The Deli Source, LLC.

We are a cheese conversion and packaging company. Our customer base consists of companies varying from small to large, all treated with attention to detail.
Location name Address
The Deli Source, LLC. 937 Carney Court Antioch, IL 60002 USA
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Allergen Control Policy The Deli Source, LLC. Allergen Statement.pdf 8/9/2023 8/8/2025
3rd Party Audit Report The Deli Source, LLC. AU 20230522 3326465 C0041018 20230612094617.pdf 6/9/2023 8/1/2024
GFSI Audit Report The Deli Source, LLC. AU 20230522 3326465 C0041018 20230612094617.pdf 6/9/2023 8/1/2024
3rd Party Audit Certificate The Deli Source, LLC. C0041018-SQF13.pdf 6/9/2023 8/1/2024
GFSI Certificate The Deli Source, LLC. C0041018-SQF13.pdf 6/9/2023 8/1/2024
Recall/Emergency/Contact List The Deli Source, LLC. CO-006 Product Withdrawal and Recall Program.docx 11/14/2022 11/14/2023
Recall Plan The Deli Source, LLC. CO-006 Product Withdrawal and Recall Program.docx 11/14/2022 11/14/2023
Supplier Approval Program Statement The Deli Source, LLC. CO-035 Supplier Approval Program.docx 2/27/2023 2/27/2024
Food Defense Plan Statement The Deli Source, LLC. CO-40 Food Defense Policy.docx 8/9/2023 8/8/2025
Contact Information The Deli Source, LLC. ContactInfo-28Sept21 (1).docx 8/8/2023 8/7/2024
GFSI Corrective Action The Deli Source, LLC. Corrective Action Report.pdf 6/9/2023 8/1/2024
3rd Party Audit Corrective Action Plan The Deli Source, LLC. Corrective Action Report.pdf 6/9/2023 8/1/2024
Bioterrorism Letter The Deli Source, LLC. FDA Statement.pdf 8/9/2023 8/8/2024
FDA Registration The Deli Source, LLC. FDA Statement.pdf 11/30/2022 12/31/2024
Food Product Assessment The Deli Source, LLC. Food Product Assessment for TG 01252021.docx 8/9/2023 8/8/2025
W-9 The Deli Source, LLC. Form W-9 - The Deli Source - Lipari.pdf 7/5/2022 7/4/2025
HACCP Process Flow Diagram The Deli Source, LLC. FS-019 The Deli Source, LLC. Flow Chart.pdf 11/11/2022 11/10/2024
HACCP Plan (Facility) The Deli Source, LLC. HACCP Food Safety Statement.pdf 8/9/2023 8/8/2025
Food Safety Plan (HACCP/HARPC - Product Specific) The Deli Source, LLC. HACCP Food Safety Statement.pdf 8/9/2023 8/8/2024
CA Transparency Act The Deli Source, LLC. NotApplicable_CATransparencyAct.pdf 8/9/2023 8/8/2025
CoA Sample The Deli Source, LLC. NotApplicable_COASample.pdf 8/9/2023 8/8/2025
Contact Profile The Deli Source, LLC. NotApplicable_ContactProfile.pdf 6/7/2023 6/6/2025
CTPAT The Deli Source, LLC. NotApplicable_CTPAT.pdf 3/26/2021 3/26/2022
Environmental Policy The Deli Source, LLC. NotApplicable_EnvironmentalPolicy.pdf 8/9/2023 8/8/2024
Ethical Code of Conduct The Deli Source, LLC. NotApplicable_EthicalCodeofConduct.pdf 8/9/2023 8/8/2025
Food Contact Packaging Certificate of Compliance The Deli Source, LLC. NotApplicable_FoodContactPackagingCertificateofCompliance.pdf 8/8/2023 8/7/2025
HARPC Food Safety Plan (Facility) The Deli Source, LLC. NotApplicable_HARPCFoodSafetyPlanFacility.pdf 8/8/2023 8/7/2026
Insurance The Deli Source, LLC. NotApplicable_Insurance.pdf 8/8/2023 8/8/2024
Label Sample The Deli Source, LLC. NotApplicable_LabelSample.pdf 8/8/2023 8/7/2024
NDA The Deli Source, LLC. NotApplicable_NDA.pdf 8/9/2023 8/9/2024
Letter of Guarantee The Deli Source, LLC. Product Guarantee Agreement.pdf 8/9/2023 8/8/2025
EU Compliance COC/Letter of Guarantee The Deli Source, LLC. Product Guarantee Agreement.pdf 1/1/2024 12/31/2024
Supplier Questionnaire The Deli Source, LLC. Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 7/5/2022 7/4/2024
Sustainability (Level 1) The Deli Source, LLC. Sustainability (Level 1).pdf 9/7/2021 9/6/2024