
Organic Liquid Whole Egg with Citric Acid 2/20 LB BIB (88973)

NestFresh has only one known allergen- Eggs. No other known allergens are processed in the same facility. All employees are required wash their hands prior to entering the production warehouse when returning to work to prevent any cross contamination they may have encountered during breaks, lunches or machine downtime.
Egg/Egg By-Product
  • Gluten-free
  • Ingredient declaration
  • Kosher
  • Organic
  • PHO-free
  • Non-GMO
Location name Address
NestFresh Pennsylvania 1226 Kauffman Rd West Greencastle, PA 17225
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Allergens NestFresh Pennsylvania Allergens.pdf 1/20/2023 1/19/2025
Suitability Requirements NestFresh Pennsylvania Suitability Requirements.pdf 2/10/2021 2/10/2024