

Native Potato Starch 100%
  • Gluten-free
  • Halal
  • Ingredient declaration
  • Kosher
  • PHO-free
  • Vegan
  • Non-GMO
Location name Address
KMC AKS - Toftlund Tøndervej 3 Toftlund, . DK-6520 DNK
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
CoA Sample KMC AKS - Toftlund 4403CD0D86E5E76F882562D9006D2FDD_10467_D0909_Anita's Organic, Quadra_Superior Potato Starch_Example for CoA_May 2021_kk.pdf 7/21/2029
Food Contact Packaging Certificate of Compliance KMC AKS - Toftlund A. General packaging Declaration - Advanced Industries Packaging - June 2023 9.0.pdf 1/10/2024 1/9/2026
Allergens KMC AKS - Toftlund Allergens.pdf 6/3/2024 6/3/2026
Country of Origin KMC AKS - Toftlund Country of Origin.pdf 6/24/2022 6/23/2025
Lot Code KMC AKS - Toftlund D0909_Quadra Chemicals Ltd._Labelling v2 - Superior Potato Starch bags_Oct 2022_zej.pdf 10/26/2022 10/25/2025
Ingredient Statement KMC AKS - Toftlund EE42CAF711B471CB8525879C00730052.pdf 11/29/2024
Safety Data Sheet (SDS) KMC AKS - Toftlund F00951_Quadra - Canada (CA) SDS HPR 2015_Eng.pdf 11/7/2022 11/6/2025
HACCP KMC AKS - Toftlund HACCP-plan KMC CCP1 Native Potato Starch and modified starch packed in paper bags big bags or delive.pdf 6/24/2022 6/23/2025
Item Questionnaire KMC AKS - Toftlund Item Questionnaire.pdf 6/24/2022 6/23/2025
Pesticide KMC AKS - Toftlund KMC CoA for pesticides, Potato Starch, AKD-T site, Campaign 2023-2024 1.0 - uploaded to Tracegains Jan 2024.pdf 1/16/2024 1/15/2026
HACCP Process Flow Diagram KMC AKS - Toftlund KMC Flowchart - Native Potato Starch, version 8, 2023.06.29.pdf 12/6/2023 12/5/2025
Nutrition KMC AKS - Toftlund Nutrition.pdf 6/24/2022 6/23/2025
Kosher KMC AKS - Toftlund QA_Kosher certificate for potato starch and modified starch from AKD - Andels Kartoffelmelsfabrikken.pdf 9/15/2024 9/30/2025
Suitability Requirements KMC AKS - Toftlund Suitability Requirements.pdf 6/24/2022 6/23/2025
Shelf Life KMC AKS - Toftlund Superior Potato Starch - Quadra Canada Specifikation 12.0.pdf 9/4/2019 9/3/2022
Product Specification Sheet KMC AKS - Toftlund Superior Potato Starch - Quadra, Canada Specifikation 13.0.pdf 5/20/2022 5/19/2025