
PRAYPHOSTM TCP 108 FG (400331)

TCP 108 FOOD FCC 50 LB BG 40/P
Tricalcium Phosphate
Mineral / Salt
  • Gluten-free
  • Halal
  • Ingredient declaration
  • Kosher
  • PHO-free
  • Vegan
  • Non-GMO
Location name Address
Prayon Inc. 1610 Marvin Griffin Rd Augusta, GA 30906
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Label Sample Prayon Inc. 002-90216-R04 TCP 108 50 lb 082824.pdf 3/10/2025 3/10/2026
Food Contact Packaging Certificate of Compliance Prayon Inc. A-8 ISO 22000 Certificate_en.pdf 2/6/2023 2/5/2025
Allergens Prayon Inc. Allergens.pdf 3/10/2025 3/10/2027
Animal Testing Statement Prayon Inc. Animal-Plant Derivatives Statement_ 010322.pdf 1/3/2022 1/3/2024
BSE - TSE Prayon Inc. BSE-TSE-Animal Derivatives_011524.pdf 1/15/2024 1/14/2027
Country of Origin Prayon Inc. Country of Origin.pdf 3/10/2025 3/9/2028
Dietary Supplement Questionnaire Prayon Inc. Dietary Supplement Questionnaire.pdf 8/28/2023 8/27/2024
FSVP Assessment Form Prayon Inc. FSVP Assessment Form.pdf 8/28/2023 8/27/2024
Gluten Prayon Inc. Gluten Free Statement 01212024.pdf 1/21/2024 1/20/2026
GMO Prayon Inc. GMO Statement_011323.pdf 1/13/2023 1/12/2025
GRAS/NDI/ODI Statement Prayon Inc. GRAS Statement TCP Ca Phosphates_013023.pdf 1/30/2023 1/29/2026
Halal Prayon Inc. Halal Prayon Inc Augusta_2024-2025.pdf 10/31/2024 10/21/2025
Kosher Prayon Inc. Halal Prayon Inc._2023-2024.pdf 10/23/2023 10/31/2025
HARPC Food Safety Plan (Item) Prayon Inc. Hazard Analysis Results_December 2024.pdf 12/20/2024 12/20/2027
Ingredient Statement Prayon Inc. Ingredient Composition Statement_TCP_010322.pdf 1/3/2022 1/3/2023
Item Questionnaire Prayon Inc. Item Questionnaire.pdf 3/15/2023 3/14/2026
Label Guidance Prayon Inc. LN TCP-003 r01 TCP FG Pwd 2000 LB.pdf 5/14/2021 5/14/2023
Lot Code Prayon Inc. Lot Number_PrayonInc_02072024.pdf 2/7/2024 2/6/2027
HACCP Prayon Inc. MasterPlanCalciumPKGProducts_Oct2019.pdf 10/31/2019 10/30/2022
HACCP Process Flow Diagram Prayon Inc. NaK Process and Packaging Flow Diagram_2021.pdf 3/1/2022 2/29/2024
Irradiation Status Statement Prayon Inc. NotApplicable_IrradiationStatusStatement.pdf 11/15/2023 11/14/2025
Label Claims Prayon Inc. NotApplicable_LabelClaims.pdf 5/25/2022 5/24/2024
Melamine Prayon Inc. NotApplicable_Melamine.pdf 11/15/2023 11/14/2024
National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard (Simplified) Prayon Inc. NotApplicable_NationalBioengineeredFoodDisclosureStandardSimplified.pdf 11/15/2023 11/15/2024
Natural Prayon Inc. NotApplicable_Natural.pdf 11/15/2023 11/14/2024
No Animal Ingredient Statement Prayon Inc. NotApplicable_NoAnimalIngredientStatement.pdf 11/15/2023 11/14/2024
Nutrition Prayon Inc. Nutrition.pdf 6/5/2024 6/5/2027
Organic Prayon Inc. Organic Statement_Ca Phosphates_010521.pdf 6/30/2024
Phthalate Esters Letter Prayon Inc. Plasticizers Statement_010521.pdf 1/5/2021 1/5/2022
Shelf Life Prayon Inc. Prayphos TCP - Shelf Life_013023.pdf 1/30/2023 1/29/2025
Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Prayon Inc. PRAYPHOS TCP 108 FG PRAYPHOS TCP 308 FG PRAYPHOS TCP 308 SP EN .pdf 11/15/2023 11/14/2025
CoA Sample Prayon Inc. Prayphos TCP 108 FG_Aug_23_04.pdf 11/15/2023 11/14/2025
Product Specification Sheet Prayon Inc. Prayphos TCP 108 FG_Dec_22_03.pdf 12/31/2022 12/30/2025
Pesticide Prayon Inc. Product Impurities 011524.pdf 1/15/2024 1/14/2026
EtO Statement Prayon Inc. Product Impurities 011524.pdf 1/15/2024 1/14/2026
Sewage Statement Prayon Inc. Product Impurities 013023.pdf 1/30/2023 1/29/2025
Heavy Metal Prayon Inc. Prop 65 Statement_010521.pdf 1/5/2021 1/5/2023
California Prop. 65 Prayon Inc. Prop 65 Statement_012023.pdf 1/20/2023 1/19/2025
Residual Statement Prayon Inc. Residual Solvents_013023.pdf 1/30/2023 1/30/2024
Suitability Requirements Prayon Inc. Suitability Requirements.pdf 3/17/2023 3/16/2026
Vegan/Vegetarian Statement Prayon Inc. Vegan Statement_02152024.pdf 2/15/2024 2/15/2026
WADA/NSF/NFL Statement Prayon Inc. WADA Statement_013023.pdf 1/30/2023 1/29/2025