Taizhou Huarong Malt Co. LTD

A Supplier of Malt
Location name Address
Taizhou Huarong Malt Co. LTD Express road in front of station, Hailing District Taizhou, JS 123456 CHN
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Annual Pesticide Compliance Taizhou Huarong Malt Co. LTD 20230526法国大麦芽安卫检测报告(Pla)QD-W23051001.pdf 5/27/2023 5/26/2024
Annual Heavy Metal Compliance Taizhou Huarong Malt Co. LTD 20230526法国大麦芽安卫检测报告(Pla)QD-W23051001.pdf 5/27/2023 5/26/2024
Label Taizhou Huarong Malt Co. LTD 6.jpg 12/8/2023 12/7/2026
Label(local language) Taizhou Huarong Malt Co. LTD 6.jpg 12/7/2022 12/7/2023
3rd Party Analysis Report Taizhou Huarong Malt Co. LTD QD-W24050790法国大麦芽(Planet).pdf 10/25/2024 10/24/2025
Heavy Metal Compliance Taizhou Huarong Malt Co. LTD QD-W24111471法国大麦芽(Planet).pdf 11/28/2024 11/27/2025
GMO Free Analysis Report Taizhou Huarong Malt Co. LTD 法麦芽-非转基因检测2024年9月QD-W24090826.pdf 9/10/2024 9/18/2025
Allergen Statement Taizhou Huarong Malt Co. LTD 证明.pdf 6/19/2024 6/18/2027
GFSI (or similar 3rd Party) Food Safety Certification Taizhou Huarong Malt Co. LTD 食品安全管理体系ISO 22000.pdf 4/10/2023 4/9/2024
Food Safety Management System Taizhou Huarong Malt Co. LTD 食品安全管理体系ISO 22000_00.jpg 4/10/2023 4/19/2026