Red Oak Foods, LLC

A source for the right food ingredients to meet your growing demand.
Documents Up to Date
Location name Address
Red Oak Foods, LLC 35 Trautwein Crescent CLOSTER, NJ 07624 USA
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Sustainability (Level 1) Red Oak Foods, LLC --
Food Contact Packaging Certificate of Compliance (Facility) Manipualdos de Cebollas y derivados, S.L. 15. Declaration of Compliance AE STD BARRIER blue products updated 02.03.23.pdf 3/2/2023 3/1/2025
Ruiz - New Vendor Nutrife - NUTRICION FELIZ S.A. DE C.V 2024 New Vendor Form - Red Oak Foods.pdf 11/6/2024 12/31/2025
Organizational Chart Manipualdos de Cebollas y derivados, S.L. 240117 MC-Anexo I Organigrama_Rev.01 EUROCEBOLLAS.pdf 4/11/2024 4/11/2025
Bakkavor USA Regulatory Communications Letter Manipualdos de Cebollas y derivados, S.L. 240117 MC-Anexo I Organigrama_Rev.01 EUROCEBOLLAS.pdf 4/11/2024 4/11/2025
Insurance Nutrife - NUTRICION FELIZ S.A. DE C.V 24-25 COI - Ruiz Food Products.pdf 11/6/2024 12/31/2025
Insurance Betrimex 24-25 Master - Bakkavor Foods USA.pdf 1/15/2024 1/15/2025
Recall/Emergency/Contact List Betrimex 24Hr Emergency and Recall Information 2024.pdf 5/14/2024 5/14/2025
Recall Plan Manipualdos de Cebollas y derivados, S.L. 24Hr Emergency and Recall Information.pdf 12/6/2024 12/6/2025
Recall/Emergency/Contact List Nutrife - NUTRICION FELIZ S.A. DE C.V 24Hr Emergency and Recall Information.pdf 12/6/2024 12/6/2025
Recall/Emergency/Contact List SVZ 24Hr Emergency and Recall Information.pdf 12/6/2024 12/6/2025
Recall/Emergency/Contact List Manipualdos de Cebollas y derivados, S.L. 24Hr Emergency and Recall Information.pdf 12/6/2024 12/6/2025
Recall/Emergency/Contact List EBROFROST 24Hr Emergency and Recall Information.pdf 5/14/2024 5/14/2025
Vegan/Vegetarian Statement Manipualdos de Cebollas y derivados, S.L. A20P00_VEGAN_TEMPLATE NEW_2024 Manufacturer- No Animal Testing Document.pdf 1/1/2024 12/31/2025
Allergen Control Policy Betrimex Allergen declaration.pdf 1/30/2023 1/29/2025
HACCP Process Flow Diagram Manipualdos de Cebollas y derivados, S.L. ASEPTICO-TERMO-LATAS- P14-Anexo II FlowChart_Rev.10 - English.pdf 1/17/2024 1/16/2026
Recall Plan Betrimex Attach 4. Recall, withdrawal program_2020.pdf 4/8/2024 4/8/2028
Food Safety Plan Betrimex Attach 5. HACCP - Coconut milk BIB - 18.01.2022 (ENG).pdf 1/12/2024 1/11/2025
Bakkavor USA Change Management Letter Betrimex Aug 2024 Bakkavor Foods USA Change Management Letter.doc 8/19/2024 8/19/2025
NDA Betrimex Bakkavor-Red Oak Foods NDA Fully Execued 2-27-20.pdf 2/27/2020 2/27/2025
Food Fraud Betrimex Betrimex 01.26.2024 Update Instruction for Controlling Security and Food Defense.pdf 1/26/2024 1/25/2027
Food Defense Plan Statement Betrimex Betrimex 01.26.2024 Update Instruction for Controlling Security and Food Defense.pdf 1/26/2024 1/25/2026
Record Keeping Policy Manipualdos de Cebollas y derivados, S.L. Betrimex 01.26.2024 Update Instruction for Controlling Security and Food Defense.pdf 1/26/2024 1/25/2026
Bioterrorism Letter Betrimex Betrimex 05.04.2024_BIOTERRORISM ACT STATEMENT.pdf 4/5/2024 4/5/2028
FDA Registration Betrimex Betrimex FDA certificate (Exp 31.12.2024).pdf 12/9/2022 12/31/2024
Supplier Questionnaire Betrimex Betrimex Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 1/26/2024 1/25/2026
3rd-Party Audit Certificate EBROFROST BRC 9 Certificate Riviana Foods EXP AUGUST 2024.pdf 7/18/2023 8/9/2024
GFSI Certificate EBROFROST BRC 9 Certificate Riviana Foods EXP AUGUST 2024.pdf 7/18/2023 8/9/2024
3rd Party Audit Certificate EBROFROST BRC 9 Certificate Riviana Foods EXP AUGUST 2024.pdf 7/18/2023 8/9/2024
3rd Party Audit Corrective Action Plan Manipualdos de Cebollas y derivados, S.L. BRC report 2023-24.pdf 11/3/2023 11/7/2024
CA Transparency Act EBROFROST CA Prop 65 Statement.pdf 6/15/2022 6/14/2024
Sample Case Label Nutrife - NUTRICION FELIZ S.A. DE C.V CASE LABEL 2.png 11/1/2024 11/1/2025
3rd Party Audit Report Betrimex CERT BRCGS EN-EXP 2037.2025.pdf 6/13/2024 7/23/2025
3rd Party Audit Corrective Action Plan Betrimex CERT BRCGS EN-EXP 2037.2025.pdf 6/13/2024 7/23/2025
GFSI Certificate Betrimex CERT BRCGS EN-EXP 2037.2025.pdf 6/13/2024 7/23/2025
3rd Party Audit Certificate Betrimex CERT BRCGS EN-EXP 2037.2025.pdf 6/13/2024 7/23/2025
3rd Party Audit Certificate Manipualdos de Cebollas y derivados, S.L. Cert. BRC_MACEDER 251107.pdf 11/7/2024 11/7/2025
GFSI Audit Report Manipualdos de Cebollas y derivados, S.L. Cert. BRC_MACEDER 251107.pdf 11/7/2024 11/7/2025
GFSI Certificate Manipualdos de Cebollas y derivados, S.L. Cert. BRC_MACEDER 251107.pdf 11/7/2024 11/7/2025
3rd Party Audit Report Manipualdos de Cebollas y derivados, S.L. Cert. BRC_REPORT - MACEDER 251107.pdf 11/7/2024 11/7/2025
GFSI Corrective Action Manipualdos de Cebollas y derivados, S.L. Cert. BRC_REPORT - MACEDER 251107.pdf 11/7/2024 11/7/2025
COA Agreement RG Nutrife - NUTRICION FELIZ S.A. DE C.V COA Requirements Master Draft 20220713 - ROF.pdf 7/16/2024 7/16/2026
COA Agreement RG Manipualdos de Cebollas y derivados, S.L. COA Sample RNX00 LX0517-T03RNX00.pdf 5/17/2024 11/17/2026
COA Nutrife - NUTRICION FELIZ S.A. DE C.V COA Sample.PDF 11/6/2023 10/2/4761
CA Transparency Act Nutrife - NUTRICION FELIZ S.A. DE C.V CTSCA NF.pdf 1/1/2024 12/31/2025
Diacetyl Statement Nutrife - NUTRICION FELIZ S.A. DE C.V Diacetyl Statement.PDF 11/11/2024 11/11/2025
Food Defense Plan Statement Nutrife - NUTRICION FELIZ S.A. DE C.V DOC25 FOOD DEFENSE PLAN .-V.1.pdf 1/1/2023 1/1/2026
Bioterrorism Letter Nutrife - NUTRICION FELIZ S.A. DE C.V DOC25 FOOD DEFENSE PLAN .-V.1.pdf 1/31/2023 1/30/2025
Recall Plan EBROFROST Ebro POL031- Product Identification and Recall Policy (2.6).pdf 6/1/2022 6/1/2023
Environmental Policy EBROFROST Ebro PRP03 Environmental Monitoring Program.pdf 7/30/2022 7/30/2023
Bioterrorism Letter EBROFROST Ebrofrost Bioterrorism statement.pdf 11/7/2022 11/7/2023
Insurance EBROFROST Ebrofrost North America Inc - CJ Foods USA Inc - 22110725690792 - 570096402879.pdf 12/31/2021 12/31/2022
Ethical Code of Conduct Manipualdos de Cebollas y derivados, S.L. Ethical Trading.pdf 1/1/2024 12/31/2025
FDA Registration EBROFROST FORM9.Supplier FSQ Questionnaire Form (QP-200-301-R09-4).xlsx 7/11/2022 7/11/2027
HACCP Plan (Facility) EBROFROST FSP_Hazard Analysis_Products and Process Steps_062322.pdf 4/15/2022 4/14/2024
HACCP - Hazard Analysis EBROFROST FSP_Hazard Analysis_Products and Process Steps_062322.pdf 4/15/2022 4/14/2025
HACCP Flow Chart EBROFROST FSP-04.08_Process Flow_line 08_signed 04.05.22.pdf 4/5/2022 4/5/2025
HARPC Food Safety Plan (Facility) EBROFROST FSP-07- CCP Summary_04.01.22.pdf 4/1/2022 4/1/2027
HACCP/ HARPC PLAN EBROFROST FSP-07- CCP Summary_04.01.22.pdf 4/1/2022 3/31/2025
Allergen Control Policy EBROFROST FSQP- 001- Allergen Management.pdf 7/30/2022 7/29/2024
Animal Welfare Statement Manipualdos de Cebollas y derivados, S.L. Garlic puree A10PAE00_No-Animal-Testing-Ingrediet-Manufacturer-6-2022.pdf 2/13/2024 2/12/2025
Animal Welfare Audits Manipualdos de Cebollas y derivados, S.L. Garlic puree A10PAE00_No-Animal-Testing-Ingrediet-Manufacturer-6-2022.pdf 2/13/2024 2/12/2025
Gluten Nutrife - NUTRICION FELIZ S.A. DE C.V GLUTEN FREE 2024-2025.pdf 3/29/2024 3/31/2025
HACCP Plan (Facility) Manipualdos de Cebollas y derivados, S.L. HACCP ASEPTICO-TERMO-LATAS- P14-Anexo II FLOWCHART_Rev.09.pdf 4/19/2023 4/18/2025
HARPC Food Safety Plan (Facility) Manipualdos de Cebollas y derivados, S.L. HACP Manipulados P22 - Food Defense_Rev.02_ENG.pdf 8/26/2022 8/25/2025
Bioterrorism Letter Manipualdos de Cebollas y derivados, S.L. HACP Manipulados P22 - Food Defense_Rev.02_ENG.pdf 6/28/2022 6/27/2024
Food Defense Plan Statement Manipualdos de Cebollas y derivados, S.L. HACP Manipulados P22 - Food Defense_Rev.02_ENG.pdf 6/28/2022 6/27/2024
Letter of Guarantee EBROFROST LOG - CJ FOODS INC. - August 2022.pdf 8/15/2022 8/14/2024
CA Transparency Act Manipualdos de Cebollas y derivados, S.L. Manipulados CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 STATEMENT _ 2024.pdf 5/7/2024 5/7/2026
Kosher Manipualdos de Cebollas y derivados, S.L. Manipulados de Cebollas y Derivados S.L., Maceder, S.L._Star-K_10_30_2024.pdf 10/30/2024 10/31/2025
Lot Code Manipualdos de Cebollas y derivados, S.L. Manipulados Lot Code Explanation.pdf 1/1/2024 12/31/2026
Supplier Questionnaire Manipualdos de Cebollas y derivados, S.L. Manipulados Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 2/7/2024 2/6/2026
Allergen Control Policy Manipualdos de Cebollas y derivados, S.L. Manipulads 2023 Allergens_RED OAK.pdf 9/1/2023 8/31/2025
Mycotoxin Statement Nutrife - NUTRICION FELIZ S.A. DE C.V Mycotoxins Statement.PDF 11/1/2024 11/1/2025
Allergen Control Policy Nutrife - NUTRICION FELIZ S.A. DE C.V Non-GMO 2023-2024.PDF 12/8/2023 12/7/2025
3rd Party Audit Certificate Red Oak Foods, LLC NotApplicable_3rdPartyAuditCertificate.pdf 1/7/2025 1/7/2026
3rd Party Audit Corrective Action Plan Red Oak Foods, LLC NotApplicable_3rdPartyAuditCorrectiveActionPlan.pdf 1/7/2025 1/7/2026
3rd Party Audit Report Red Oak Foods, LLC NotApplicable_3rdPartyAuditReport.pdf 1/7/2025 1/7/2026
Allergen Control Policy Red Oak Foods, LLC NotApplicable_AllergenControlPolicy.pdf 1/7/2025 1/7/2027
Bioterrorism Letter Red Oak Foods, LLC NotApplicable_BioterrorismLetter.pdf 1/7/2025 1/7/2027
FDA Registration Red Oak Foods, LLC NotApplicable_FDARegistration.pdf 1/7/2025 1/7/2026
FDA Registration Manipualdos de Cebollas y derivados, S.L. NotApplicable_FDARegistration.pdf 1/7/2025 1/7/2026
Food Defense Plan Statement Red Oak Foods, LLC NotApplicable_FoodDefensePlanStatement.pdf 1/7/2025 1/7/2027
GFSI Audit Report Red Oak Foods, LLC NotApplicable_GFSIAuditReport.pdf 1/7/2025 1/7/2026
GFSI Certificate Red Oak Foods, LLC NotApplicable_GFSICertificate.pdf 1/7/2025 1/7/2026
GFSI Corrective Action Nutrife - NUTRICION FELIZ S.A. DE C.V NotApplicable_GFSICorrectiveAction.pdf 11/13/2024 11/13/2025
GFSI Corrective Action Red Oak Foods, LLC NotApplicable_GFSICorrectiveAction.pdf 1/7/2025 1/7/2026
GFSI Corrective Action Betrimex NotApplicable_GFSICorrectiveAction.pdf 3/19/2024 3/19/2025
Insurance Manipualdos de Cebollas y derivados, S.L. NotApplicable_Insurance.pdf 1/7/2025 1/7/2026
Item Questionnaire Manipualdos de Cebollas y derivados, S.L. NotApplicable_ItemQuestionnaire.pdf 7/15/2024 7/15/2027
Recall/Emergency/Contact List Red Oak Foods, LLC NotApplicable_RecallEmergencyContactList.pdf 1/7/2025 1/7/2026
Recall Plan Red Oak Foods, LLC NotApplicable_RecallPlan.pdf 1/7/2025 1/7/2026
Supplier Approval Program Statement Red Oak Foods, LLC NotApplicable_SupplierApprovalProgramStatement.pdf 1/7/2025 1/7/2026
Supplier Questionnaire Red Oak Foods, LLC NotApplicable_SupplierQuestionnaire.pdf 1/7/2025 1/7/2027
Sustainability (Level 1) Red Oak Foods, LLC NotApplicable_SustainabilityLevel1.pdf 1/25/2024 1/24/2027
Sustainability (Level 1) - Addendum Manipualdos de Cebollas y derivados, S.L. NotApplicable_SustainabilityLevel1Addendum.pdf 1/7/2025 1/7/2028
Sustainability (Level 2) Red Oak Foods, LLC NotApplicable_SustainabilityLevel2.pdf 1/25/2024 1/24/2027
Sustainability (Level 2) - Addendum Manipualdos de Cebollas y derivados, S.L. NotApplicable_SustainabilityLevel2Addendum.pdf 1/7/2025 1/7/2028
FDA Registration Nutrife - NUTRICION FELIZ S.A. DE C.V Nutrife FDA Number.pdf 1/1/2024 1/1/2026
HACCP Plan (Facility) Nutrife - NUTRICION FELIZ S.A. DE C.V NutriFe HACCP PLAN.pdf 1/7/2024 1/6/2026
Country of Origin Manipualdos de Cebollas y derivados, S.L. Origin declaration_ RED OAK.pdf 8/2/2023 8/1/2026
Consolidated Compliance Statement Nutrife - NUTRICION FELIZ S.A. DE C.V Panos Brands Consiolidated Compliance Statement Template 4-30-24- NUTRICION FELIZ.PDF 7/12/2024 7/12/2026
Food Defense Plan Statement EBROFROST POL011- 11.7 Seperation of function-Foreign Material Control EF.pdf 6/2/2022 6/1/2024
Allergen Control Policy SVZ QAD.DS.002 Allergen Statement V11 2024.pdf 2/7/2024 2/6/2026
Food Defense Plan Statement SVZ QAD.DS.017 Bioterrorism and Food Defense Statement V14.pdf 1/19/2023 1/18/2025
Letter of Guarantee Manipualdos de Cebollas y derivados, S.L. Red Oak Foods - Letter of Continuing Guarantee 2025.pdf 1/6/2025 1/6/2027
Letter of Guarantee Nutrife - NUTRICION FELIZ S.A. DE C.V Red Oak Foods - Letter of Continuing Guarantee 2025.pdf 1/6/2025 1/6/2027
Letter of Guarantee Betrimex Red Oak Foods - Letter of Continuing Guarantee 2025.pdf 1/6/2025 1/6/2027
Letter of Guarantee SVZ Red Oak Foods - Letter of Continuing Guarantee 2025.pdf 1/6/2025 1/6/2027
Letter of Guarantee Red Oak Foods, LLC Red Oak Foods - Letter of Continuing Guarantee 2025.pdf 1/6/2025 1/6/2027
FSMA Foreign Supplier Verification Program (Procedure) Betrimex Red Oak Foods FSMA Compliance 10-19-23.pdf 10/19/2023 10/18/2025
Supplier Approval Program Statement Manipualdos de Cebollas y derivados, S.L. Red Oak Foods FSMA Compliance 10-19-23.pdf 10/19/2023 10/18/2024
FSMA Food Traceability Rule (Procedure) Betrimex Red Oak Foods FSMA Compliance 10-19-23.pdf 10/19/2023 10/18/2025
FSVP Assessment Form Manipualdos de Cebollas y derivados, S.L. Red Oak Foods FSMA Compliance 10-19-23.pdf 10/19/2023 10/18/2024
FSMA Foreign Supplier Verification Program (Procedure) Red Oak Foods, LLC Red Oak Foods FSMA Compliance 10-19-23.pdf 10/19/2023 10/18/2025
Supplier Approval Program Statement Betrimex Red Oak Foods FSMA Compliance 10-19-23.pdf 10/19/2023 10/18/2024
FSMA Food Traceability Rule (Procedure) Red Oak Foods, LLC Red Oak Foods FSMA Compliance 10-19-23.pdf 10/19/2023 10/18/2025
Supplier Approval Program Statement EBROFROST Red Oak Foods FSMA Compliance 10-19-23.pdf 10/19/2023 10/18/2024
FSVP Assessment Form Nutrife - NUTRICION FELIZ S.A. DE C.V Red Oak Foods FSMA Compliance 10-19-23.pdf 10/19/2023 10/18/2024
GFSI Audit Report Betrimex REPORT - BRC- BETRIMEX 2024.pdf 6/13/2024 7/23/2025
Supplier Expectation Manual -V1 Betrimex Signature Page - SQ002_ Supplier Manual & Expectation - Signed.pdf 2/13/2024 2/12/2027
Supplier Expectation Manual -V1 SVZ Signature Page - SQ002_ Supplier Manual & Expectation - Signed.pdf 2/13/2024 2/12/2027
GFSI Certificate Nutrife - NUTRICION FELIZ S.A. DE C.V SQF 2024-2025.pdf 5/19/2024 5/11/2025
3rd Party Audit Certificate Nutrife - NUTRICION FELIZ S.A. DE C.V SQF 2024-2025.pdf 5/19/2024 5/11/2025
GFSI Audit Report Nutrife - NUTRICION FELIZ S.A. DE C.V SQF AUDIT REPORT 2024-2025.pdf 5/20/2024 5/11/2025
Supplier Questionnaire SVZ Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 11/22/2024 11/22/2026
Sustainability (Level 1) Manipualdos de Cebollas y derivados, S.L. Sustainability (Level 1).pdf 3/4/2024 3/4/2027
Sustainability (Level 1) SVZ Sustainability (Level 1).pdf 11/18/2024 11/18/2027
Sustainability (Level 1) Betrimex Sustainability (Level 1).pdf 1/26/2024 1/25/2027
Sustainability (Level 2) Manipualdos de Cebollas y derivados, S.L. Sustainability (Level 2).pdf 3/4/2024 3/4/2027
GFSI Audit Report SVZ SVZ USA BRC Audit Report Expires 07Mar2025.pdf 5/10/2024 3/7/2025
GFSI Certificate SVZ SVZ USA BRC Certificate Expires 07Mar2025.pdf 5/10/2024 3/7/2025
3rd Party Audit Certificate SVZ SVZ USA BRC Certificate Expires 07Mar2025.pdf 5/10/2024 3/7/2025
W-9 Red Oak Foods, LLC W9 Red Oak Foods 2023 (Signed).pdf 2/13/2024 2/12/2027
W-9 Betrimex W9 Red Oak Foods 2023 (Signed).pdf 2/13/2024 2/12/2027
W-9 Nutrife - NUTRICION FELIZ S.A. DE C.V W9 Red Oak Foods 2023 (Signed).pdf 1/1/2024 12/31/2026