje, Provincia de El Oro na ECU
Industrias Borja Inborja S.A Via Barbones- Santa Cruz 070116 Barbones (Sucre)- EL Guabo, El Oro Ecuador 12345 ECU
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
CoA Sample (POV) Productos Organicos Del Volcan - Colima Processors (A.L)Banana Puree Acidified, MX, Org. SAMPLE 003-120622ORGBA01.pdf 4/14/2023 4/13/2025
Product Specification Sheet (POV) Productos Organicos Del Volcan - Colima Processors (Genista) Organic Banana Puree Seedless Acidified multiple lots HM Testing APRIL 2023.pdf 4/19/2023 4/18/2026
Heavy Metal (POV) Productos Organicos Del Volcan - Colima Processors (POV) Organic Banana Puree Seedless Acidified 004-052024ORGBA01 002-052224ORGBA01 HM Testing JULY 2024.pdf 8/21/2024 8/21/2026
California Prop. 65 (POV) Productos Organicos Del Volcan - Colima Processors 11005754 - Organic Banana Puree Seedless Acidified.pdf 8/21/2024 8/21/2026
Gluten (POV) Productos Organicos Del Volcan - Colima Processors 11005754 - Organic Banana Puree Seedless Acidified.pdf 8/21/2024 8/21/2026
GMO (POV) Productos Organicos Del Volcan - Colima Processors 11005754 - Organic Banana Puree Seedless Acidified.pdf 8/21/2024 8/21/2026
GRAS/NDI/ODI Statement (POV) Productos Organicos Del Volcan - Colima Processors 11005754 - Organic Banana Puree Seedless Acidified.pdf 8/21/2024 8/21/2027
Halal (POV) Productos Organicos Del Volcan - Colima Processors 11005754 - Organic Banana Puree Seedless Acidified.pdf 8/21/2024 8/21/2026
Ingredient Statement (POV) Productos Organicos Del Volcan - Colima Processors 11005754 - Organic Banana Puree Seedless Acidified.pdf 8/21/2024 8/21/2027
Residual Statement (POV) Productos Organicos Del Volcan - Colima Processors 11005754 - Organic Banana Puree Seedless Acidified.pdf 8/21/2024 8/21/2025
Safety Data Sheet (SDS) (POV) Productos Organicos Del Volcan - Colima Processors 11005754 - Organic Banana Puree Seedless Acidified.pdf 8/21/2024 8/21/2027
Sewage Statement (POV) Productos Organicos Del Volcan - Colima Processors 11005754 - Organic Banana Puree Seedless Acidified.pdf 8/21/2024 8/21/2026
Vegan/Vegetarian Statement (POV) Productos Organicos Del Volcan - Colima Processors 11005754 - Organic Banana Puree Seedless Acidified.pdf 8/21/2024 8/21/2026
Allergens (POV) Productos Organicos Del Volcan - Colima Processors Allergens.pdf 4/14/2023 4/13/2025
HACCP Banana Light BanaLight C.A CCP Aseptic Banana Puree JAN 2019.pdf 3/27/2020 3/27/2023
Country of Origin (POV) Productos Organicos Del Volcan - Colima Processors Country of Origin.pdf 4/14/2023 4/13/2026
HACCP Process Flow Diagram (POV) Productos Organicos Del Volcan - Colima Processors DBL-BAF-002 BLOCK DIAGRAM “ORGANIC BANANA PUREE WITH ASCORBIC ACID & CITRIC ACID” (EDITION 02).pdf 8/26/2024 8/26/2026
Kosher (POV) Productos Organicos Del Volcan - Colima Processors EK Kosher Certificate 12.1.2024.pdf 12/1/2024 12/1/2026
Kosher Industrias Borja Inborja S.A EK Kosher Certificate 12.1.2024.pdf 6/5/2024 6/5/2026
HACCP Process Flow Diagram Confoco S.A Flow Chart Banana.pdf 10/4/2019 10/3/2021
Shelf Life Banana Light BanaLight C.A GNUS-11005754-EC - Banana Puree Seedless Acidified Organic.pdf 3/27/2020 3/27/2022
Shelf Life Industrias Borja Inborja S.A GNUS-11005754-EC - Banana Puree Seedless Acidified Organic.pdf 3/27/2020 3/27/2022
HACCP Industrias Borja Inborja S.A HACCP Plan -Banana Puree Acid SEP 2018.pdf 1/31/2020 1/30/2023
HACCP Confoco S.A HACCP PLAN Banana.pdf 10/4/2019 10/3/2022
HACCP Process Flow Diagram Industrias Borja Inborja S.A HACCP Process Flow Diagram - 1970 Banana Organic Acidified SeedlesJUL 2018.pdf 3/27/2020 3/27/2022
Halal Industrias Borja Inborja S.A Halal Ingredient Statement Banana .pdf 3/27/2020 3/27/2021
Heavy Metal Banana Light BanaLight C.A Heavy Metal Statement Banana Puree.pdf 3/31/2020 3/31/2022
Heavy Metal Industrias Borja Inborja S.A Heavy Metal Statement Banana Puree.pdf 3/31/2020 3/31/2022
Ingredient Statement Confoco S.A Ingredient Statement Banana Puree.pdf 10/4/2019 10/3/2020
Label Sample (POV) Productos Organicos Del Volcan - Colima Processors Label Org banana puree acidified 2.pdf 8/21/2024 8/21/2025
Label Sample Banana Light BanaLight C.A Label Org banana puree acidified.pdf 8/26/2021 8/26/2022
Label Sample Industrias Borja Inborja S.A Label_1970 Aseptic Organic Banana Puree Acidified Seedless.pdf 8/26/2021 8/26/2022
Natural Banana Light BanaLight C.A Natural Statement Banana Puree.pdf 3/27/2020 3/27/2021
Natural Industrias Borja Inborja S.A Natural Statement Banana Puree.pdf 3/27/2020 3/27/2021
GMO Confoco S.A NON GMO Banana Puree Acidified.pdf 11/21/2019 11/20/2021
GMO Industrias Borja Inborja S.A NON GMO Banana Puree Acidified.pdf 3/27/2020 3/27/2022
GMO Banana Light BanaLight C.A Non GMO Banana puree.pdf 1/2/2020 1/1/2022
Allergens Industrias Borja Inborja S.A NotApplicable_Allergens.pdf 5/31/2024 5/31/2026
Allergens Banana Light BanaLight C.A NotApplicable_Allergens.pdf 6/3/2024 6/3/2026
CoA Sample Industrias Borja Inborja S.A NotApplicable_COASample.pdf 6/3/2024 6/3/2026
CoA Sample Banana Light BanaLight C.A NotApplicable_COASample.pdf 6/3/2024 6/3/2026
Country of Origin Industrias Borja Inborja S.A NotApplicable_CountryofOrigin.pdf 5/31/2024 5/31/2027
Country of Origin Banana Light BanaLight C.A NotApplicable_CountryofOrigin.pdf 6/3/2024 6/3/2027
Kosher Banana Light BanaLight C.A NotApplicable_Kosher.pdf 6/3/2024 6/3/2026
Nutrition (POV) Productos Organicos Del Volcan - Colima Processors Nutrition.pdf 4/14/2023 4/13/2026
Ingredient Statement Banana Light BanaLight C.A Organic Banana Puree EC Acidified QA Documentation 2021.pdf 8/26/2021 8/26/2022
Gluten Banana Light BanaLight C.A Organic Banana Puree EC Acidified QA Documentation 2021.pdf 8/26/2021 8/26/2022
Halal Banana Light BanaLight C.A Organic Banana Puree EC Acidified QA Documentation 2021.pdf 10/28/2021 10/28/2022
Ingredient Statement Industrias Borja Inborja S.A Organic Banana Puree EC Acidified QA Documentation 2021.pdf 8/26/2021 8/26/2022
Gluten Industrias Borja Inborja S.A Organic Banana Puree EC Acidified QA Documentation 2021.pdf 8/26/2021 8/26/2022
Organic (POV) Productos Organicos Del Volcan - Colima Processors OTCO_Certificate-April 01, 2025.pdf 4/1/2024 4/1/2025
Pesticide Banana Light BanaLight C.A Pesticide Statement Banana Puree.pdf 3/27/2020 3/27/2022
Pesticide Industrias Borja Inborja S.A Pesticide Statement Banana Puree.pdf 3/27/2020 3/27/2022
California Prop. 65 Banana Light BanaLight C.A Prop 65 Banana Puree.pdf 3/27/2020 3/27/2022
California Prop. 65 Industrias Borja Inborja S.A Prop 65 Banana Puree.pdf 3/27/2020 3/27/2022
Pesticide (POV) Productos Organicos Del Volcan - Colima Processors ResidueReport-PestReportExtended-R24.04620.001-0705202417618.pdf 8/26/2024 8/26/2026
Shelf Life Confoco S.A Sales spec 11005754 Organic Banana Puree Acidified ASEPTIC - EC D.pdf 10/4/2019 10/3/2021
Product Specification Sheet Confoco S.A Sales spec 11005754 Organic Banana Puree, Acidified, Seedless, Aseptic.pdf 3/16/2018 3/15/2021
Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Banana Light BanaLight C.A SDS Bamana Puree.pdf 1/2/2020 1/1/2023
Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Industrias Borja Inborja S.A SDS Bamana Puree.pdf 3/27/2020 3/27/2022
Irradiation Status Statement Banana Light BanaLight C.A Sewage Irradiation Banana Puree.pdf 3/27/2020 3/27/2022
Sewage Statement Banana Light BanaLight C.A Sewage Irradiation Banana Puree.pdf 3/27/2020 3/27/2022
Irradiation Status Statement Industrias Borja Inborja S.A Sewage Irradiation Banana Puree.pdf 3/27/2020 3/27/2022
Sewage Statement Industrias Borja Inborja S.A Sewage Irradiation Banana Puree.pdf 3/27/2020 3/27/2022
Suitability Requirements (POV) Productos Organicos Del Volcan - Colima Processors Suitability Requirements.pdf 4/14/2023 4/13/2026
HACCP Process Flow Diagram Banana Light BanaLight C.A Tradin_Banana acidified - Flow Chart.pdf 9/30/2019 9/29/2021
No Animal Ingredient Statement Banana Light BanaLight C.A Vegan Banana Puree.pdf 3/27/2020 3/27/2021
No Animal Ingredient Statement Industrias Borja Inborja S.A Vegan Banana Puree.pdf 3/27/2020 3/27/2021
WADA/NSF/NFL Statement (POV) Productos Organicos Del Volcan - Colima Processors WADA statement banana.pdf 8/21/2024 8/21/2026