
Red Bell Pepper Granules (BPRG)

Food Ingredient
Location name Address
Advanced Spice and Trading 03951 SANLAC Dr Dallas, TX 75234
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Product Specification Sheet Advanced Spice and Trading BPRG.pdf 7/10/2024 7/10/2027
Country of Origin Advanced Spice and Trading Country of Origin.pdf 11/26/2024 11/26/2027
CoA Sample Advanced Spice and Trading Example COA - BPRG.pdf 11/26/2024 11/26/2026
Ingredient Statement Advanced Spice and Trading Red Bell Pepper Ingredient Statement.pdf 1/1/2024 12/31/2026
Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Advanced Spice and Trading SDS-Bell Pepper.pdf 7/10/2024 7/10/2027