ICOF America Inc.

Supplier of Musim Mas palm oil and palm oil derivatives
Documents Up to Date
Location name Address
ICOF America Inc. 9999 Carver Rd Suite 310 Blue Ash, OH 45242 USA
ICOF/Musim Mas_PT. Wira Inno Mas_Pandang, Indonesia JL. Dumai No. 1, Kawasan Pelabuhan Teluk Bayur Padang, SB Unknown IDN
PT Intibenua Perkasatama Dumai Jalan Laksamana Buluh Kasap, Dumai Timur Dumai, RI 28814 IDN
PT Intibenua Perkasatama Lubuk (through ICOF America) JL. Cut Nyak Dien, Kelurahan Lubuk Gaung Kecamatan Sungai Sembilan, Dumai 28826 IDN
PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) Jalan Oleo, Kawasan Industri Medan II Saentis-Percut Sei Tuan, Deli Serdang-20371 Medan, Medan 20371 IDN
PT Musim Mas_Batam (through ICOF) Jl. Raya Pelabuhan CPO Kabil, Nongsa Batam, Batam 29400 IDN
PT Musim Mas_Belawan (through ICOF) Jl. Sulawesi 2, Ujung Baru Belawan Medan, SU 20241 IDN
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Supplier Questionnaire ICOF (PT Musim Mas)_Odfjell Terminal_Charleston,SC --
Supplier Questionnaire ICOF America Inc. --
Supplier Questionnaire ICOF/Musim Mas_PT. Wira Inno Mas_Pandang, Indonesia --
Supplier Questionnaire PT Intibenua Perkasatama Dumai --
Supplier Questionnaire PT Intibenua Perkasatama Dumai --
Supplier Questionnaire PT Intibenua Perkasatama Lubuk (through ICOF America) --
Sustainability (Level 2) PT Intibenua Perkasatama Lubuk (through ICOF America) --
Supplier Questionnaire PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) --
Sustainability (Level 2) EU/UK PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) --
Supplier Questionnaire PT Musim Mas_Batam (through ICOF) --
Supplier Questionnaire PT Musim Mas_Belawan (through ICOF) --
Letter of Guarantee PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) 026SFQLOD25_Guarantee.pdf 1/20/2025 1/20/2027
Bunge Supplier Quality and Food Safety Manual Genting Musim Mas Refinery Sdn Bdh 1.Bunge Manual v10 signed copy 03.nov.22.pdf 11/3/2022 11/2/2025
Distributor Code of Conduct ICOF America Inc. 1418022 COR Supplier Code vijf talen_EN_V3 (1).pdf 8/7/2024 8/7/2027
Recall/Emergency/Contact List Genting Musim Mas Refinery Sdn Bdh 23 08 24 Product Recall contact list (2).pdf 8/23/2024 8/23/2025
3rd Party Audit (Full Report and Non-Conformity Summary) Genting Musim Mas Refinery Sdn Bdh 26 11 24 MS 1480 2019 HACCP Surveillance Audit Report for Buyer.pdf 11/20/2024 1/19/2026
Ethical Code of Conduct PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) 38. MM Code of Business Conduct - Sep 2015 (2).pdf 2/14/2024 2/13/2026
Allergen Control Policy ICOF (PT Musim Mas)_Odfjell Terminal_Charleston,SC Allergen Control Policy 01.01.2024.pdf 1/1/2024 12/31/2025
Allergen Control Policy PT Intibenua Perkasatama Lubuk (through ICOF America) Allergen Control Policy.pdf 9/12/2018 9/11/2020
Sesame Seed FASTER Act Survey PT Intibenua Perkasatama Dumai B&G Foods Supplier Sesame Survey 2022.pdf 2/28/2023 2/28/2026
Sesame Seed FASTER Act Survey PT Intibenua Perkasatama Lubuk (through ICOF America) B&G Foods Supplier Sesame Survey 2022.pdf 2/28/2023 2/28/2026
Sesame Seed FASTER Act Survey PT Musim Mas_Batam (through ICOF) B&G Foods Supplier Sesame Survey 2022.pdf 2/28/2023 2/28/2026
Sesame Seed FASTER Act Survey PT Musim Mas_Belawan (through ICOF) B&G Foods Supplier Sesame Survey 2022.pdf 2/28/2023 2/28/2026
Supplier Expectations Approval - Food/Dietary PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) Balchem_Human Nutrition, Health Supplier Quality Expectations_KIM II_Signed 11.22.23.pdf 11/22/2023 11/21/2026
3rd Party Audit Corrective Action Plan PT Musim Mas_Batam (through ICOF) Batam - FSSC Audit Summary 05.11.22.pdf 5/9/2022 7/7/2025
B&G Supplier Code of Conduct PT Musim Mas_Belawan (through ICOF) BG_Supplier Code of Conduct.pdf 4/4/2024 4/4/2026
Food Defense Plan Statement PT Musim Mas_Batam (through ICOF) BTM Food Defense and Food Fraud Statement - MMBTM_050224.pdf 2/5/2024 2/4/2026
HARPC Food Safety Plan (Facility) PT Musim Mas_Batam (through ICOF) BTM FSMA Compliance Statement 053121.pdf 5/31/2021 5/30/2024
Supplier Approval Program Statement PT Musim Mas_Batam (through ICOF) BTM_Supplier Approval Policy Statement MM_081223.pdf 12/8/2023 12/7/2024
Bunge Supplier Quality and Food Safety Manual ICOF America Inc. Bunge Supplier and OPS Quality and Food Safety Requirements Manual V10 (1).pdf 2/13/2024 2/12/2027
Bunge Supplier Quality and Food Safety Manual PT Musim Mas_Batam (through ICOF) Bunge Supplier and OPS Quality and Food Safety Requirements Manual V10- MM BTM - signed 10.05.22.pdf 10/5/2022 10/4/2025
Bunge Supplier Quality and Food Safety Manual PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) Bunge Supplier and OPS Quality and Food Safety Requirements Manual V10- signed.pdf 9/12/2024 9/12/2027
Bunge Supplier Quality and Food Safety Manual ICOF/Musim Mas_PT. Wira Inno Mas_Pandang, Indonesia Bunge Supplier and OPS Quality and Food Safety Requirements Manual V10- WIM-signed 10.05.22.pdf 10/5/2022 10/4/2025
Bunge Supplier Quality and Food Safety Manual ICOF (PT Musim Mas)_Odfjell Terminal_Charleston,SC Bunge Supplier and OPS Quality and Food Safety Requirements Manual V10.pdf 1/31/2023 1/30/2026
Bunge Supplier Quality and Food Safety Manual PT Intibenua Perkasatama Lubuk (through ICOF America) Bunge Supplier and OPS Quality and Food Safety Requirements Manual V10-IBP LG-signed 10.05.22.pdf 10/5/2022 10/4/2025
Bunge Supplier Quality and Food Safety Manual PT Musim Mas_Belawan (through ICOF) Bunge Supplier and OPS Quality and Food Safety Requirements Manual V10-MM Belawan -signed 10.05.22.pdf 10/5/2022 10/4/2025
Insurance Genting Musim Mas Refinery Sdn Bdh CI Letter - Genting Plantations -PL.pdf 4/1/2022 3/31/2023
Insurance PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) COI ICOF America exp 02.01.2026.pdf 2/1/2025 1/31/2026
Insurance ICOF America Inc. COI ICOF America exp 02.01.2026.pdf 2/1/2025 2/1/2026
Insurance PT Musim Mas_Batam (through ICOF) COI ICOF America exp 02.01.2026.pdf 2/1/2025 2/1/2026
Insurance ICOF America Inc./PT Sari Dumai Oleo COI ICOF America exp 02.01.2026.pdf 2/1/2025 1/31/2026
Supplier Contact information PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) Corporate Contact Info Form Only Rev 10-17 ICOFA.docx 11/25/2024 11/25/2025
Code of Conduct PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) CQC Code of Conduct - 2022.pdf 12/23/2024 12/23/2025
Recall/Emergency/Contact List PT Intibenua Perkasatama Dumai cr23-1001-Emergency contact number - IBP Dumai.pdf 8/22/2023 8/21/2024
Recall/Emergency/Contact List ICOF/Musim Mas_PT. Wira Inno Mas_Pandang, Indonesia cr24-0760-Emergency Contact Number-WIM 05.17.24.pdf 5/17/2024 5/17/2025
Letter of Guarantee ICOF/Musim Mas_PT. Wira Inno Mas_Pandang, Indonesia cr24-0836-Letter of Guarantee-WIM 05.29.24.pdf 5/29/2024 5/29/2026
Recall/Emergency/Contact List PT Musim Mas_Belawan (through ICOF) cr24-1032-Emergency Contact Number-BLW 07.03.24.pdf 7/3/2024 7/3/2025
Letter of Guarantee PT Musim Mas_Belawan (through ICOF) cr24-1032-LOG-BLW.pdf 7/3/2024 7/3/2026
3rd Party Audit (Full Report and Non-Conformity Summary) ICOF/Musim Mas_PT. Wira Inno Mas_Pandang, Indonesia cr24-1790-template CRM-QS External Audit Report Summary Log _update Sep 2024_HACCP_WIM.pdf 7/3/2024 9/1/2025
Supplier Contact Verification ICOF America Inc. DFA - Supplier Contact Verification Form 2020 11 16b (6).docx 11/11/2023 11/10/2025
CA Transparency Act PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) DL - California Transparency 03.01.23.pdf 3/1/2023 2/28/2025
CA Transparency Act ICOF America Inc. DL - California Transparency Act 03.01.23.pdf 3/1/2023 2/28/2025
CTPAT ICOF America Inc. DL - C-TPAT Compliance 05.23.23.pdf 5/23/2023 5/22/2024
Distributor Letter of Guarantee ICOF America Inc. DL - MASCID 1318 - Continuing Commodity Guarantee.pdf 6/18/2024 6/18/2026
Letter of Guarantee ICOF America Inc. E6000, E6001, E6200, E6300, E7000, E7002, E7300, E8201, E9200, E9201, E9202, E9300, E9301, E9302 - Letter of Guarantee.pdf 1/10/2024 1/9/2026
Recall/Emergency/Contact List PT Intibenua Perkasatama Lubuk (through ICOF America) Emergency Contact Number-IBP LG 08.07.2024.pdf 8/7/2024 8/7/2025
Recall/Emergency/Contact List ICOF (PT Musim Mas)_Odfjell Terminal_Charleston,SC Emergency Contact Phone Numbers 06.17.2024.pdf 6/17/2024 6/17/2025
Recall/Emergency/Contact List ICOF America Inc. Emergency Recall Contact List ICOF America 2025.pdf 12/20/2024 12/20/2025
Distributor Recall Plan ICOF America Inc. Emergency Recall Contact List ICOF America 2025.pdf 12/20/2024 12/20/2026
Environmental Monitoring Program PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) Environmental monitoring program_2023.pdf 10/5/2024 10/5/2025
Environmental Pathogenic Monitoring Program PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) Environmental monitoring program_2023.pdf 1/5/2023 1/4/2025
NDA PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) Fareastco NDA 2024 signed.pdf 2/6/2024 2/6/2027
FDA Registration (FDA Registration Number Required) PT Intibenua Perkasatama Lubuk (through ICOF America) FDA Declaration - IBP LG 12.17.24.pdf 12/17/2024 12/31/2026
FDA Registration (FDA Registration Number Required) PT Musim Mas_Belawan (through ICOF) FDA Declaration - MM Belawan 12.17.24.pdf 12/17/2024 12/31/2026
FDA Registration (FDA Registration Number Required) PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) FDA Declaration - MM KIM II.pdf 12/18/2024 12/31/2026
Bioterrorism Letter PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) FDA Declaration - MM KIM II.pdf 12/18/2024 12/18/2026
FDA Registration PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) FDA Declaration - MM KIM II.pdf 12/18/2024 12/31/2026
Bioterrorism Letter ICOF America Inc. FDA Declaration - MM KIM II.pdf 12/18/2024 12/18/2026
FDA Registration ICOF America Inc. FDA Declaration - MM KIM II.pdf 12/18/2024 12/31/2026
FDA Registration (FDA Registration Number Required) ICOF/Musim Mas_PT. Wira Inno Mas_Pandang, Indonesia FDA Declaration - WIM.pdf 12/17/2024 12/31/2026
FDA Registration PT Musim Mas_Batam (through ICOF) FDA Declaration Letter MMBTM_160125.pdf 1/16/2025 12/31/2026
Bioterrorism Letter PT Musim Mas_Batam (through ICOF) FDA Declaration Letter MMBTM_160125.pdf 1/16/2025 1/16/2027
3rd Party Audit Certificate PT Musim Mas_Batam (through ICOF) FSSC 22000 - PT MM Batam (Valid until 07.07.25) ver5.1.pdf 6/8/2022 7/7/2025
GMP Certificate / Statement PT Musim Mas_Batam (through ICOF) FSSC 22000 - PT MM Batam (Valid until 07.07.25) ver5.1.pdf 6/8/2022 6/7/2025
3rd Party Audit Certificate PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) FSSC 22000 V5.1 PTMM KIM II exp 08.29.2026.pdf 8/29/2023 8/29/2026
GFSI Certificate ICOF America Inc. FSSC 22000 V5.1 PTMM KIM II exp 08.29.2026.pdf 8/30/2023 8/29/2026
GFSI Certificate PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) FSSC 22000 V5.1 PTMM KIM II exp 08.29.2026.pdf 8/29/2023 8/29/2026
GMP Certificate / Statement (Supplier) ICOF America Inc. FSSC 22000 V5.1 PTMM KIM II exp 08.29.2026.pdf 3/3/2024 3/3/2027
GMP Cosmetic PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) FSSC 22000 V5.1 PTMM KIM II exp 08.29.2026.pdf 8/30/2023 8/29/2026
3rd Party Audit Certificate PT Intibenua Perkasatama Lubuk (through ICOF America) FSSC 22000 V6.0 PT IBP LG - 40162112001 (valid 15.12.2027).pdf 12/11/2024 12/15/2027
FDA Registration (FDA Registration Number Required) Genting Musim Mas Refinery Sdn Bdh GMMR FDA renewal 2024-2026.pdf 11/20/2024 12/31/2026
3rd Party Audit Certificate Genting Musim Mas Refinery Sdn Bdh GMMR-HACCP Certificate 17.11.2023 - 16.11.2026-3.pdf 11/17/2023 11/16/2026
HACCP Plan (Facility) ICOF America Inc. HACCP - MCT 08.22.23.pdf 8/22/2023 8/21/2025
3rd Party Audit Certificate ICOF/Musim Mas_PT. Wira Inno Mas_Pandang, Indonesia HACCP MS 1480-2019 PT WIM - H933148 (valid 17.09.2026).pdf 8/14/2023 9/17/2026
W-9 PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) ICOF America 2023 Form W-9.pdf 6/27/2023 6/26/2026
W-9 ICOF America Inc. ICOF America 2023 Form W-9.pdf 2/1/2024 1/31/2027
Distributor Insurance ICOF America Inc. ICOF America COI CERT 02262024 FIPO.pdf 2/1/2024 1/31/2025
FSVP Assessment Form ICOF America Inc. ICOF America FSVP 01.14.22.pdf 1/14/2022 1/14/2025
FSVP Compliance Statement PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) ICOF America FSVP 2023.pdf 2/14/2023 2/14/2025
Foreign Supplier Verification Program ICOF America Inc. ICOF America FSVP 2023.pdf 2/14/2023 2/13/2025
Foreign Supplier Verification Program PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) ICOF America FSVP 2023.pdf 2/14/2023 2/13/2025
RSPO Certificate ICOF America Inc. ICOF America RSPO SCC Certificate_832769_exp_03 July 2029.pdf 6/18/2024 7/3/2029
RSPO Certificate PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) ICOF America RSPO SCC Certificate_832769_exp_03 July 2029.pdf 7/4/2024 7/3/2029
RSPO Certificate PT Musim Mas_Batam (through ICOF) ICOF America RSPO SCC Certificate_832769_exp_03 July 2029.pdf 7/4/2024 7/3/2029
Supplier Approval Program Statement ICOF America Inc. ICOFA supplier approval 2024.pdf 8/13/2024 8/13/2025
Environmental Policy PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) ISO 14001 2015 (exp. 27 May 2027).pdf 5/28/2024 5/28/2025
RC14001 /RCMS ICOF America Inc. ISO 14001 2015 (exp. 27 May 2027).pdf 5/28/2024 5/27/2027
OHSAS 18001 certification PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) ISO 45001_2018 (exp. 27 May 2027).pdf 5/28/2024 5/28/2027
OHSAS 18001 certification (Supplier) ICOF America Inc. ISO 45001_2018 (exp. 27 May 2027).pdf 5/28/2024 5/28/2027
OHSAS 18001 certification PT Musim Mas_Batam (through ICOF) ISO 45K_2934 PT Musim Mas (Batam) (14.10.22-13.10.25).pdf 8/19/2022 8/18/2025
Kalsec Supplier Questionnaire ICOF America Inc. Kalsec Supplier Questionnaire Form V3_1-13-21.docx 7/21/2022 7/20/2024
Kalsec Supplier Questionnaire PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) Kalsec Supplier Questionnaire Form V3_1-13-21.docx 7/31/2024 7/31/2026
Allergen Control Policy ICOF America Inc. KIM II - Allergen Policy.pdf 1/31/2023 1/30/2025
Recall/Emergency/Contact List PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) KIM II - Emergency Contact List (SFD) 01.21.2025.pdf 1/21/2025 1/21/2026
FSMA Compliance Statement PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) KIM II - FSMA 07.19.22.pdf 7/19/2022 7/19/2025
Recall Plan PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) KIM II - Recall Plan 08.22.2023.pdf 8/21/2024 8/21/2025
Recall Plan ICOF America Inc. KIM II - Recall Plan 08.22.2023.pdf 8/22/2024 8/22/2025
Letter of Guarantee Genting Musim Mas Refinery Sdn Bdh Letter of Continuing Guarantee v1 09.01.23.pdf 9/1/2023 8/31/2025
Lot Code Guide Information PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) Lot code SAE 11.07.2022.pdf 11/7/2022 11/6/2025
Lot Code Description PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) Lot code SAE 11.07.2022.pdf 11/7/2022 11/6/2025
Lot Code Genting Musim Mas Refinery Sdn Bdh Lot Code Statement - 3 pages - 08.05.24.pdf 8/5/2024 8/5/2027
Lot Code ICOF (PT Musim Mas)_Odfjell Terminal_Charleston,SC Lot code statement ICOFA bulk product 02.15.23.pdf 2/15/2023 2/14/2026
Lot Code PT Musim Mas_Belawan (through ICOF) Lot code statement ICOFA bulk product 02.15.23.pdf 2/15/2023 2/14/2026
Lot Code ICOF America Inc. Lot code statement ICOFA bulk product 2024.pdf 1/31/2024 1/30/2027
Lot Code PT Musim Mas_Batam (through ICOF) Lot code statement ICOFA bulk product 2024.pdf 1/31/2024 1/30/2027
Lot Code PT Intibenua Perkasatama Lubuk (through ICOF America) Lot code statement ICOFA bulk product 2024.pdf 1/31/2024 1/30/2027
Verification Food Grade Packaging PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) MASCID - Food Contact Conformity (Steel Drum) 06.14.24.pdf 6/14/2024 6/14/2026
DFA Letter of Guarantee ICOF America Inc. MASEMUL - Letter of Guarantee.pdf 1/5/2024 1/4/2026
DFA Letter of Guarantee PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) MASEMUL - Letter of Guarantee.pdf 1/5/2024 1/4/2026
Guarantee letter ICOF America Inc. MASEMUL - Letter of Guarantee.pdf 1/5/2025 1/5/2026
WADA/NSF/NFL Statement PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) MASEMUL_MASESTER_MASBLEN-WADA_standard_2024.pdf 1/5/2024 1/4/2026
PFAS/PFOS and PFAS/PFOS Derivative Free Statement PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) Masester Masemul Masblen contaminants 01.18.23.pdf 1/18/2023 1/18/2024
Ethical Code of Conduct PT Musim Mas_Batam (through ICOF) MMG - Code of Business Conduct.pdf 11/3/2023 11/2/2025
Ethical Code of Conduct ICOF America Inc. MMH - Code of Business Conduct 12.20.24.pdf 12/20/2024 12/20/2026
Sustainability Policy PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) Musim-Mas-Sustainability-Policy-2020-2025.pdf 8/7/2024 8/7/2026
Sustainability Program PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) Musim-Mas-Sustainability-Policy-2020-2025.pdf 11/5/2024 11/5/2025
Environmental Policy ICOF America Inc. Musim-Mas-Sustainability-Policy-2020-2025.pdf 11/21/2024 11/21/2025
3rd Party Audit Certificate ICOF America Inc. NotApplicable_3rdPartyAuditCertificate.pdf 8/12/2024 8/12/2025
3rd Party Audit Corrective Action Plan PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) NotApplicable_3rdPartyAuditCorrectiveActionPlan.pdf 2/14/2025 2/14/2026
Allergen Control Policy PT Musim Mas_Belawan (through ICOF) NotApplicable_AllergenControlPolicy.pdf 6/13/2018 6/12/2020
cGMP PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) NotApplicable_cGMP.pdf 8/12/2024 8/12/2025
CTPAT PT Intibenua Perkasatama Lubuk (through ICOF America) NotApplicable_CTPAT.pdf 8/30/2018 8/30/2019
Distributor FDA Registration ICOF America Inc. NotApplicable_DistributorFDARegistration.pdf 1/15/2025 1/15/2027
Diversity Letter PT Musim Mas_Batam (through ICOF) NotApplicable_DiversityLetter.pdf 4/3/2023 4/3/2024
Diversity Letter PT Intibenua Perkasatama Lubuk (through ICOF America) NotApplicable_DiversityLetter.pdf 4/3/2023 4/3/2024
Diversity Letter PT Intibenua Perkasatama Dumai NotApplicable_DiversityLetter.pdf 4/3/2023 4/3/2024
Food Defense Plan Statement ICOF America Inc. NotApplicable_FoodDefensePlanStatement.pdf 8/12/2024 8/12/2026
GFSI Corrective Action PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) NotApplicable_GFSICorrectiveAction.pdf 2/14/2025 2/14/2026
HACCP Plan (Facility) PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) NotApplicable_HACCPPlanFacility.pdf 8/12/2024 8/12/2026
HARPC Food Safety Plan (Facility) PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) NotApplicable_HARPCFoodSafetyPlanFacility.pdf 2/13/2024 2/12/2027
Lot Code PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) NotApplicable_LotCode.pdf 9/17/2024 9/17/2027
Organizational Chart PT Musim Mas_Batam (through ICOF) NotApplicable_OrganizationalChart.pdf 2/23/2024 2/23/2025
Organizational Chart PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) NotApplicable_OrganizationalChart.pdf 2/14/2025 2/14/2026
RSPO Certificate ICOF America Inc./PT Sari Dumai Oleo NotApplicable_RSPOCertificate.pdf 2/20/2025 2/20/2026
Sanitary Transport Program PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) NotApplicable_SanitaryTransportProgram.pdf 11/21/2024 11/21/2025
Sanitary Transport Program ICOF America Inc. NotApplicable_SanitaryTransportProgram.pdf 11/21/2024 11/21/2025
Ukraine Crisis Statement PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) NotApplicable_UkraineCrisisStatement.pdf 5/18/2023 5/17/2026
3rd Party Audit Certificate ICOF (PT Musim Mas)_Odfjell Terminal_Charleston,SC Odfjell Terminals (North Charleston, SC) BRC Certiifcate.pdf 12/26/2024 1/24/2026
3rd Party Audit (Full Report and Non-Conformity Summary) ICOF (PT Musim Mas)_Odfjell Terminal_Charleston,SC Odfjell-Charleston-FINAL REPORT BRC S&D12.12.2023.pdf 12/12/2023 2/9/2025
FDA Registration ICOF (PT Musim Mas)_Odfjell Terminal_Charleston,SC OTC FDA FFR 2025-2026.pdf 12/16/2024 12/31/2026
HACCP Plan (Facility) ICOF (PT Musim Mas)_Odfjell Terminal_Charleston,SC OTC FSP Updated Nov 20 2023.pdf 11/20/2023 11/19/2025
Kosher (Custom) ICOF (PT Musim Mas)_Odfjell Terminal_Charleston,SC OTC Kosher Cert exp 08.31.2024.pdf 8/23/2023 8/31/2024
Kosher (Storage Tanks) ICOF (PT Musim Mas)_Odfjell Terminal_Charleston,SC OTC OU - Kosher Cert exp 08.31.25.pdf 8/19/2024 8/31/2025
Kosher (Railcars) ICOF America Inc. OTC OU Kosher Cert Railcar Fleet (exp 1-31-2026).pdf 2/14/2025 1/31/2026
Pest Management Program ICOF (PT Musim Mas)_Odfjell Terminal_Charleston,SC OTC SOP 6.6.1 Pest Control 2024 rev.10.05.2024.pdf 10/5/2024 10/5/2026
PCQI Certificate PT Musim Mas_Batam (through ICOF) PCQI - Batam.pdf 4/4/2024 4/4/2027
PCQI Certificate PT Musim Mas_Belawan (through ICOF) PCQI - Belawan.pdf 4/4/2024 4/4/2027
PCQI Certificate PT Intibenua Perkasatama Dumai PCQI - IBP Dumai.pdf 4/4/2024 4/4/2027
PCQI Certificate PT Intibenua Perkasatama Lubuk (through ICOF America) PCQI - IBP LG.pdf 4/4/2024 4/4/2027
HACCP Plan (Facility) PT Intibenua Perkasatama Lubuk (through ICOF America) Process Flow Diagram and HACCP Plan.pdf 9/12/2018 9/11/2020
Insurance ICOF (PT Musim Mas)_Odfjell Terminal_Charleston,SC Product liability insurance certificae AZCI230223 - ICOF America 2023.pdf 1/31/2023 1/31/2024
Insurance PT Musim Mas_Belawan (through ICOF) Product liability insurance certificae AZCI230223 - ICOF America 2023.pdf 2/1/2023 1/31/2024
Insurance PT Intibenua Perkasatama Dumai Product liability insurance certificae AZCI230223 - ICOF America 2023.pdf 2/1/2023 1/31/2024
Insurance PT Intibenua Perkasatama Lubuk (through ICOF America) Product liability insurance certificae AZCI230223 - ICOF America 2023.pdf 2/1/2023 1/31/2024
3rd Party Audit Report PT Musim Mas_Belawan (through ICOF) PT MM BLW - External Audit Report Summary 2024 09.19.24.pdf 9/19/2024 9/19/2025
3rd Party Audit (Full Report and Non-Conformity Summary) PT Musim Mas_Belawan (through ICOF) PT MM BLW - External Audit Report Summary 2024 09.19.24.pdf 2/27/2025 4/28/2026
Allergen Control Policy PT Musim Mas_Batam (through ICOF) PT MM BTM - Allergen Control Policy 11.22.2024.pdf 11/22/2024 11/22/2026
CA Transparency Act PT Musim Mas_Batam (through ICOF) PT MM BTM - California Transparency Statement 11.06.23.pdf 11/6/2023 11/5/2025
CTPAT PT Musim Mas_Batam (through ICOF) PT MM BTM - CTPAT 07.04.24.pdf 7/4/2024 7/4/2025
FDA Registration (FDA Registration Number Required) PT Musim Mas_Batam (through ICOF) PT MM BTM - FDA biennial site registration 01.16.2025.pdf 1/16/2025 12/31/2026
3rd Party Audit Report PT Musim Mas_Batam (through ICOF) PT MM BTM - FSSC External Audit Report Summary 08.20.2024.pdf 8/20/2024 8/20/2025
3rd Party Audit (Full Report and Non-Conformity Summary) PT Musim Mas_Batam (through ICOF) PT MM BTM - FSSC External Audit Report Summary 08.20.2024.pdf 6/3/2024 8/2/2025
GFSI Audit Report PT Musim Mas_Batam (through ICOF) PT MM BTM - FSSC External Audit Report Summary 08.20.2024.pdf 8/20/2024 8/20/2025
Allergen Control Policy PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) PT MM KIM II - Allergen Policy 01.13.25.pdf 2/20/2025 2/20/2027
CTPAT PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) PT MM KIM II - CTPAT 07.04.24.pdf 7/4/2024 7/4/2025
Food Defense Plan Statement PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) PT MM KIM II - Food Defence and Food Fraud 02.02.24.pdf 2/2/2024 2/1/2026
Food Fraud Mitigation PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) PT MM KIM II - Food Defence and Food Fraud 02.02.24.pdf 2/2/2024 2/1/2026
FSMA Compliance PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) PT MM KIM II - FSMA Compliance 02.16.24.pdf 2/16/2024 2/15/2027
3rd Party Audit Report PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) PT MM KIM II - FSSC 22000 Summary report 2024 (Site A).pdf 4/24/2024 4/24/2025
3rd Party Audit Report ICOF America Inc. PT MM KIM II - FSSC 22000 Summary report 2024 (Site A).pdf 4/22/2024 8/1/2025
3rd Party Audit (Full Report and Non-Conformity Summary) PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) PT MM KIM II - FSSC 22000 Summary report 2024 (Site A).pdf 4/22/2024 6/21/2025
GFSI Audit Report PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) PT MM KIM II - FSSC 22000 Summary report 2024 (Site A).pdf 4/24/2024 4/24/2025
Master Document Registry PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) PT MM KIM II - SOP Index 07.09.2024.pdf 7/9/2024 7/9/2025
Supplier Approval Program Statement PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) PT MM KIM II - Supplier Approval Program 08.22.23.pdf 8/22/2024 8/22/2025
3rd Party Audit Certificate PT Musim Mas_Belawan (through ICOF) PT. MM BLW - FSSC 22000 exp 02.01.2025.pdf 10/8/2021 2/1/2025
Environmental Policy PT Musim Mas_Batam (through ICOF) PT. MM BTM - ISO 14001 2015.pdf 3/1/2024 3/1/2025
Laboratory accredidation PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) PT. MM KIM II - ISO 17025.pdf 10/5/2020 9/4/2025
Change Control Procedures PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) PT. MM KIM II - Notification Change 01.17.22.pdf 1/17/2022 1/16/2025
PUR-SEM-9000 Supplier Expectation Manual PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) PUR-SEM-9000 Raw Material SupExp Manual_Signed.pdf 3/6/2024 3/6/2027
Bioterrorism Letter PT Musim Mas_Belawan (through ICOF) QS - US FDA Bioterrorism Registration.pdf 3/27/2018 3/27/2019
Letter of Guarantee PT Intibenua Perkasatama Lubuk (through ICOF America) RBDPO, RBDPOL, RBDPS, RBDPKS - Letter of Guarantee.pdf 5/17/2024 5/17/2026
Letter of Guarantee PT Musim Mas_Batam (through ICOF) RBDPO, RBDPS- Letter of Guanranteed_BTM 07.09.24.pdf 7/9/2024 7/9/2026
HARPC Food Safety Plan (Facility) PT Musim Mas_Belawan (through ICOF) RBDST - HACCP Summary.pdf 11/14/2020 11/14/2023
Recall/Emergency/Contact List PT Musim Mas_Batam (through ICOF) Recall Emergency Contact List MMBTM_210125.pdf 1/21/2025 1/21/2026
Recall Plan PT Musim Mas_Batam (through ICOF) Recall Plan - MMBTM_250523.pdf 5/25/2023 5/24/2024
Supplier Contact Verification PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) SCS - Supplier Contact Verification Form 5.23.docx 3/1/2024 3/1/2026
Sensient Supplier Code of Conduct PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) Sensient Supplier Code of Conduct (Oct 2021) (1).pdf 6/21/2023 6/20/2026
Recall Plan ICOF (PT Musim Mas)_Odfjell Terminal_Charleston,SC SOP 3.6.1 Traceability and Recall 08.21.24.pdf 8/21/2024 8/21/2025
Traceability Program ICOF (PT Musim Mas)_Odfjell Terminal_Charleston,SC SOP 3.6.1 Traceability and Recall 09.06.23.pdf 9/6/2023 9/5/2025
Food Defense Plan Statement ICOF (PT Musim Mas)_Odfjell Terminal_Charleston,SC SOP 4.2.1 Site Security and Product Defense 09.06.23.pdf 9/6/2023 9/5/2025
FDA Registration PT Musim Mas_Belawan (through ICOF) Statement of FDA registration.pdf 5/30/2017 5/30/2019
Supplier Approval Program Statement PT Intibenua Perkasatama Lubuk (through ICOF America) Supplier Approval Program.pdf 9/12/2018 9/12/2019
Sensient Supplier Code of Conduct ICOF America Inc. Supplier Code of Conduct 2024-ICOF America.pdf 12/27/2024 12/27/2027
Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum PT Musim Mas_Belawan (through ICOF) Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum.pdf 7/19/2022 7/18/2024
Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum ICOF America Inc. Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum.pdf 10/6/2022 10/5/2024
Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum ICOF (PT Musim Mas)_Odfjell Terminal_Charleston,SC Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum.pdf 10/6/2022 10/5/2024
Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum Genting Musim Mas Refinery Sdn Bdh Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum.pdf 8/23/2023 8/22/2025
Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum ICOF/Musim Mas_PT. Wira Inno Mas_Pandang, Indonesia Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum.pdf 5/21/2024 5/21/2026
Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum PT Intibenua Perkasatama Dumai Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum.pdf 7/5/2024 7/5/2026
Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum PT Musim Mas_Batam (through ICOF) Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum.pdf 7/9/2024 7/9/2026
Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum PT Musim Mas_Belawan (through ICOF) Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum.pdf 8/12/2024 8/12/2026
Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum ICOF (PT Musim Mas)_Odfjell Terminal_Charleston,SC Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum.pdf 10/22/2024 10/22/2026
Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum ICOF America Inc. Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum.pdf 10/22/2024 10/22/2026
Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum.pdf 2/14/2025 2/14/2027
Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum PT Intibenua Perkasatama Lubuk (through ICOF America) Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum.pdf 2/26/2025 2/26/2027
Supplier Questionnaire EU/UK PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) Supplier Questionnaire EU/UK.pdf 2/14/2024 2/13/2026
Supplier Questionnaire ICOF America Inc. Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 6/5/2023 6/4/2025
Supplier Questionnaire Genting Musim Mas Refinery Sdn Bdh Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 8/4/2023 8/3/2025
Supplier Questionnaire ICOF/Musim Mas_PT. Wira Inno Mas_Pandang, Indonesia Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 3/5/2024 3/5/2026
Supplier Questionnaire PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 3/5/2024 3/5/2026
Supplier Questionnaire PT Musim Mas_Belawan (through ICOF) Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 7/2/2024 7/2/2026
Supplier Questionnaire ICOF (PT Musim Mas)_Odfjell Terminal_Charleston,SC Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 9/5/2024 9/5/2026
Supplier Questionnaire PT Intibenua Perkasatama Dumai Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 10/2/2024 10/2/2026
Supplier Questionnaire PT Intibenua Perkasatama Lubuk (through ICOF America) Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 10/22/2024 10/22/2026
Supplier Questionnaire PT Musim Mas_Batam (through ICOF) Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 1/21/2025 1/21/2027
B&G Supplier Code of Conduct PT Intibenua Perkasatama Dumai Supplier-Code-of-Conduct B&G.pdf 8/5/2024 8/5/2027
B&G Supplier Code of Conduct PT Intibenua Perkasatama Lubuk (through ICOF America) Supplier-Code-of-Conduct B&G.pdf 8/5/2024 8/5/2027
B&G Supplier Code of Conduct PT Musim Mas_Batam (through ICOF) Supplier-Code-of-Conduct B&G.pdf 8/5/2024 8/5/2027
Sustainability (Level 1) EU/UK PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) Sustainability (Level 1) EU/UK.pdf 2/14/2024 2/13/2027
Sustainability (Level 1) PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) Sustainability (Level 1).pdf 9/8/2022 9/7/2025
Sustainability (Level 1) ICOF America Inc. Sustainability (Level 1).pdf 9/8/2022 9/7/2025
Sustainability (Level 1) PT Musim Mas_Batam (through ICOF) Sustainability (Level 1).pdf 8/21/2023 8/20/2026
Sustainability (Level 2) PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) Sustainability (Level 2).pdf 2/15/2023 2/14/2026
Sustainability (Level 2) Genting Musim Mas Refinery Sdn Bdh Sustainability (Level 2).pdf 7/30/2021 7/29/2024
Sustainability (Level 2) PT Musim Mas_Batam (through ICOF) Sustainability (Level 2).pdf 2/15/2023 2/14/2026
Sustainability (Level 2) PT Musim Mas_Belawan (through ICOF) Sustainability (Level 2).pdf 8/19/2021 8/18/2024
Sustainability (Level 2) ICOF America Inc. Sustainability (Level 2).pdf 11/6/2023 11/5/2026
Supplier Expectations and Requirements 10.1.1 ICOF America Inc. TAKUS_Ingredients and Packaging Materials - Provider Requirements_E6000, E7000_KIM II.pdf 7/29/2022 7/28/2025
3rd Party Audit Report PT Intibenua Perkasatama Dumai template CRM-QS External Audit Report Summary Log _update Aug 2023_HACCP IBP Dumai.pdf 8/22/2023 8/22/2024
3rd Party Audit (Full Report and Non-Conformity Summary) PT Intibenua Perkasatama Lubuk (through ICOF America) template CRM-QS External Audit Report Summary Log _update Nov 2024_FSSC 22000_IBP LG.pdf 10/28/2024 12/27/2025
Contact Form ICOF/Musim Mas_PT. Wira Inno Mas_Pandang, Indonesia TraceGains Contact Information Verification Document 14 LOCKED FOR TG Supplier Info 05.16.24.docx 5/16/2024 5/16/2025
Contact Form PT Musim Mas_Batam (through ICOF) TraceGains Contact Information Verification Document 14 LOCKED FOR TG Supplier Info 07.02.24.docx 7/2/2024 7/2/2025
Contact Form Genting Musim Mas Refinery Sdn Bdh TraceGains Contact Information Verification Document 14 LOCKED FOR TG Supplier Info 08.19.24.docx 8/19/2024 8/19/2025
Contact Form PT Musim Mas_Belawan (through ICOF) TraceGains Contact Information Verification Document 14 LOCKED FOR TG Supplier Info BLW.docx 2/26/2025 2/26/2026
Contact Form PT Intibenua Perkasatama Lubuk (through ICOF America) TraceGains Contact Information Verification Document 14 LOCKED FOR TG Supplier Info IBP LG.docx 2/26/2025 2/26/2026
Contact Form PT Musim Mas KIM II Medan (through ICOF) TraceGains Contact Information Verification Document 14 LOCKED FOR TG Supplier Info ICOF.docx 8/12/2024 8/12/2025
Contact Form ICOF (PT Musim Mas)_Odfjell Terminal_Charleston,SC TraceGains Contact Information Verification Document 14 LOCKED FOR TG Supplier Info OTC.docx 2/26/2025 2/26/2026
Contact Form ICOF America Inc. TraceGains Contact Information Verification Document 14 LOCKED FOR TG Supplier Info.docx 2/14/2025 2/14/2026