Organic Select Hardboiled 4 5lb Eggs (60453229)
Egg/Egg By-Product
Location name | Address |
Type | Location | File name | Effective | Expiration |
CoA Sample | Organic Valley - Michael Foods (formerly Almark Yuma) - 1224 | 60453229.pdf | 7/16/2019 | 7/15/2021 |
CoA Sample | Organic Valley - Michael Foods (formerly Almark Yuma) - 1224 | 60453229.pdf | 7/16/2019 | 7/15/2021 |
Kosher | Organic Valley - Michael Foods (formerly Almark Yuma) - 1224 | Almark Foods Kosher LOC-02-28-2022 11_18_04 AM 1l2r1x1jpstgckwe03er3vxo_secured_.pdf | 3/1/2021 | 2/28/2022 |
Product Specification Sheet | Organic Valley - Michael Foods (formerly Almark Yuma) - 1224 | FS-FP-611 - Select Hard Boiled Eggs.pdf | 3/3/2020 | 3/3/2023 |
Ingredient Statement | Organic Valley - Michael Foods (formerly Almark Yuma) - 1224 | Ingredient Statement.pdf | 8/27/2019 | 8/26/2020 |
Irradiation Status Statement | Organic Valley - Michael Foods (formerly Almark Yuma) - 1224 | Irradiation and Sewage Sludge Statement.pdf | 1/30/2020 | 1/29/2023 |
Sewage Statement | Organic Valley - Michael Foods (formerly Almark Yuma) - 1224 | Irradiation and Sewage Sludge Statement.pdf | 1/30/2020 | 1/29/2023 |
Halal | Organic Valley - Michael Foods (formerly Almark Yuma) - 1224 | NA Halal Doc.pdf | 8/28/2019 | 8/28/2021 |
Pesticide | Organic Valley - Michael Foods (formerly Almark Yuma) - 1224 | Pesticide Statement.pdf | 6/24/2019 | 6/23/2021 |
Safety Data Sheet (SDS) | Organic Valley - Michael Foods (formerly Almark Yuma) - 1224 | SDS Letter of Exemption 08.02.2024.pdf | 8/2/2024 | 8/2/2027 |
Lot Code | Organic Valley - Michael Foods (formerly Almark Yuma) - 1224 | Select Hardboiled 4-5lb - Lot Code Explanation.pdf | 10/2/2019 | 10/1/2022 |