
SATIAGEL ACL 20 CARAGN 25KG BG (100002634)

This product is a food additive used as a texturant. It is a gelling agent, particularly suited to stabilize sterilized dairy products, such as UHT liquid creams. At a dosage of about 0.02% to 0.06%, it prevents fat and proteins separations.
Carrageenan, Dextrose
Stabilizer / Thickener / Binder / Texturizers
  • Halal
  • Ingredient declaration
  • Kosher
  • PHO-free
  • Ready-to-Eat (RTE)
  • Vegan
  • Non-GMO
Location name Address
Baupte, France 1 rue de Seves Baupte, 50500 TBD FRA
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Allergens Baupte, France Allergens.pdf 10/4/2024 10/4/2026
Halal Baupte, France CERT_Halal_HQC_Baupte (FR)_2025_Feb-10.pdf 2/10/2025 6/30/2026
Kosher Baupte, France CERT_Kosher_Starches, Sweeteners & Texturizers_EMEA_LATAM_2024-Jun-01.pdf 6/1/2024 6/30/2025
CoA Sample Baupte, France CoA example Satiagel ACL 20_2022-Feb.pdf 2/10/2022 2/10/2024
Country of Origin Baupte, France Country of Origin.pdf 9/26/2023 9/25/2026
Item Questionnaire Baupte, France Item Questionnaire.pdf 3/16/2022 3/15/2025
Label Sample Baupte, France Label example 100002634 Satiagel ACL 20_2023-Mar.pdf 3/31/2024 3/31/2025
National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard (Simplified) Baupte, France National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard (Simplified).pdf 2/25/2021 2/25/2024
Dietary Supplement Questionnaire Baupte, France NotApplicable_DietarySupplementQuestionnaire.pdf 10/1/2021 10/1/2022
Label Claims Baupte, France NotApplicable_LabelClaims.pdf 10/1/2021 10/1/2023
Label Guidance Baupte, France NotApplicable_LabelGuidance.pdf 10/1/2021 10/1/2023
Natural Baupte, France NotApplicable_Natural.pdf 5/17/2022 5/17/2023
Nutrition Baupte, France Nutrition.pdf 6/15/2023 6/14/2026
Ingredient Statement Baupte, France PACK_Satiagel™ ACL 20_GLOBAL_2020-Jun-05.PDF 6/5/2020 6/5/2021
Product Specification Sheet Baupte, France PACK_Satiagel™ ACL 20_GLOBAL_2020-Jun-05.PDF 6/5/2020 6/5/2023
Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Baupte, France SDS_SatiagelT ACL 20_GLOBAL_2020-Jun-05.pdf 2/10/2022 2/9/2025
Sewage Statement Baupte, France STMT__Sewage Sludge_Hydrocolloids_EMEA_2022-May.pdf 5/17/2022 5/16/2024
WADA/NSF/NFL Statement Baupte, France STMT_Anti-Doping_Non-Polyols_Starches Sweereners Texturizers_2021-Jan.pdf 1/31/2021 1/31/2023
BSE - TSE Baupte, France STMT_BSE-TSE_Functional Systems and Hydrocolloids_EMEA_2022-Mardocx.pdf 3/31/2022 3/30/2025
California Prop. 65 Baupte, France STMT_CA Prop 65_2022-Feb.pdf 2/28/2022 2/28/2024
Phthalate Esters Letter Baupte, France STMT_Contaminants_PFAS-PFOS Phthalates Packaging_All Products_2022-July.docx.pdf 7/31/2022 7/31/2023
Residual Statement Baupte, France STMT_Extraction Solvents_Food_Starches Sweeteners Texturizers_EMEA_2022-Jandocx.pdf 1/31/2022 1/31/2023
Food Contact Packaging Certificate of Compliance Baupte, France STMT_Food Contact Packaging-Bisphenol A_Starches Sweeteners Texturizes_EMEA_2020-Octdocx.pdf 10/31/2020 10/31/2022
Gluten Baupte, France STMT_Gluten labelling EU legislation_Hydrocolloids_EMEA_2022-Mardocx.pdf 3/31/2022 3/31/2023
HARPC Food Safety Plan (Item) Baupte, France STMT_HACCP_Starches Sweeteners Texturizers_EMEA_2021-Maydocx.pdf 5/31/2021 5/30/2024
HACCP Baupte, France STMT_HACCP_Starches, Sweeteners, Texturizers_EMEA_2022-Dec.docx.pdf 12/31/2022 12/30/2025
Irradiation Status Statement Baupte, France STMT_Irradiation_Starches Sweeteners Texturizers_EMEA_2021-Oct.pdf 10/31/2021 10/31/2023
Lot Code Baupte, France STMT_Lot numbering-Batch Coding_Texturisers_EMEA_2021-Juldocx.pdf 7/31/2021 7/30/2024
Melamine Baupte, France STMT_Melamine in foodstuffs_Starches Sweeteners Texturizes_EMEA_2022-Jandocx.pdf 1/31/2022 1/31/2023
GMO Baupte, France STMT_non-GM_Hydrocolloids_Texturizers_EMEA_2021-Jan.docx.pdf 1/31/2021 1/31/2023
Shelf Life Baupte, France STMT_Shelf life of food products_Starches, Sweeteners_EMEA_2020-Jun.docx.pdf 6/1/2020 6/1/2022
No Animal Ingredient Statement Baupte, France STMT_Vegan_Hydrocolloids_EMEA_2022-Jandocx.pdf 1/31/2022 1/31/2023
Vegan/Vegetarian Statement Baupte, France STMT_Vegan_Hydrocolloids_EMEA_2022-Jandocx.pdf 1/31/2022 1/31/2024
Suitability Requirements Baupte, France Suitability Requirements.pdf 10/3/2023 10/2/2026