
Organic Tomato Paste 31% (4805100900)

This product is produced in accordance with good commercial practices and conforms in every respect to the provisions of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. All ingredients are inspected and meet specified standards. This product is packaged in a hermetically sealed container and subjected to a thermal process that renders it commercially sterile.
Food Ingredient
Location name Address
TomaTek 2502 N St Firebaugh, CA 93622
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
HACCP Process Flow Diagram TomaTek 2022 HACCP Flow Diagram PASTE.pdf 1/6/2023 1/5/2025
HACCP TomaTek 2022 HACCP Flow Diagram PASTE.pdf 2/3/2023 2/2/2026
Allergens TomaTek Allergens.pdf 12/13/2023 12/12/2025
CoA Sample TomaTek COA Sample - 48051.pdf 5/15/2024 5/15/2026
Nutrition TomaTek Nutrition.pdf 6/6/2023 6/5/2026
Heavy Metal TomaTek Pesticide and Heavy Metal Letter - 48051.pdf 1/9/2024 1/8/2026
Pesticide TomaTek Pesticide and Heavy Metal Letter - 48051.pdf 1/9/2024 1/8/2026
Safety Data Sheet (SDS) TomaTek SDS Statement Ind. - 48051.pdf 1/6/2023 1/5/2025
Suitability Requirements TomaTek Suitability Requirements.pdf 7/3/2023 7/2/2026
Kosher TomaTek TTK In-House Brands - 2023.pdf 6/29/2023 6/29/2024